Order of the Drawn Sword

From BelegarthWiki

Order of the Drawn Sword

  • Apprentice Sir Bran the Ardent (First Knight of the Drawn Sword)
    • Sir Piknic the Prolific (Third Knight of the Drawn Sword)
    • Blademaster Sir Aradin the Able (Fifth Knight of the Drawn Sword)
      • Squire Bulwark
    • Squire Rain

  • Apprentice Sir Bel the Devoted (Second Knight of the Drawn Sword)
    • Apprentice Sir Daemon the Steadfast (Fourth Knight of the Drawn Sword)
    • Squire Grimm

Winter War 2023 - Left to Right: Squire Avarice, Squire Grimm, Apprentice Sir Daemon, Apprentice Sir Bel, Apprentice Sir Bran, Sir Piknik, Blademaster Sir Aradin, Squire Rain
Winter War 2023 - Left to Right: Sir Piknic, Blademaster Sir Aradin, Apprentice Sir Bran, Sir Ramoen, Apprentice Sir Gorg, Apprentice Sir Bel, Apprentice Sir Daemon and Blademaster Sir Feyne