Belegarth Peerage Lineages

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(Redirected from Knights lineage)

This is the database that keeps the history of the Lineages of Peers within Belegarth. The intent of the page name change was that the page could grow to include Guild Masters, Warmaster, Knights, Dragoons, and all other Peerages should they be created and should they wish to be included. At this time, the Monster Peers wish to keep their information separate. If you are looking for that information, you can find it here: Monster Titles

This page is organized by lineage and not necessarily by realm. We suspect that some of the lineages go back to Dagorhirian days. If anybody has any additional information or corrections, please contact Dragoon Antoinette at so they may be added.

See also: Women of Peerage, Nonbinary of Peerage, POC of Peerage, Squires and Apprentices

Peerage Meeting Photo taken at Chaos Wars 21 Photo Credit Unknown


King Arion Rightful King of Middle Earth

  • Sir Beowulf the Dreamer AKA Sir Geoffrey of the Hillside (b.1985-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Alberich (b.1991-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kegg (b.1994-Numenor)
        • Sir Angmarth (b.2000-Numenor)
          • Sir Carneohthan (b.2001-Arnor)
          • Sir Daemarth (b.2002-Arnor)(Resigned)
          • Sir Fion (b.2006-Arnor)
            • Sir Reho
          • Sir Griffith
          • Sir Kageshiro
          • Sir Sir Gareth (b.2010-Arnor)
          • Sir Fenris (b.2010-Arnor)
        • Sir Artemis (b.1998-Numenor)
        • Sir Baldric (b.1996-Numenor)
        • Sir Martin Longbow (b.1997-Numenor)
        • Sir Tybald (b.1998-Numenor)
          • Sir Darklax (b.2001-Numenor)
          • Sir Argoth (b.2003-Numenor)
            • Sir Fittle (b.2007-Numenor)
            • Sir Swerve (b.2023-Numenor)
          • Sir Galin (b.2005-Numenor)
            • Sir Piper (b.2008-Numenor)
              • Sir Rukus (b.2013-Numenor)
                • Sir Rigtah (b.2018-Dur-Demarion)
              • Sir Guts (b.2017-Slums of Shaolin)
                • Sir Roland Demox (b.2023-Slums of Shaolin)
            • Sir Klawz (b.2009-Numenor)
              • Sir Sarif (b.2013-Numenor)
            • Sir Torrence(b.2013-Numenor)
          • Sir Borric (b.2006-Numenor)
            • Sir Chimera (b.2012-Muxlovia)
            • Sir Uargvak Hellhammer (b.2016-Morva)
              • Sir Xarl the Voidgazer (b.2022-Morva)
            • Sir Talion Dyralson (b.2019)
        • Sir Brutus(b.2002-Numenor)(Resigned)
        • Sir Jikanta (b.2002-Numenor)
          • Sir Murdock the Mad
            • Sir Calarn the Black (b.2009-Tir Asleen)
              • Sir Bowen (b.2012-No Realm)
                • Sir Bismark (b.2015-Uberwald)
              • Sir Xipher (b.2010-Tir Asleen)
              • Sir Kita of Dark Guard (bper. Ocktoberfest 2022)
              • Paladin Caelidh (b.2018-Grond)
            • Sir Kaiu (b.2015-Dunharrow)
          • Syr Talon (b. 2022-Dur-Demarion)
        • Sir V'Hil (b.2003-Numenor)
        • Sir Soth (b.2004-Numenor)
        • Sir Gradamere (b.2005-Numenor)
          • Sir Meno (b.2009-Numenor)
        • Sir Diego (b.2006-Numenor)
        • Sir Cyric (b.2008-Numenor)
          • Sir Orso Titus Magnus (b.2015-Numenor), Co-Squire to Sir Kenneth
          • Sir Takus (b.2017-Numenor)
        • Sir Angelus (b.2011-Numenor) (resigned)
      • Sir Drizz't
      • Sir Grishnac
        • Sir Osmond (b.1997-Numenor)
      • Sir Jacques Deathblade
      • Sir Kalvik
      • Sir Zaknafien (b.1994-Numenor)
        • Sir Arioch (b.2000-Numenor)(resigned)
        • Sir Khanda (b.1999-Numenor)
      • Sir Kilian of Numenor
      • Sir Kyrian (b.1994-Numenor)
        • Sir Melannen (b.2014-Dunharow)
      • Sir Nalfien
        • Sir Jarlaxyl (b.1997-Numenor)
      • Sir Racter (Deceased)
      • Sir Sparrowhawk
      • Sir Spikes
        • Sir Thorin (b.2000-Numenor)
          • Sir Hurin (b.2013-Numenor)
            • Dame Volpin Rusc Ruin (b.2014-Numenor)
              • Sir Bogun (b.2017-Norcalia)
              • Dame Annika Calmindon (b. 2023-Numenor)
            • Sir Bel the Devoted (b.2016-Albion)
              • Sir Daemon the Steadfast (b. Winter War 2022)
            • Sir Shroud Huan (b.2017-Numenor)
      • Sir Treethump (Numenor)
        • Sir Kenneth (b.2006-Numenor)
        • Sir Glass (b.2015-Numenor)
        • Sir Himmel Huan (b.2016-Numenor)
          • Sir Beak (b.2022-Numenor)
      • Sir Misti (b.2023-Numenor)
      • Dame Kharylle (b.2023 - Numenor)
    • Sir Arion Windwalker (b.1985-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Gimli (b.1985-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Hepzeth (b.1985-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Sigurd (b.1989-Middle Earth)
          • Sir Morgan Talon II (b.1985-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Dragonbane (b.1985-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Randalll Wainwright III (b.1986-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Crom (b.1995-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Gamalon Pendragon aka White Tiger (b.1991-Middle Earth)
      • Sir William Pendragon (b.1993-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Thanos Dur Terrakhan (b.1993-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Tasis Roundedeau (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
        • Sir Dormin (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
        • Sir Cedric Winterbourne (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Stalin (b.1996-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Malcovian (b.1999-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Dragoon Sir Locutus (b.2000-Highlands of Chaos, Knight by Dragoon Ralimar in Sir Malcovian's Steed)
