Armageddon XX
Event Details

Date: June 7-11 2023
Location: Billie Creek Village - 65 S Billie Creek Rd Rockville, IN, US 47872
Arrival Time: 12:00 PM
Departure Time: 12:00 PM
Facebook Link: Armageddon XX Facebook Event Page
Website: Armageddon XX Website
"There is minimal cell phone service at the event site, and the site does not currently have wifi. We strongly suggest that you bring cash to Armageddon, as it's highly possible that the vendors will not be able to process a credit/debit card. We will keep you posted if this changes."
COVID-19 Guidelines
To attend the event, you must show either your vaccination card/paperwork OR a negative COVID Test within 72 of arrival to the event. Both Home and PCR Tests are acceptable.
Masks optional.

Event Fees
Distance Discount Code: #500milesormore
If you travel 500 miles or more to attend Armageddon XX, you are eligible for a $5.00 Discount.
Pre-Reg Fees
Pre-reg Site
The Pre-reg Site, via Square, accepts the following payment methods:
- Debit Visa/Mastercard
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Discover Card
- American Express
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- CashApp
- JCB Prepaid Cards
10-15 years old
- Wednesday Fee:$30.00
- Thursday Fee:$25.00
- Friday Fee: $20.00
- Saturday Fee: $15.00
- Day Trip Fee: $15.00
- Wednesday Fee: $40.00
- Thursday Fee: $35.00
- Friday Fee: $30.00
- Saturday Fee: $20.00
- Day Trip Fee: $20.00
Gate Fees
We will be accepting the following forms of payment using the Contactless Square Payment System at Troll:
- Cash
- Debit
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Discover Card
- American Express
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
10-15 years old
- Wednesday Fee: $35.00
- Thursday Fee: $30.00
- Friday Fee: $25.00
- Saturday Fee: $15.00
- Day Trip Fee: $15.00
- Wednesday Fee: $45.00
- Thursday Fee:' $40.00
- Friday Fee: $35.00
- Saturday Fee: $25.00
- Day Trip Fee: $25.00

- Armageddon XX Shirts will be on sale on site from Noon Wed to Noon Saturday
- Order shirts at troll
- Shirts are $25.00
- Order Pick Up on Sunday at the General Store
- If you are leaving before Sunday, talk to Antoinette to work out pick up details
- Sizes Adult Small to Adult 4XL
This is one option for those 18+ to fill out their waiver via this form beforehand. We understand that some people do not wish to have their information stored in any online format if possible, so paper waivers will still be available at Troll when you check in at the event.
Waiver for Attendance Including Minors
Volunteer Sign Up
Like all other Belegarth Events, Armageddon runs on volunteers. If you are willing and able to give 1 or 2 hours of your time to help out at the event, please take a moment and look at our volunteer signup sheet and put your name into a slot.
Pride Month Donation
As we do each year, we are picking a charity to support this year! This year, we will be supporting Trinity Haven Indy!. Trinity Haven's mission is to provide safe, affirming housing for LGBTQ youth experiencing housing instability. Trinity Haven is supported in part by a local church. However, religion does "'not'" play a part in receiving support from the charity. There will be a donation box at Troll and at the General Store. Anything helps!
Some Facts
- Nearly 70% of LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness have been rejected by their family members because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
- LGBTQ youth and young adults are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
- Every night, an estimated 72 youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) are homeless in Indianapolis, and 68% of these youth say that family rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a major cause of their homelessness.
Donation Boxes will be at Troll, the General Store and the Fae Midsummer Ball and Pride Party.

Service Animals are "'WORKING'" animals and are not to be bothered when they are working. If a service animal approaches you without its human,"' FOLLOW IT' "and send someone to locate an Event Staff member.
- Dogs are allowed.
- They must be on a leash, and you must clean up after your pet.
- Cats allowed.
- Cats must be on a leash; a safe enclosure is recommended for cats in camps.
- Horses are allowed.
- There are no onsite stables.
- You must bring your own trailer for your horse to shelter in.
- Bunnies are allowed.
- They must be homed safely.
Site Rules
Site Rules Include but are not limited to:
1. Do Not Speed - The speed limit is 5mph. Do not go faster.
2. Park only in Designated Parking Areas- Cars may only park in designated parking areas. Unloading is acceptable on roads near campsites, but then cars must be moved to parking areas.
