
From BelegarthWiki

Sir Sorcia the Matriarch

Mundane Name: Elizabeth Matanguihan

Fighting Name:Sir Sorcia Januri Alathea the Matriarch (Mama)

Realm:I'm an independent Knight that don't need no realm!

Unit:Clan of the Hydra


Fighting Since:1992 (forever ago)

Fighting Style-Polearms

Event History- All of them.

Story time!- I started in El Paso, Texas way too young at the tender age of 14. There I became the boss seamstress I am now and learned how to chump fools with a sweet spear and sometimes glaive. A few years later, here I am defending a sweet wall at a Ren Faire when this totally jacked dude with a shield joins me in smacking some noobs around. His name was Sir Kyrian and we quickly decided it would be nice to date and move to the center of all foam fighting together. (Illinois) We were fighting in Dag at the time and at Rag (ha! that rhymed!) 14, I met all of the Numenorian hooligans that Sir Kyrian fought with as well as some awesome Eastern Dag fighters. Myself and Sir Kyrian were later kidnapped by Wolfpack. More specifically Orion and Xooyan made us fight and stay at their place.

We absconded with all the skill to Bloomington and started the Peirce House. I was the Scribe for Wolfpack (best scribe ever). Dag decided to implode and Belegarth was born from the bloody, smoking ruins. Malcar and I planned the first Armageddon for mid 2001 and it was going to be literally the most fun ever had in one place. Sir Kyrian and I got married just before the first 'Geddon (it was pretty sweet, but you probably weren't invited) and moved around a lot afterwards.(Mostly between fighting communities) We were in the Wolfguard for a time, but I decided that it wasn't my thing and left. We became Belegarth Officers and I was Secretary for like, 2 years. Remember that part about being the best Scribe? Exactly.

We gave up the Peirce House for good in 2008 after 7 years of putting all the skill in one place and moved to Madison, Wisconsin. (We were bribed with cheese and excellent fights) There we joined Rhun and the Clan of the Hydra.I poured much love into the unit and at Okfest '08 I became one of the first subalterns of Hydra. Basically, I could tell Hydra you were cool enough for the unit...or not. At the very same event, all my hard work and dedication paid off, as I had finally been knighted. I insist upon "Sir", and if you question me, I'll show you how I earned the title.

I have trained some exceptional individuals to include the ever-pleasant Sir Yuri, who is also now a knight and master "Bliss" maker. In 2011 Sir Kyrian and I moved to Arcadia, CA and train with Andor and loving them mostly equally. (Not so sure about that Squire Winter fellow) In 2015 I was recognized as a Master in both the Seneschal and Artificer Guilds. That's right, both.

I am currently enjoying teaching A&S classes whenever possible and watching all the people I trained run around and destroy stuff. Sometimes it's nice to sit back and not have to run things for once.

Bring me my wine!

See Also: Double D Deathtrap of Doom