          • Dragoon Ralimar (b.1999-Start of Dragoon Line)
            • Dragoon Dopp (b.2003-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Itan (b.2005-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Sare (b.2018-Pyke)
              • Dragoon Antoinette (b.2024 -Thunder Guard)
            • Dragoon Plithut (b.2010-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Shino (b.2013-Babylon)
                • Dragoon Slate (b.2016-Babylon)
            • Dragoon Elerosse (b.2010-Pyke)
            • Dragoon Orren (b.2010-)
            • Dragoon Aphex (b.2010-Babylon)
              • Dragoon Kurgan (b.2013-Babylon)
            • Dame Phoenix (b.2020-Ered Duath)
          • Sir Turin Adlerik (b.1996-Ered Duath)
            • Sir Bowen (b.2000-Ered Duath)
            • Sir Andrek (b.2004-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Phira (b.2013-Mountain Mercs)
                • Sir Oroku Norinaga (b.2015-Stygia)
                  • Sir Tethian Al Lusida (b.2019-Stygia)
            • Sir Elkar aka Koldar (b.1997-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Luke aka Malkor the Ironfist (b.2017-Nethalios)
              • Sir Corr Pendragon (b.2024-Nethalios)
            • Sir Willian MacGregot (b.2002-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Sasquatch (b.2006-I Anga Emyn)
            • Sir Juggernaut (b.2018-Grey Haven)
              • Sir Runa (b.2023-Saracor)
              • Dame Freyja (b.2023-Saracor)
          • Sir Kaegan (b.2004-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Rem (b.2016-Rath)
          • Sir Spriggot (b.2005-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Necronos (b.2008-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Kage (b.2014-Ebonhold)
            • Sir Alom (b.2017-Ered Duath)
          • Sir Airia (b.2016-Rath)
        • Sir Wharghoul (b.2006-Highland of Chaos)(Retired)
          • Sir Karion (b.2010-Highlands-Removed)
          • Sir Leaf Autumnsonge (b.2011-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Zuloo (b.2016-Stygia/Numenor)
            • Sir Acrid the Scarecrow (b.2017-Barad'Dun)
              • Sir Kelik (b.2023-Babylon)
        • Sir Par Mertyns, Lord of Mistwood (b.2008-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Rahvin (b.2012-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Anastasia (b.2013-Western Flame Anduril) (Heroically by Sir Par)
            • Sir Torix the Lightbringer (b.2017-Saracor)
              • Sir Karps (b.2022 -Anduril)
            • Sir House (b.2019-Western Flame Anduril)
            • Sir Sita Avaaraa the Fierce, Master Artificer (b. 2020 - Western Flame Anduril)
            • Sir Galaxy the Benevolent of Barad'Dun (b.2022 -Barradun)
          • Sir Cheeseheart (b.2014-Western Flame Stronghold)
            • Sir Kael Prime (b.2017-Western Flame Sunspear)
              • Sir Ra Carnifex (b.2018-Sunspear)
                • Sir Igua the Ardant (b.2023-Korriban)
          • Sir Shato (b.2015-Western Flame Norcalia)
            • Zayl the Red (b.2019)
          • Sir Dickie (b.2016-Stygia)
          • Saint Sir Ostrida the Scholar (b.2018-Rath)
          • Sir Skald the Resonate (b.2024-Shannara)
      • Sir Red Wolf (b.1993-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Michael of the Halflands (b.1994-Middle Earth)
          • Sir Percival (b.1999-Ered Duath)
            • Sir Julian Lunnan (b.2006-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Diomedies (b.2007-Ered Duath)
                • Sir Horati (b.2014-Frost Hills)
                • Sir Azreal (b.2015-Babylon)
                • Ser Shirl Ravenlocke (b.2015-Rath)
                  • Saint Sir Ostrida the Scholar (b.2018-Rath)
                • Sir Thumbs (b.2018-Stygia)
                  • Ser Eui Faun the Destroyer (b.2024)
    • Sir Gheldar Blackthorn (b.1989-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Boudicca (b.1999-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Damon Starblade (b.1999-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Wolgfar (b.2000-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kaigar Vegulfr Lodbroksonr (b.2012-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Galashath HarArato (b.2015-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Durnaur ThoronMegil (b.2014-Middle Earth)
        • Dame Black Betty (b.2017-Beornve) (Heroic Knighting)
          • Sir Geezer (b.2023-Sanctuary at Terran River)
        • Dame Idril Frostfoot (b.2018-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Sahnz (b.2018-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Gayne (b.2000-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Valen Blackthorn (b.2024-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Griffon (b.198?-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Deitrich (b.198?-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Storm Kirin (b.1995-Middle Earth)
    • Sir LaSalle (b.1995-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Pathfinder (b.1994-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kyrik McJaggar (b.2005 Middle Earth)
        • Sir Istlyn Kenlyl (b.2012-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Donavan (b.2001-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Shatterhaze Derpanzer Alaireotter (b.2004-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kolton (b.2004-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Kaldar Gamalon(b.1991-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Rylan D'Sartek (b.1998-Middle Earth) (Stripped)
    • Sir Vilhelm (b.1991-Middle Earth)