3. Swim at your own risk - Enjoy Williams Creek at your own risk.
4. Do Not Leave Trash About - Please clean up after yourselves. Dumpsters and trash cans are provided.
5. Do not feed the animals - All animals housed on Billie Creek property are cared for with specific diets. Please do not feed them.
6. Pets - All pets must be leashed at all times. They must be picked up after. Pets are not allowed in any buildings unless registered as service animal (not a support animal).
7. Abide by quiet hours - Quiet hours: 11 PM - 7 AM
8. Take Care When Playing with Fire - Your fire pit must be elevated. Building ground fires will result in being banned from the property. Bringing your own elevated fire pit is acceptable. However, you will have to remove it when you leave. Additionally, only deadfall and purchased firewood are allowed. Absolutely no cutting of tree limbs or branches.
9. Smoking - Smoking indoors is strictly prohibited. This includes alternatives such as vaping. Smoking waste must be disposed of in proper receptacles. Failure to do so will result in a cleanup fee.
10. Minors - Anyone under the age of 18 must be chaperoned.
11. Do Not Possess or Use Illegal Substances - Unlawful drugs are prohibited. Failure to comply will result in expulsion from the property and law enforcement reporting.
12. Comply With the Law and Park Policies - Event Coordinators and site management can remove and ban people from the event and/or property.
13. Trespassing - Locked buildings are locked for a reason, and any attempt to enter those buildings will result in expulsion from the property and law enforcement action.
14. Vandalism - Destruction of Billie Creek property, personal property, or property of the event coordinators will result in expulsion from the property and law enforcement action.
Vendor Information
- No Extra Vendor Fee
- Vendors MUST HAVE a Parke County Indiana Temp Vendors Permit.
- Vendors Application
- Vendors Applications close on May 31st 2023.
Permit Information
All vendors "MUST" obtain a Parke County Indiana Temporary Vendors Permit.
The permits are free so long as you inform Parke County that you are attending a private event at Billie Creek Village and are NOT apply for the Covered Bridge Festival.
Please get in touch with Squire Elwing at if you have any questions.
Vendors In Attendance

Armageddon University
Dean: Squire Trinity
Anyone who attends 6 or more classes will receive an Armageddon University Certificate.
Classes & Meetings List
Class Name | Day/Time | Location | Instructor/Chair Name | Blurb | ||||
Character Development 101 | Wednesday 4:00 PM | Gabler Building | Willow Whiteheart | Have you been wanting to create more lore for your character? Do you have new
players that need help creating a whole persona? Character Development 101 helps you learn the basics by giving you questions to ask yourself about what you expect from your character. These skills will work not only for increasing the development of your LARP character but can be applied to other areas as well, including storytelling and tabletop roleplaying! All you need is to bring yourself and a writing utensil! | ||||
Introduction to Tai Chi | Thursday 9:00 AM | Town Center | Mansdoerfer | This class will introduce Tai Chi concepts and movements to provide participants with an understanding of Tai Chi and how they can use it in their daily lives. | ||||
Small Unit Tactics | Thursday 9:00 AM | Tournament Area | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | Topics that will be covered: Theory behind tactics, Discuss some different tactics and Present some different drills for developing tactics and melee awareness | ||||
Bagua for Whacky Bats: How Walking in Circles Made Me Better at Fighting | Thursday 10:00 AM | Fighting Field | Cecil the Awesome | Bagua is a traditional Chinese martial art most known for its circle-walking practice. It is also the martial art that air bending was based on in Avatar. The circle-walking practice of traditional Bagua is used both for training technique as well as a meditation practice to develop other skills and qualities that are important to combat. in this class, we will learn the basic meditation practices of Bagua circle-walking to develop skills important to foam fighting, such as field awareness, fakes and feints, and fluidity of movement. | ||||
Mindfulness: How to Make Your Mind Your Ally | Thursday 11:00 AM | School Building | Squire Berenor | Please come and learn a brief overview of the theory of mindfulness. This will also
include demonstrations of multiple different techniques that will help you both on and off the battlefield. | ||||
