
Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, Belegarth Board of Directors (Appointed 2021)
Realm: The High Spires (Atlanta, GA) - Realm Secretary (Elected 2022)
Title: Knight of no name and no lineage
Knighted: 2021
Started Fighting: Numenor Opener 2013
Order of the Shining Tower
- Awarded Armageddon 2018
- From the nomination: "For the last two years Squire Hubris has been the key point person on the regrowth of Numenor. Since 2008, Numenor had seen a constantly gradual decline in its new fighter pool. As a result, the average age of our core fighter group inches closer and closer to the late 20s if not 30s. As the age gap increased, it became harder and harder to retain new recruits –older fighters simply wanted to fight hard, go home or hang out with each other. Further, Numenor’s traditional teaching method is based upon self-motivation through adversity (i.e. sink or swim). Times were changing however, and this method became more and more untenable with this generation of potential recruits. Ultimately, it degenerated to the point where the realm was down to a single University based fighter – THE key component to the realms retention of its University practice venues. With that person graduating the following year – the need for new student potential became DIRE. Into that void stepped Squire Hubris. In two seasons, Hubris painfully, but successfully created and implemented a new system of new fighter retention – altering practices and social events to become more inviting to new University fighters. In the face of stiff resistance from many members of the realm, he linked together other knights and squires (Squire Takus, to encourage the creation of a new newbie unit, the Wolves of the North– and tirelessly worked to make sure that we again became focused on new person growth. The last two years have shown retention which we have not experienced since the early 2000s. Further, he has instilled an esprit decorps with these new fighters that have made them keen on staying and growing the realm themselves. Without his leadership, and the efforts of he and others, Numenor could have indeed “fell beneath the waves”. While I normally would not single out a squire for such an award as this (as I traditionally believe such steps should be taken by a squire in the course of their own training) so great was the realm’s need, and so well did he step in, that I believe he deserves this recognition."
Wolfpack Opener 2016 Banner Contest
- Winner, individual category
Began fighting in Numenor (UIUC) in fall 2013. Retained to Sir Angel of Numenor from 2013-2014. Member of the Dunedain from 2013-2015. Retained to Sir Cyric of Numenor 2014-2016. Squire under Sir Cyric from 2016 to 2018. Knighted 2021.
Fighting name: Böhne(2013-2017) Tar Míriel(2017-2018) Hubris(2018-present)