  • Sir Ecthroi
    • Sir Freyson (b.1997-Avalon)
      • Sir Bazil (b.2003)
    • Sir Galin (b.1996)
      • Sir Zentru (b.1998)
        • Sir Karnac (b.1997)
          • Sir Roake (b.2001-Avalon)
      • Sir Kirin
  • Sir Winfang (b.1999)
    • Sir Chance (b.2002)
      • Sir Thorn (b.2007)
        • Sir Forrest (b.2010)
          • Sir Kolten (b.2015)
          • Sir Slab (b.2022)
        • Sir Drephan (b.2019)
      • Sir Misti (b.2005)
        • Sir Luthien (b.2011)
          • Sir Cidion (b.2014-Dunharrow)
          • Sir Zeke the Lighthearted (b.2017)
      • Sir Mefit (b.2014-Dur-Demarion)
    • Sir Tinman (b.2005)
      • Sir Mick of Avalon (b.2011)
        • Sir Collister (b.2018)
        • Sir Kobe (b.2020)


  • Big Badger (b.1991)
  • Sir Ivan Darkspeare (b.1994)
    • Sir Satanaka (b.1998) (Revoked 2016)
      • Sir Lotek (b.199?) (Revoked 2015)
      • Sir Viper (b.1999)
        • Sir Elebrim (b.2015)
        • Sir Sixxious Eleron Draggoth (b.2016)
      • Sir Ticam (b.2001)
        • Sir Zwolf (b.2009)
      • Sir Elendiel (b.2007)
  • Inquisitor, Girvin Mac Gannon. (b.2002)
  • Sir Mefit (b.2014-Dur-Demarion)
    • Sir Shinji (b.2022)
    • Sir Tandaar (b.2023)
    • Syr Arshank Dykhana, the Witch of Dur-Demarion (b.2023)
  • Sir Rigtah (b.2018)
  • Syr Talon (b.2022)
  • Super Bran, The Gallant (b.2023)
  • Syr Davlon (b.2024)


  • Devon DeWolflin (b.?-Dur-Demarion)
  • (Arms Master) Grim Felltooth (b.?-Dur-Demarion)
  • Ursulis Grisaide (b.1990-Dur-Demarion)
  • Big Badger (b.1991 - Dur Demarion)
  • Sir Ivan Darkspeare (b.1994-Dur-Demarion)
    • Sir Satanaka (b.1998-Dur-Demarion (Revoked 2016)
      • Sir Lotek (b.199?-Dur-Demarion (Revoked 2015)
      • Sir Viper (b.1999-Dur-Demarion)
        • Sir Elebrim (b.2015)
        • Sir Sixxious Eleron Draggoth (b.2016-Dur-Demarion)
        • Dame Arwen Lisica Vulpes (b.2019-High Spires)
      • Sir Ticam (b.2001)
        • Sir Zwolf (b.2009-Dur-Demarion)
      • Sir Tiberius (b.2005-Dunharrow)
        • Sir Morbian (b.2006-Dunharrow)
          • Sir Briar (b.2016 - Dunharrow)
        • Sir Farrin (b.2012-Dunharrow)
      • Sir Pickles (b.2007-Dunharrow)
        • Sir Skydd (b.2013-Dunharrow)
          • Sir Kracken the Eldritch(b.2019-Minas Ithil)
      • Sir Elendiel (b.2007)
    • Sir Shrew (b.?)
  • Inquisitor, Girvin Mac Gannon. (b.2002-Dur-Demarion)
  • Sir Mefit (b.2014-Dur-Demarion)
    • Sir Shinji of Dur Demarion (b. 2022 - Dur Demarion)
    • Sir Tandaar (b.2023-Dur-Demarion)
    • Syr Arshank Dykhana, the Witch of Dur-Demarion (b.2023)
  • Eala'ar Mitzunare (b.2016-Vulpes Venatus)
  • Sir Rigtah (b.2018-Dur-Demarion)
  • Syr Talon (b. 2022 - Dur-Demarion)
  • Super Bran, The Gallant (b. 2023-Dur-Demarion)