Beginning to Crochet | Thursday 12:00 PM | Gabler Building | Kap | Come learn the basics of crochet by making your very own hat! You will be shown how to start and finish a hat while learning a few basic stitches along the way that can be used for so much more! Materials - a hook and some yarn - are provided, free, and yours forever, but donations for said materials are welcome and appreciated. Join this class to take your first steps into the art of crocheted garb! | ||||
Character Development 101 | Thursday 1:00 PM | Gabler Building | Willow Whiteheart | Have you been wanting to create more lore for your character? Do you have new
players that need help creating a whole persona? Character Development 101 helps you learn the basics by giving you questions to ask yourself about what you expect from your character. These skills will work not only for increasing the development of your LARP character but can be applied to other areas as well, including storytelling and tabletop roleplaying! All you need is to bring yourself and a writing utensil! | ||||
Combat Archery | Thursday 1:00 PM | Tournment Area | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | Topics to be covered: Present some helpful tips about safety and equipment, Give tips and techniques for arching in the melee & Introduce drills for developing your skills | ||||
Understanding Membership Specific Bylaws | Thursday 1:30 PM | School Building | BMCS President Nakisn & BMCS Vice President Antoinette | This session will be led by the current President and Vice President of the Belegarth Board of Directors, focusing on understanding the Membership Bylaws of Belegarth. We will talk about how they function and how all realms and events can bring forth sensitive information to the BoD and WC. | ||||
Basic Physical & Psychological First Aid | Thursday 2:30 PM | School Building | Sir Hubris & Cecil the Awesome | The Basic Physical and Psychological First Aid class will cover strategies that Belegrim can use to keep themselves and others safe and healthy, both on and off the field. Topics covered in the first part of this class will include how to recognize and respond to heat stroke, dehydration, hypothermia, burns, and other injuries. In the second part of the class, participants will learn how to recognize and respond to a person who is showing symptoms of a mental health issue or crisis. This class will be taught by Cecil the Awesome and Sir Hubris. Cecil is a certified lifeguard and lifeguard trainer and is certified in CPR and first aid. Sir Hubris is a public health communicator and is certified in Mental Health First Aid. This class is recommended especially for realm and unit leadership but is open to all! | ||||
Basics of Plastidip | Thursday 3:00 PM | Gabler Building | Kyrnn Wolfsbane | This class will be a safety-focused overview of how to apply Plastidip to completed
projects. There are multiple ways to apply Plastidip, and we will examine each method known to best help students choose what's right for their project. We will cover the health and safety risks of applying pd and what can be done to mitigate those risks and keep students safe. Students are welcome to bring projects for a Q&A and consultation portion at the end of the class. | ||||
Introduction to Heraldry | Thursday 5:00 PM | Gabler Building | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | In the class, we will look at examples of heraldry in historical artwork, talk about some of the myths behind heraldry, familiarize you with basic heraldic concepts, and go over the basics of blazoning. | ||||
Morning Camp Chair Yoga | Friday 8:00 AM | Town Center | Gera | Is your body stiff after sleeping on the ground? Is it tight from yesterday's fighting and fun? Come on over for some morning yoga to stretch out and prepare for another amazing day at the event! A full body warm-up and stretch will address feet, calves, thighs, hips, trunk, shoulders, forearms, and wrists. The Class will also include a short meditation to quiet and focus the mind. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Bring your camp chair, and wear your comfortable garb. | ||||
Small Unit Tactics | Friday 9:00 AM | Tournament Area | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | Topics that will be covered: Theory behind tactics, Discuss some different tactics and Present some different drills for developing tactics and melee awareness | ||||
Introduction to Tai Chi | Friday 10:00 AM | Town Center | Mansdoerfer | This class will introduce Tai Chi concepts and movements to provide participants with an understanding of Tai Chi and how they can use it in their daily lives. | ||||
Distressing & Layering Techniques | Friday 10:00 AM | Barn | Mekoot Kodite | During the class, I will be teaching the basics of Distressing, turning garb, whether it be Cloth, leather, fur, or plate, into something dirty, ruined, and stained but still holds up to natural wear and tear. I will also be going over the importance of layering garb and ways to layer and make your garb stand out from others on and off the field. Bring a Chair! | ||||
