Faline, the eternally lost, wandering, smoking, drinking, swearing, fighting, apathetic Falcon.
Real Name: Laura
Started Fighting: 2001
Realm: Wolfpack of the High Plains
Unit: Brotherhood of the Falcon
Titles: Veteran Sargent Chaplain of the Brotherhood of the Falcon
Fighting Style: Bow, Ball and Wall, Sword and Board
Favorite Quote: "Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it, in itself, what is its nature?" ~ Hanibal Lector
Character History
Gender: Female
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Catlike
Faline came in to being in the usual manner. She had a mother. And a father. Both were guru's of varying degrees and insisted that she learn all she could. Generally tossing aside common ways of learning, she excelled though an artist's eye in most every lesson she came across.
When she left her home, where she dare not speak of, she was adrift in a world of confusion and pain.
It was a startling change from where she'd been raised to be truthful and always seek justice. The world seemed far too big for her to conquer. She wander for years before finding a place she might call home.
It was the Militia that took her in. Their orc ways and strange behaviors set her on edge. Having forgotten most of her past through her travels, when they dubbed her an elf, she accepted the idea. She was fair of skin and had the long flowing hair of the race. It seemed an apt title.
Back then, the Militia was a turbulent ground and all though they took her in, she was never really accepted. The older orks treated her as a slave at time while the younger ones seemed to only have mating on their minds. When the lands were attacked, however, all proclaimed that she must pick up a shield and a sword and fight for her place at their table.
Her first forays in to battle were less than excellent. Her shield was unwieldy and the sword she'd been given far too heavy. The orks, gathered at nights while the fighting abated, mercilessly taunted her for her obvious lack of skill with such weapons.
One night, a few months in to the seemingly endless battles, she dreamed of home. Not the stinking, cesspit she was mired in but of beautiful green hills that rolled on forever. Of trees that rose seven times her height. And of her family. It had been years since she'd last dwelled on them, but they came to her. One in particular stood out.
He was a ranger of the name Jeffery, her mother's long perished brother. He instructed her to return to her homeland and retrieve his most prized possession, his bow. That morning, while the camp slept, she crept off and made the long journey back to the land of her father.
Jeffery had instructed her to inquire about the bow's whereabouts with his mother, Madelain. Faline had spent many a happy summer frolicking at her grandmother's farm and was doubtful that she'd find it there. True to her uncle's word however, Madelain was so overjoyed to see her granddaughter that she handed over the weapon without a second thought.
And all though her visit home was short, she now had a mission. Upon returning to the Militia's encampment, she practiced with her bow for many months. Finally, when she knew she was ready for battle, she traveled south and her bow struck down many foes.
All this killing caught the attention of a good man, Pyre. He inquired to her whereabouts and when she told him of her place, he immediately suggested she leave behind the war mongering Militia, and join his family of Brothers. Well, she couldn't very well say no to that. Faline didn't immediately set out to join Pyre, instead choosing to wander more. Eventually, she found herself in the Northlands and met Filth, a reputable pig, and asked to join the family both he and Pyre were a part of.
Little did she know that this family was so large, or that she could find help in almost any place she could wander. Little did she know that she was joining the Triad.
The rest, as they say, is old news and should be looked past to current achievements. Or something like that. As well as lots of shooting people in the head.
Mundane History
Faline was Faline long before she ever picked up a foam sword or heard a person call lay on. At the tender age of 13, she started writing and posting work on-line. As with the majority of on-line writers, she picked up a nom-de-plume . . . Faline. It was originally supposed to be a possible name for the girl she might have years down the road. And being 13 and female, she was young and quite the romantic, so you can imagine how long the list must have been.
She chose this particular name because it mean catlke, or graceful. She is, sadly, neither of these things and hoped that perhaps if people called her such, she may inherit the characteristics through a strange sort of osmosis. Didn't quite happen that way.
Faline started her career in the sport in the bowels of the Northlands, formerly known as the Militia, in 2001. She attended a few practices over that summer, but due to the immense desire of a few male members to hurt her enough to put her on the sidelines, she stopped fighting.
In the late winter of 2002, she made friends with a few of the Militia kids and gave the sport another shot. She was still received with disdain by the same male members, but she realized that if she truly wanted to fight, she'd have to work through the pain and just get better.
Her first event was Rag XVII. She met a few of the Northlands Proper members and was instantly enchanted. It was a few months after Rag when she approached Filth, the pig, and asked to join the Brotherhood. She received her sash that day, and joined a unit that truly was a home and a safe haven against the turds in her area. Resolving to leave behind the childish squabbles of the Militia, she moved to Allendale, MI for college and to be closer to the Northlands. She had a blast with the Northlands but knew that Michigan just wasn't cut out for her.
So, she moved down to Avalon. Ohio was fun, for a while. Avalon will always be a warm memory in her head, but after almost four years of the damned state she left for the lands of Illinois. I know, surprising right? She herself said repeatedly that Illinois was a worthless state with nothing there but some events.
So, sue me. I didn't know.
Faline settled in Normal, IL, home of Wolfpack. Her new realm was amazing, taking her in and treating her like family right off the bat. After only eight months in the realm, she was nominated, seconded, and eventually elected as Warlord of Wolfpack in a land slide election.
While in the position, she helped run four national events that Pack has helmed, Wolfpack Home Opener and Spring War. She also had a hand the resurrection of Summer War in 2008, giving Shaelyn a hand.
Although not in charge of really anything anymore, Faline still has a great deal of pride in her realm and is constantly working towards making it a better place to fight, live, and make friends.
Look for fantastic things to come out of Pack in the next few years.
Events Attended
Armageddon II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII
Spring War 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009
Oktoberfest 2004, 2007, 2008
Equinox 2004, 2006
Summer War 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009
Northlands Crown War 2002
Avalon Thanksgiving Day Battle 2002
Avalon Memorial Day Battle 2003
Avalon and Rausumea Midsummer Slaughter
Beltaine 2007
Wolfpack Home Opener 2006, 2008, 2009
Melcaorme 2009
Things Faline Likes to do When She's Not Shooting You in the Head:
- Read
- Favorite Authors include Anne Rice, Chuck Palahniuk, John Steinbeck, Aelora, Elizabeth Castro, Tolkien
- Write
- Web Design
- She's authored over 20 sites, only four of which are currently in use, include the Brotherhood site and her personal site
- Listen to Music
- Favorite Artists include: Johnny Cash, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, The Tossers, Barenaked Ladies, Social Distortion, Bad Religion, John Mayer, Gustav Holst, Bloodhound Gang, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Richard Cheese, Outkast, the Animaniacs, Sloppy Seconds, Reel Big Fish, Alabama3
- Knitting
- Sewing
Contact Faline
E-mail: falinetelepdowen@yahoo.com
AIM: FalineBof
Yahoo: falinetelepdowen@yahoo.com
Home: http://www.faline-inc.com
Fluer-de-Lis: Faline-Inc
No pictures for you because someone deleted them all.
Boooooo on them for being turds.
Places of Notoriety