  • Sir Xemthez
    • Sir Granifar
    • Sir Valigron
      • Sir Rickter (b.2001)
        • Sir Razier Rhodes (b.2006) (Begins Rivendell Lineage) (Deceased)
        • Sir Nichtmar (b.2007) (Starts the Silver Order - Mittlemarch's lineage)
      • Sir Verhoeven
  • Sir Ticam
    • Sir Moshi
  • Sir Wolfram (ollie) The Red
  • Sir Rutger
  • Sir Tzingana (Pentwyvern, recognized by King Abiron)
    • Sir Winfang (b.1999 Pentwyvern) (Begins 2nd Avalon Lineage)
  • Sir Skorm (b.2015) (Debased)


  • Sir Nichtmar (b.2007 Knighted by Sir Rickter of Pentwyvern)
    • Sir Rune (b.2010)
      • Sir Berrok (b.2015)
      • Sir Storm Brightblade (b.2017)
        • Sir Tartarus of the Black Blade (b. Oktoberfest 2023)
      • Sir Boz (b.2017)
    • Sir Lukan (b.2013)
    • Sir Gron (b.2014)
    • Sir Alsander (b.2017)
    • Sir Tari (b.2022)
  • Sir Dekland
  • Kinsman Falgor
  • Sir MacDimm
  • Sir Mauruk
  • Sir Phelps


  • Queen Rayne
    • Sir Trystan ap Owain (b.1982) (Renounced)
      • Sir Llyr (b.1986)
    • Sir Finn ap Owain (b.1983)
      • Sir Mordekai the Foul (b.1987-House Haldane)
      • Sir Kelson (b.Before Zwei was ever sleeping in a Pennsic Ditch)
      • Sir Owen ap Finn (b.1989)
        • Sir Lorrymar Callahan (b.1991)
          • Sir Curryn Callahan (b.1996)
          • Sir Theas O'Nyne (b.2000)
            • Sir Grogamyr the Oppugnant (b.2010)
            • Squire Lovildren
          • Sir Zwei ap Owen (b.2004)
            • Sir Detaru Lé Trout (b.2010)
          • Sir Cerrydan (b.2007)
            • Dame Silk (Marianthalasa) (b.2011)
        • Sir Johna (b.1994)
        • Sir Corbyn (b.1998)
        • Sir Cairbre (b.2000-Knights of Rausumea)
          • Sir Shub Felty (b.2005)
            • Sir Nibenon (b.2014 -Order of the Golden Panther)
            • Sir Gorg The Anvil (b.2017- Order of the Golden Rose/Panther and Knight of Ragnarok)
              • Sir Kaimelar the Dreamer, Knight of Sage Hill (b. Winter Wars 2017)
              • Sir Ramoen, the Wolf of Albion (b. Winter War 2017)
          • Sir Iorek
          • Sir Dregeddon
          • Sir Aluc (b. Okfest 2012)
          • Sir Luther Von Durgin of Rivendell(b.2011)
          • Sir Loki Rokynn of Rivendell (b.2017)
        • Sir Schattenengel ap Owen (b.2001) (Deceased)
        • Sir Devaryn the Bearjew of Taurendor (b.2006)
          • Sir Magnus of Taurendor (b.2009)
          • Sir Glaum of Taurendor (b.2012)
          • Sir Grafiki d'Abomination of Taurendor (b.2015)
        • Sir Specter Taurendoris (b.2006)
        • Sir Druss ap Owen Galatiae (b.2011)
    • Sir Dafydd ap Ewell
    • Sir D'Jaymes Morghun
    • Sir Lartnec Esrevinu
      • Sir Talon
    • Sir Worp
      • Sir TC


  • Sir Razier Rhodes (b.2006) (Knighted by Sir Rickter of Pentwyvern) (Deceased)
    • Sir Mauruk (b.2008)
      • Sir Phelps Antonius (b.2016)
      • Sir Loki Rokynn (b.2017) (Co-Knighted by Sir Caibre of Rausumea and Sir Mauruk)
  • Sir Luther Von Durgin (b.2011) (Knighted by Sir Caibre of Rausumea and recognized by the Order)
    • Sir Claw Von Yoji (b.2013) (Deceased) (Recognized by the Order)