Javelin 101 | Friday 10:30 AM | Tournment Area | Shyft | I will explain how to use a Javelin effectively in Belegarth, sharing Techniques, Tips and Tactics. I will explain how any kit can benefit from adding a Javelin. I will touch on how to use a Javelin by itself and what a Javelin-centric kit would look like, but mostly I’ll explain their use as a force multiplier for the average fighter. I will do demonstrations and suggest ways to practice using Javelins, both individually and with a realm. And then I'll end with Javelin Dodgeball. | ||||
Beginning Sword | Friday 11:00 AM | Tournament Area | Sir Kracken & Sir Nenharma | Introductory course into single sword. This class will cover basic stances, forms, blocks, strikes, counters and the game theory of using a single sword. | ||||
2D Design Principles & Garb | Friday 11:00 AM | School Building | Dame Volpin | We'll talk about the principles of design and how to apply them to garb. | ||||
Beginning Sword & Board | Friday 11:30 AM | Tournmament Area | Sir Kracken | This introductory course will cover basic stances, forms, common strikes, feints, parries, and combos for using a sword and shield, as well as introduce participants to the pros and cons between strap and punch shields and the game theory of a shield persons’ role on the field. | ||||
Body Measurement Pattering | Friday 12:00 PM | School Building | Dame Volpin | In this class, you will take your measurements and learn how to transfer that onto fabric to make a simple tunic. | ||||
Warbraids | Friday 1:00 PM | School Building | Dez | This class is to help new monsters (or anyone for that fact) to learn how to make
warbraids unique to their persona. This class will also show that you can recycle things you have lying around your house to help make them. | ||||
BoD Question Period | Friday 1:00 PM | Town Center | All Present BoD Members | Come ask the BoD Members present at Armageddon the questions you have for them. Come make suggestions for changes! We will have a suggestion box. Bring a Chair! | ||||
Bone Cleaning | Friday 1:30 PM | Gabler Building | Sparrow | A practical guide to cleaning and preparing bones and skulls for display. Will go over ethical sources for collection, including which laws to check for your state. We will go over flesh removal, degreasing and lightening techniques. We will also review common household items that can help with the process. | ||||
Japanese Stab Binding | Friday 2:30 PM | School Building | Maestra Faline | Yotsume Toji, or stab binding, is a traditional Japanese bookbinding technique. Over
the course of an hour, students will get a crash course on the practice. We will have a show and tell of different looks your book binding can take. The second part of the class will include a chance for students to make their own books to take back to camp. No sewing experience is necessary, only the willingness to learn. | ||||
Intro to War Council | Friday 4:00 PM | Town Center | BMCS President Nakis & BMCS Vice President Antoinette | New to Belegarth and have no idea what people are talking about when they say "War
Council", new to your position as a War Council Rep or need a quick refresh on what the War Council does and how this will be perfect for you! Come learn from the current President and Vice President of the Belegarth Board of Directors about what War Council is and how it works. If you are a realm interested in becoming part of the War Council, this would be a great session to attend. Bring a Chair! | ||||
Basic Armor Patterning | Friday 4:30 PM | School Building | Sir Skydd | This is a beginner course. By the end of it, every person should be able to have their own basic bracer pattern. | ||||
Basic Fighting Fabrics | Friday 4:30 PM | Barn | Maestra Faline | Have you ever struggled with the right material for the right project? Come sit a while and listen as I discuss the most common types of fabrics used for garb, banners, weapon covers, and anything else under the sun we make for Belegarth. We'll cover construction and fibre material so students better understand why we choose one fabric over another. I will also cover care instructions so students will walk away with the knowledge to pick a great fabric and keep it lasting new as long as
possible. I'll have examples for everyone to feel up and cheat sheets to take home. | ||||
Moving Past Minimum Garb | Friday 5:00 PM | Gabler Building | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | This class will present ideas, suggestions, and inspiration on improving your kit's look. We will cover different topics such as fabrics, silhouette and drape, embellishments, and a myriad of accessories. | ||||
