
From BelegarthWiki

Sir Peregrine the Paragon of Paladins

Realm leader of Muxlovia

Real Name: Dave Trott

Started Fighting: 2004

Orginal Realm: Muxlovia

Current Realm: Muxlovia


Clan of the Hydra

Iron Crown


  • Thengel of Muxlovia
  • Commander of Clan of the Hydra Falcon Wing
  • Sir Peregrine

Events Attended:

Foam Combat for Physical Education by L. David Trott aka Peregrine

Why Foam Combat? As a child, I always had a love for the old swashbuckling movies and spent much time battling my neighborhood friends with wooden swords. Later in life after becoming a teacher, I observed a group of boys playing swords with sticks during recess. Realizing that this was dangerous but not wanting to stifle their creativity, I went to the local hardware store and bought PVC pipe insulation and duct tape. I then went home and constructed enough swords for my entire 5th and 6th grade history classes. After teaching a lesson about the feudal system and the code of chivalry, I brought out the swords and had a knighting ceremony for the students. Then they took markers and named their swords. We used them for gym class where we played a game of Capture the Flag. It was at this point that I realized there was great potential for using foam combat as a teaching platform and formed an after school fighting club that met twice a week. I later adapted it to a gym class that met once a week.

Getting Approval When seeking approval by school administration, try to think ahead of any questions that they might ask. If you can answer all of their questions in your presentation, this will help them see that you are serious and responsible. Showing the administration a video of a typical event might prove helpful. Think about what concerns they are likely to have. Safety First First of all, they will want to make sure that it is going to be safe for those who are participating. Do your homework. What school activities are there that are more dangerous? Football? Gymnastics? Bring a sample of the weapons that will be used. Make sure that it is broken in enough to be soft. New weapons can feel a little stiff. Point out the fact that the weapons are completely padded. No core is exposed. Explain that rules are designed with safety in mind (i.e. no head shots, no leg shots below the knee).

Application Their next concern will be what the kids will get out of it. It is enjoyable exercise. They will learn how to work with others and function as team. They will learn leadership qualities and have a sense of belonging to a group (one of the factors that can keep kids from seeking gang affiliation). Other subjects such as history can be integrated by recreating historical battles like the invasion of England in 1066. These activities make historical events more appealing to the students and bring history from dry facts on a page to a point of interest. By creating costumes, you are exposing the students to creative arts and getting them to identify with other cultures and teaching them to research historical people and events. They will learn factors that led to the conflicts and how they were resolved.

Cost When compared to other activities, the equipment cost is low.

Implementation Is it going to be used as a gym class, as an after-school club, or as an elective course? It has been my experience that children who are involved in this program have found a creative outlet, gained a sense of accomplishment, formed friendships, and have become more interested in school.

Rule Change Suggestions

No kicking of shields No bashing with shields Target area from shoulder to knee to avoid tripping and sprained ankles Assigning different attributes to weapons to depict the setting (i.e. having axes go through armor but not two-handed swords to show how the Normans had to adjust to the new concept of the battle axe. I like the idea of only axes being class two weapons. I think that it brings better balance to the game play.)

Suggested Ranking System

Level One Pages or Men at Arms Level Two Squires Level Three Knights Level Four Lords

Lesson Plan Suggestions Day one: Hand out the rules and explain the combat system. Arrange students in a circle facing in. Have students spar with instructor to learn the system of combat. Day two: Review rule system. Divide students into sparing partners. Have one pair at a time enter the circle and spar. Point out any rule violations and give helpful suggestions. Day three: Allow students to break up into sparing partners and “duel.” Day four: Divide students into two teams and fight in battles. (having two color sets of weapons helps or having students wear different color headbands)

Tactics Some class time should be spent teaching tactics of different armies (i.e. Roman phalanx, Saxon shield wall, use of English archers, flanking maneuvers.)

Historical Tie In How did the feudal system work? What event created the need for the feudal system? What facilitated the rise of the political power of the church?

Other Possible Subject Integration A History A Art A Drama A Literature Benefits A Exercise A Leadership A Discipline A Team work

Other Games for Lesson Plans

Four Corners Divide students into four teams. Send each team to one corner of battle area. When you call that realm’s name or number, they fight. When individuals are killed, they return to their corner until their realm is called again. Optional - fighters who are still on the field when their realm is called have their wounds healed.

Out Numbered Sometimes when recreating an actual battle, one side is extremely out numbered or armed with inferior weapons. Try to recreate the same disadvantages on the field.

Knights Versus Peasants Have a small but better armed group take on superior numbers (i.e. knights have swords, shields, javelins and armor, but peasants have only swords.) Romans To help understand the difference in battle tactics, javelins become pilum. This enables javelins to disable the shields.