  • Sir Gabriel (b. EQ 1996) 1st Knight of OLDCASTLE
    • Sir Nolen Oldcastle (b. OctoberFest 1999) 2nd Knight of OLDCASTLE
      • Sir Morpheus the Caretaker (b. December 10th 2002) 3rd Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Killian Atreides the Goat, Defender of the Stine (b. Spring Wars 2007)5th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Dameon Orcenfol (b.2009-The Fractured Lands) 7th Knight of OLDCASTLE
            • Sir Ahlschwede Ugar, the Prince of Stench (b.2013-Nan Belegorn) 9th Knight of OLDCASTLE
              • Sir Nénharma Lavincolmo (b. Oktoberfest 2016-Grond) 15th Knight of OLDCASTLE
                • Sir Smiley (b. Ocktoberfest 2019) 24th Knight of OLDCASTLE
              • Sir Ace the Dragon of the West Badass of Belegarth (b. Battle for the Ring 2019-Nomadic) 20th Knight of the OLDCASTLE
              • Sir Nickle (b. Battle for Twald - Rath) 22nd Knight of OLDCASTLE
            • Sir Trogdor the Burnator (b. 2014-The Fractured Lands) 13th Knight of OLDCASTLE
              • Sir Xander the Thunderbird (b. 2018 - Rag) 19th Knight of OLDCASTLE
            • Sir Argent the Dragon of the Midwest (b. Oktoberfest 2016- Tir Asleen) 14th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Karr (b.Oktoberfest 2016-Obsidian Hollow) 16th Knight of OLDCASTLE
            • Sir Lorken (b. Oktoberfest 2023- Obsidian Hollow) 26th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Ember the Light Bringer (b. Oktoberfest 2017-Dunharrow) 17th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Hollis (b. Oktoberfest 2023-Dunharrow) 27th Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Fox Hellhammer (b. Armageddon 2007)6th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Vael (b. Armageddon 2014) 12th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Sir Dark (b. Armageddon 2022) 25th Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Davit Feathersqual(b. Spring Wars 2011) 8th Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Morisato Keiichi (b. Octoberfest 2013) 10th Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Rhys Hellhammer (b. Armageddon 2014) 11th Knight of OLDCASTLE
          • Dame Ruby the Stalwart of The Southern Plains (b. Armageddon, June 6, 2018) 18th Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Thurat de Aquitaine of Carthage, Master Seneschal (b. Spring Wars, April 27, 2019) 21st Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Sir Animal Von Beaverhausen(b. Ocktoberfest 2019 - Wolfpack) 23rd Knight of OLDCASTLE
        • Duchess Katina Von Beaverhausen(b.Armageddon XXI(2024) - Wolfpack) 28th Knight of OLDCASTLE
      • Sir Indore(b. December 10th 2002) 4th Knight of OLDCASTLE


  • Sir Templehoff Apok, Keeper of Graves (b.2015)
    • Syr Havik Reaver, Harvester of the Crimson Gold (B. 2022)


  • Sir Beauregaurd Brutus Elevo, the Implacable (b.2007-Rhun)
    Rhun Line at Oktoberfest 2016. Photo by Lady Armstrong.
    • Sir Peter the Quick (b.2009)
      • Sir Arczhidea the Impellent (b.2016)
      • Sir Bran the Ardent(b. Oktoberfest 2016) (Knights of the Drawn Sword Starts here)
        • Sir Piknic the Prolific (b. Winter War 2022)
        • Sir Blademaster Aradin the Able (b. Winter War 2022)
    • Sir Peregrine, the Paragon of Paladins (b.2009)
    • Sir Frosty the Fierce(b.2013)
      • Sir Horus Arete (b.2017)
    • Sir Tulio the Imposing (b.2015)
    • Sir Tails the Clever(b.2015-Morva)
  • Sir Sorcia Januri Alathea the Matriarch(b.2008-Rhun)(Heroically Knighted)
    • Sir Yuri (b.2013)
      • Dame Black Rabbit (b. 2020 - Western Flame)


  • Sir Tails the Clever (b.2015-Knighted by Sir Beauregaurd Brutus Elevo, the Implacable)
  • Sir Uargvak Hellhammer (b.2016-Knighted by Sir Borric The Just)
  • Sir Talion Dyralson (b.2019-Knighted by Sir Borric the Just)
  • Sir Xarl the Voidgazer (b.2022-Knighted by Sir Uargvak Hellhammer)
  • Sir Bammock the Forbearing (b.2024-Knighted by Sir Tails the Clever


  • Sir Xipher Oakheart (b. Oktoberfest 2010) (heroically knighted by Sir Calarn)


KoH at Highlands Opener 2018. L-R Sir Dopp, Sir Diomedes, Ser Shirl, Sir Itan, Sir Par, Sir Leaf, Sir Rahvin, Sir Rem Photo Credit Unknown

1. Sir Thanos Der Terrakhan b. 6/1994 Knighted by White Tiger AKA Sir Gamalon Pendragon
2. Sir Dormin b. 6/1995 Knighted by Sir Thane
3. Sir Tasis b. 6/1995 Knighted by Sir Thane
4. Sir Cedric Winterbourne b. 9/1995 knighted by Sir Thane
5. Sir Stalin b. 1996 Knighted by Sir Cedric
6. Sir Malcovian b.1998 knighted by Sir Cedric
7. Sir Ralimar b. 1999 knighted by Sir Cedric
8. Sir Locutus b. 2002 Squired by Sir Malcovian, Knighted by Sir Ralimar
9. Sir Dopp b. 8/2003 Knighted by Sir Ralimar
10. Sir Kaegan Hume b. 3/2005 Knighted by Sir Cedric
11. Sir Itan Saba b. 8/2005 Knighted by Sir Dopp
12. Sir Spriggot b. 10/2005 Knighted by Sir Cedric
13. Sir Wharghoul b. 4/2006 Knighted by Sir Thane
14. Sir Diomedes b. 8/2010 Knighted by Sir Julian, Inducted 10/10 by KoH
15. Sir Necronos b. 4/18/2008 Knighted by Sir Cedric
16. Sir Par Mertyns b. 6/16/2008 Knighted by Sir Thane
17. Sir Plithut b. 7/29/2010 Knighted by Sir Ralimar, Removed 3/29/2018
18.' 'Sir Karion D'Learive *Exiled* Knighted by Sir Wharghoul
19. Sir Leaf Autumnsonge b. 4/16/2011 Knighted by Sir Wharghoul
20. Sir Rahvin b. 7/2012 Knighted by Sir Par, Resigned
21. Vacant
22. Ser Shirl Ravenlock b. 7/25/2015 Knighted by Sir Diomedes
23. Sir Rem b. 7/23/2016 Knighted by Sir Kaegen
24. Sir Skald b. 7/28/2023 Knighted by Sir Par


  • Sir Anastasia (b.2013-Anduril Heroically Knighted by Sir Par)
    • Sir Torix the Lightbringer (b.2017-Saracor)
    • Sir House (b.2019-Anduril)
    • Sir Sita Avaaraa the Fierce, Master Artificer (b. 2020 - Western Flame Anduril)
  • Sir Cheeseheart (b. 2014-Anduril)
    • Sir Kael Prime (b. 2017-Sunspear)
  • Sir Shato (b. 2015)
  • Dame Black Rabbit (b. 2020 - Knighted by Sir Yuri)


  • Sir Tiberius Hellhammer
    • Sir Morbian
      • Sir Briar (b. Oktoberfest 2016)
    • Sir Farrin of Dunharrow(b. Octoberfest 2012)
      • Sir Scylla (b. Armageddon XX - 2023
  • Sir Pickles
    • Sir Skydd of Dunharrow, Defender of the Western Keep (b. Spring Wars 2013)
      • Sir Kracken the Eldritch, First Knight of Minas Ithil (b. Armageddon 2019)
  • Sir Cidion the Savage(b. Spring Wars 2014)
  • Sir Melannen Arqueno, The Exemplar (b. Oktoberfest 2014)
  • Sir Kaiu, the Twisted Sun(b. Oktoberfest 2015)
  • Sir Ember, the Light Bringer (b. Oktoberfest 2017)
  • Khadine Quickie (b. Armageddon 2018)


Knights of the Watch

  • Sir Turin Adlerik (b.1996-Ered Duath)
    • Sir Juggernaut (b.2018-Grey Haven)
    • Sir Bowen (b.2000-Ered Duath)
      • Sir Andrek (b.2004-Erad Duath)
      • Sir William MacGregor (b.2002-Ered Duath)
        • Sir Sasquatch (b.2006-I Anga Emyn)
    • Sir Elkar (aka Koldar) (b.1997-Ered Duath)


  • Dragoon Ralimar (b.1999-Start of Dragoon Line)
    • Dragoon Locutus (b.2000)
    • Dragoon Dopp (b.2003)
      • Dragoon Itan (b.2005)
      • Dragoon Sare (b.2018)
      • Dragoon Antoinette (b.2023)
    • Dragoon Plithut (b.2010)
      • Dragoon Shino (b.2013)
        • Dragoon Slate (b.2016)
    • Dragoon Elerosse (b.2010)
    • Dragoon Orren (b.2010)
    • Dragoon Aphex (b.2010)
      • Dragoon Kurgan (b.2013)


  • Sir Avestion (b.)
    • Sir Knurlan (b. 2015)
  • Sir Quinton (b. )
    • Sir Marik (b. 2018)
  • Sir Var (b. 2018)


His Majesty, Arion Rightful King of Middle Earth (1985)