Introduction to Red Fighting | Friday 5:00 PM | In Front of the Barn | Sigismund | The calls will be the base fundamentals of red fighting. Discussion of the mental space and attitude you should have well red fighting. As well as ways to perform safer shots. | ||||
Morning Camp Chair Yoga | Saturday 8:00 AM | Town Center | Gera | Is your body stiff after sleeping on the ground? Is it tight from yesterday's fighting and fun? Come on over for some morning yoga to stretch out and prepare for another amazing day at the event! A full body warm-up and stretch will address feet, calves, thighs, hips, trunk, shoulders, forearms, and wrists. The Class will also include a short meditation to quiet and focus the mind. No previous yoga experience is necessary. Bring your camp chair, and wear your comfortable garb. | ||||
Advanced First Aid & How to Build a First Aid Kit | Saturday 9:00 AM | Fighting Field | Squire Berenor | This course will build on a basic understanding of first aid, as taught in earlier classes, but everyone is encouraged to attend. Attendees will be taught wound care and receive a Stop the Bleed Certification. After this period of instruction, attendees will be taught how to build a first-aid kit! Please bring your own kit if you want pointers! All is free, but donations are accepted for used materials. | ||||
Archery Form & Combat | Saturday 9:30 AM | Tournament Area | Shepherd | Introduction to proper archery form and its application to combat. | ||||
Pronouns & Why They Are Important | Saturday 10:00 AM | Gabler Building | Fievel | Ever wondered why pronouns are so important to folks but have been too scared to
ask? Looking for ways to be a better ally to the transgender and non-binary community in Belegarth? Look no further! All these questions and more will be covered in my class! Hope to see you there! | ||||
Javelin 101 | Saturday 10:30 AM | Tournment Area | Shyft | I will explain how to use a Javelin effectively in Belegarth, sharing Techniques, Tips and Tactics. I will explain how any kit can benefit from adding a Javelin. I will touch on how to use a Javelin by itself and what a Javelin-centric kit would look like, but mostly I’ll explain their use as a force multiplier for the average fighter. I will do demonstrations and suggest ways to practice using Javelins, both individually and with a realm. And then I'll end with Javelin Dodgeball. | ||||
Beginning Sword | Saturday 11:00 AM | Tournament Area | Sir Kracken & Sir Nenharma | Introductory course into single sword. This class will cover basic stances, forms, blocks, strikes, counters and the game theory of using a single sword. | ||||
Beginning Sword & Board | Saturday 11:30 AM | Tournmament Area | Sir Kracken | This introductory course will cover basic stances, forms, common strikes, feints, parries, and combos for using a sword and shield, as well as introduce participants to the pros and cons between strap and punch shields and the game theory of a shield persons’ role on the field. | ||||
Peerage Council | Saturday 12:00 PM | Town Center | Squire Antoinette, Master Seneschal | Join us for an hour of open discussion surrounding the peerages. This event is open to all, peers and non-peers. If you’ve ever wondered what the path to peerage looks like, this event is a great starting point! Bring Chairs! | ||||
Warbraids | Saturday 1:00 PM | School Building | Dez | This class is to help new monsters (or anyone for that fact) to learn how to make
warbraids unique to their persona. This class will also show that you can recycle things you have lying around your house to help make them. | ||||
Building Realm Policies that Work | Saturday 1:00 PM | Town Center | BMCS President Nakis & Vice President Antoinetet | Nakis and Antoinette are here to help realms build bylaws, policies and codes of
conduct that work with what Belegarth has overall and for the realms. We are willing to read over what already exists and give advice. | ||||
Bone Cleaning | Saturday 1:30 PM | Barn | Sparrow | A practical guide to cleaning and preparing bones and skulls for display. Will go over ethical sources for collection, including which laws to check for your state. We will go over flesh removal, degreasing and lightening techniques. We will also review common household items that can help with the process. | ||||
Recruiting Strategy Brainstorming for Unit Leaders | Saturday 4:00 PM | Town Center | Gera | A group brainstorm on how to recruit new people to units for unit leaders. Bring a chair. | ||||
All Guilds Meeting | Saturday 4:00 PM | Gabler Building | Squire Antoinette, Master Seneschal | A meeting for members of all three guilds. This event will allow members to discuss current needs, the sorts of activities we can engage in to get Belegarth rolling again in person and to answer questions from the general populace about the guilds. | ||||
Event Planning & Logistics | Saturday 5:00 PM | Gabler Building | