Also known as the Southern Illinois University Medieval Combat Club (SIUMC)

- Status: Active
- Location: Carbondale, IL
- Founded: 2013
- Place: NE of Morris Library on SIUC campus and with Bree (Dagorhir) on Sundays at Evergreen Park
- Time and Day: Tuesdays, and Fridays from 5-7pm @the field NE of Morris Library; In the Rec Center from November-March; Hiatus over summer while students are gone;
- Sundays @ 2pm with Bree at Evergreen Park
- Requirements: Open to all persons 16 and older
- Members: `20
- Typical # at practice: 8-12
- Units Represented
- Clan of the Hydra
- Blood Horde
- Valkyries
- April 6th, 2013: Founded by Thurat and Ruby of Knightfall, and Checkers and Crowe of Byzantium as an RSO at Southern Illinois University - Carbondale.
- August 2013: Recognized as an Official SIUC sports club
- May 2014: Thurat leaves SIUC and steps down as president, and assumes an advisory position; Crowe of Byzantium assumes presidency for the summer period.
- August 2014: New SIU students are elected as officers. Thurat returns in advisory position.
- Spring 2016: Students retain officer positions and have storage space with the school for group gear.
- Spring 2017: Competed in the first belegarth collegiate tournament at Spring Wars, got 3rd place overall. Also produced club shirts for members.
- Spring 2019: Took 3rd place overall at collegiate tournament. Successfully ran third Punic Wars day event.
- Fall 2019: Took 1st place in collegiate sword and board and 3-man; 2nd place overall. Thurat and Fumbles placed first in Okfest 2-man tourney and won some dope af PD punch shields.
- May 2023: 1st knight of Carthage, Ruby of Knightfall leaves Carbondale area
- August 2023: Sir Thurat de Aquitaine, and Master Artificer Sabre La Baber leave the Carbondale area.