  • Sir Geoffery of Bright Hills (b.1985-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Arion Windwalker (b.1985-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Morgan Talon (b.1985-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Gimil (b.1985-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Hepzeth Ducanthrax (b.1985-Middle Earrth)
        • Sir Sigurd of the Singing Bow (b.1989-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Dragonbane (b.1986-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Randall Wainwright III (b.1986-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Gheldar Blackthorn (b.1989-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Boudicca (b.199?-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Damon Starblade (b.1999-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Gayne (b.2000-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Wolgfar (b.2000-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kaigar Vegulfr Lodbroksonr (b.2012-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Galashath HarArato (b.2015-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Durnaur ThoronMegil (b.2014-Middle Earth)
        • Dame Black Betty (b.2017-Beornve)(Heroic Knighting)
          • Sir Geezer (b. Ocktoberfest 2023 - Sanctuary at Terran River)
        • Dame Idril Frostfoot (b.2018-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Sahnz (b.2018-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Griffon (b.198?-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Detrick (b.199?- Middle Earth)
    • Sir Alberich (b.1991-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Vilhem (b.1991-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Gamalon Pendragon (b.1991-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Red Wolf (b.1993-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Michael of the Halflands (b.1994-Middle Earth, Knighted By King Red Wolf)
          • Sir Percival (b.1999-Ered Duath)
            • Sir Julian Lunnan (b.2006-Erad Duath)
              • Sir Diomedes (b.2007-Ered Duath/Highlands of Chaos)
                • Sir Horati (b.2014-Frost Hills)
                • Sir Azreal (b.2015-Babylon)
                • Ser Shirl Ravenlocke (b.2015-Rath/Highlands of Chaos)
                  • Saint Sir Ostrida the Scholar(b.2018-Rath)
                • Sir Thumbs (b.2018-Stygia)
                  • Ser Eui Faun the Destroyer (b.2024)
      • Sir Willian Pendragon (b.1993-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kalador Gamalon (b.1991-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Thanos Dur Terrakhan aka Sir Thane (b.1993-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Tasis Roundedeau (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
        • Sir Dormin (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
        • Sir Cedric Winterbourne (b.1995-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Stalin (b.199?–Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Malcovian (b.1999-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Dragoon Locutus (b.2000-Highlands of Chaos) (Knighted by Sir Ralimar as Sir Malcovian retired)
          • Dragoon Ralimar (b.1999-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Dragoon Dopp (b.2003-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Itan (b.2005-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Sare (b.2018-Pyke)
              • Dragoon Antoinette (b.2023 - Thunder Guard)
            • Dragoon Plithut (b.2010-Highlands of Chaos)
              • Dragoon Shino (b.2013-Babylon)
                • Dragoon Slate (b.2016-Babylon)
            • Dragon Aphex (b.2010-Babylon)
              • Dragoon Kurgan (b.2013-Babylon)
            • Dragoon Elerosse (b.2010-Pyke)
            • Dragoon Orren (b.2010-???)
            • Sir Phoenix (b. 2020 - Ered Duath)
          • Sir Kaegan Hume (b.2004-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Rem (b.2016-Rath)
          • Sir Turin Adlerik (b.1996-Ered Duath)
            • Sir Juggernaut (b.2018-Grey Haven)
            • Sir Bowen (b.2000-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Andrek (b.2004-Acheron)
                • Sir Phira (b.2013-Mountain Mercs)
                  • Sir Oroku (b.2015-Stygia)
                    • Sir Tethian Al Lusida (b.2019-Stygia)
            • Sir Willian MacGregor (b.2002-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Sasquatch (b.2006-I Anga Emyn)
            • Sir Elkar aka Koldar (b.1997-Ered Duath)
              • Sir Luke aka Malkor the Ironfist (b.2017-Nethalios)
              • Sir Corr Pendragon (b.2024-Nethalios)
          • Sir Spriggot (b.2005-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Necronos (b.2008-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Kage (b.2014-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Alom (b.2017-Ered Duath)
          • Sir Airia (b.2016-Rath)
        • Sir Whargoul (b.2006-Highlands of Chaos)(Retired)
          • Sir Karion (b.2010-Highlands of Chaos)(Exiled)
          • Sir Leaf Aurumnsonge (b.2011-Highlands of Chaos)
            • Sir Zuloo (b.2016-Stygia)
            • Sir Acrid the Scarecrow (b.2017-Barad'Dun)
        • Sir Par Mertyns, Lord of Mistwood (b.2008-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Rahvin (b.2012-Highlands of Chaos)
          • Sir Anastasia (b.2013-Western Flame) (Heroically by Sir Par)
            • Sir Torix the Lightbringer (b.2017-Saracor)
            • Sir House (b.2019-Western Flame Anduril)
            • Sir Sita Avaaraa the Fierce, Master Artificer (b. 2020 - Western Flame Anduril)
            • Sir Galaxy the Benevolent of Barad'Dun (b. 2022 - Barad'Dun)
          • Sir Cheeseheart (b.2014-Western Flame)
            • Sir Kael Prime (b.2017-Western Flame)
              • Sir [Ra] (b.2018-Western Flame)
          • Sir Shato (b.2015-Western Flame)
            • Zayl the Red (b.2019)
          • Sir Dickey (b.2016-Rath)
          • Saint Sir Ostrida the Scholar (b.2018-Rath)
          • Sir Skald the Resonate (b.2024-Shannara)
    • Sir Pathfinder (b.1994-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kyrik McJaggar (b.2005-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Istlyn Kenlyl (b.2012-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Kolton (b.2004-Middle Earth)
      • Sir Donnovan aka Sir Crom (Re Born. 2001-Middle Earth)
        • Sir Shatterhaze Derpanzer Alaireotter (b.2004-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Storm Kirin (b.1995-Middle Earth)
    • Sir Rylan D'Sartek aka Sir LaSalle) (b.1998-Middle Earth) (Stripped)


  • Sir Whilhem (b. Ocktoberfest 2017)
  • Sir Blikzz (b. Ocktoberfest 2017)


  • Sir Guts (b.2017) (Knighted by Sir Piper of Numenor)


  • Sir Kracken the Eldritch, First Knight of Minas Ithil (b. Armageddon 2019)


  • Sir Andrek (b.2004-Ered Duath)
    • Sir Phira (b.2013-Mountain Mercenaries)
      • Sir Oroku Norinaga (b.2015-Stygia)
        • Sir Tethian Al Lusida (b.2019-Stygia)


  • Dexus (b.2019-Talinor)





  • Sir Loptr (Recognized by Sir Par)
  • Sir Breeder (Recognized by Sir Par)
  • Sir Fitz (Recognized by Sir Par)

* Sir Blitz the Unwavering (b.2019-Belegarth) (Heroically) Sword Dropped by Sir Ahlschwede Ugar, the Prince of Stench and witnessed by Sir Torix the Lightbringer, Sir Juggernaut, Sir Bogun, Sir Ace the Dragon of the West, Zayl the Red, Sir Ra Carnifex, Warmaster Hakan, Warmaster Kord and Warmaster Bacchus[Renounced Nov 2022]


  • Artificer Master Sir Sorcia (b.2015)
  • Artificer Master Lady Armstrong (b.2015)
  • Artificer Master Faline (b.2018)
    • Artificer Master Kyrnn Wolfsbane (b.2023)
  • Artificer Master Anij Kalish (b.2018)
  • Artificer Master Sita Avaaraa (b.2018)
  • Artificer Master Yzma (b.2019)
  • Artificer Master Sven the Apothecary (b.2019)
  • Artificer Master Laeta (b.2020)
  • Artificer Master Pip (b.2023)
  • Seneschal Master Sir Sorcia (b.2015)
  • Seneschal Master Sir Anastasia of Chamonix (b.2015)
  • Seneschal Master Gorlock (b.2015)
  • Seneschal Master Sir Par (b.2023)
  • Seneschal Master Sir Tari (b.2023)
  • Chronicler Master Dok Warmaster Kord (B. 2024)


House of the Dancing Thorns

  • Sir Blademaster Aradin the Able (b. March 10, 2016)

House Ataru

  • Blademaster Dac Bonespittel (b. March 10, 2016)
    • Blademaster Luster (b. Winter War 2022)

House of the Iron Grin

Burning Juyo

  • Blademaster Ragefire the Red (b. March 10, 2016)
    • Blademaster Datsun (b. Winter War 2022)

House of the Icy River

  • Blademaster Archduke Malkin the Holy Blade Waterfall (b. March 10, 2016)

House Death’s Grasp

House of the Smoking Mirror

The Silver Eclipse

Order of the Drawn Sword

  • Sir Bran the Ardent (First Knight of the Drawn Sword)(b. Oktoberfest 2016)
    • Sir Piknic the Prolific (Third Knight of the Drawn Sword)(b. Winter War 2022)
    • Blademaster Sir Aradin the Able (Fifth Knight of the Drawn Sword)(b. Winter War 2022)
  • Apprentice Sir Bel the Devoted (Second Knight of the Drawn Sword)
    • Apprentice Sir Daemon the Steadfast (Fourth Knight of the Drawn Sword)(b. Winter War 2022)
  • Blademaster Sir Feyne the Reaper (Sixth Knight of the Drawn Sword)

Winter War 2023 - Left to Right: Sir Piknic, Blademaster Sir Aradin, Sir Bran, Sir Ramone, Sir Gorg, Sir Bel, Sir Daemon and Blademaster Sir Feyne


  • Mekoot Kodite (b. 2019)
  • Dragoon Antoinette the Moosewitch, Master Seneschal (b. 2024)


  • Sir Luink (b.2011) 1st Knight of the Order of Serenity
    • Sir P1 (b. Armageddon 2024 - Co-Knighted by Sir Luink and Sir David) 4th Knight of the Order of Serenity
    • Sir Abu (b. Armageddon 2024 - Co-Knighted by Sir Luink and Sir David) 5th Knight of the Order of Serenity
  • Sir David the Serene (b.2012) 2nd Knight of the Order of Serenity
    • Sir D the Kind (b. Ocktoberfest 2023) 3rd Knight of the Order of Serenity


  • Sir Borber
  • Sir Dylan
  • Sir Kollin
  • Sir Mager
  • Sir Moshi
  • Sir Ulrich
  • Sir Ogg
  • Sir Rutger
  • Sir Tavis
  • Sir Hojo
  • Sir Valharic
  • Sir Wolfram