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An incomplete listing of Belegrim, past and present. If you need assistance creating your own page, please refer to the Simple Wiki Guide or the People Page Template.
This category has the following 31 subcategories, out of 31 total.
- Archers (2 P)
- Beings of Arda (5 P)
- Bellydancers (6 P)
- Canadian Belegarth (65 P)
- Drummers (10 P)
- Lefties (32 P)
- Liquormancers (3 P)
- People of Au Tir (2 P)
- People of Avalon (18 P)
- People of Babylon (8 P)
- People of Dur-Demarion (64 P)
- People of Ebonhold (22 P)
- People of Hyden-Gahl (23 P)
- People of Kaer Morhen (4 P)
- People of Northlands (1 P)
- People of Numenor (2 P)
- People of Rhun (9 P)
- People of Shukai (1 P)
- People of Solasmahr Tir (9 P)
- People of The North (2 P)
- People of the Novum Imperii (3 P)
- People of Tir na nOg (1 P)
- People of Wolfpack (36 P)
- People stubs (150 P)
- Pets (6 P)
- Photographers (4 P)
- Rock Fighter (1 P)
- Starting Years (33 P)
- Storytellers (5 P)
- Top Ten People (32 P)
- Vendors (4 P)
Pages in category "People"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,258 total.
(previous page) (next page)'
- A Pimp Named Bohemian Slim (Boat Slayer, Priest Vanquisher)
- A'isha
- A'Layl
- Abacus Blue
- Abel
- Abra
- Ace
- Achilles
- Acorn
- Acrid the Scarecrow
- Adalhaide
- Adder
- Adelaide van Garen
- Adhdking
- Admiral General Mordock Sangblaade (Grand Weapons Master and Founder of "The Crimson Armada")
- Aekien Toebiter
- Aelin Sparklebean
- Aeolous
- Aericus
- Aeschere
- Agate Bloom
- Aggro
- Agnarr
- Ahira
- Ahki
- Ahlschwede
- Ahote Magua
- Aias 'Cu' Cunaxu
- Aiden
- Aidoann
- Aimish
- Aine SilverSun
- Aingeal Tite
- Ainsley Hyetower
- Airia
- Aislynn
- Aizen
- Akalis
- Akasharra
- Akbar the Foul
- Akroth
- Aku Pyro
- Akushitsu
- Alabraxis
- Alachi
- Alana
- Albannach
- Alberich
- Alcock
- Alcor
- Aldanius
- Aldric
- Alec
- Aleksii
- Alena
- Alina
- Alistair
- Alistar
- Alister
- Allora
- Alltin
- Alpha Noodle
- Alric Thrydwulf
- Alturas
- Alvar
- Alyna
- Ame
- Amuro Nakamoto
- Anara
- Anarchles, Pale Nomad
- Anarchus
- Anastasia of Chamonix
- Anderew
- Anderow
- Andi
- Andrek
- Andromeda
- Angelus
- Anglave
- Angmarth
- Angus
- Angus of Beornve
- Angwynn
- Angys
- Ani
- Animal
- Animus
- Annika
- Anthrax
- Antien
- Antoinette
- Antoinette's Blank People Page Layout
- Anu
- Anubis
- Anya
- Aodhan
- Aonghus
- Aoshi
- Aphex
- Apollo
- Apolous Brutus
- Apophis
- Apteryx
- Arashi Ki
- Aratus
- Arauka
- Arc
- ArchAngel15
- Archer
- Archive
- Archon Friskivus the Red
- Arczhidea
- Ares
- Argent
- Argoth
- Argun
- Argus
- Argyle III Salochstagh
- Aria
- Arioch
- ArIya
- Ark
- Arkin
- Arkka
- Arky
- Arlinn Wolfslied, the Northern Wolf
- Arminius
- Armon
- Arqiro
- Arrakis
- Arrow-Person
- Arshank
- Artemis
- Artemis the Huntress
- Artemisia
- Arthur Coburn
- Artificer
- Arveen Tallstag
- Arya
- Ash
- Ash Of Grayscale
- Ashe
- Ashe of Dur Demarion
- Ashen
- Asher
- Asher XXIII
- Ashera
- Ashes
- Ashling
- Ashton Xylia
- Ashyn
- Aslaug
- Assyria
- Astera
- Astio
- Astrid
- Astrok Dracojaws
- Atari of Andor
- Athena
- Athyina Nyhte
- Atman
- Attack Brad
- Atticus
- Audu Paden
- Aureus
- Auri
- Aurora
- Austin
- Austinatious
- Avadon
- Avarice
- Aven
- Avianna
- Axel
- Ayala
- Ayden
- Ayrico
- Azrael
- Azreal
- Azure
- Azzameen