Cien Fuegos

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Battle Name

Cien Fuegos (See-yen fuê-goes)or just Fuegos

Nicknames, titles, awards
*Started fighting 2018
*Started eventing 2018
*Chaos Wars 2019 A&S Leatherworking Winner
*Chaos Wars 2020 A&S Leatherworking Winner
*Shannara Collegium 2020 A&S Leatherworking Winner


Black Rose Order Brotherhood of Red


Bethel Often fights with Ebonhold

Event Attendance

Frozen Warriors-2018, 2019, 2019*, 2020* *event coordinator Highlands of Chaos Opener-2019, 2020 Thaw Brawl-2019 Battle of Antigawa-2019 War of Foreboding-2019 Chaos Wars-2019, 2020




Fuegos is an old man made young by the fire of the dragon. He is a leader and benefactor of the realm of Bethel helping it rise from the ashes of Jerico. He wants to do all he can to make Belegrim better for all. He is a fighter that wants to be in every fight he can. At events you will find him on the field. At home you will find him in his armory.



Household Page

Mottos or sayings

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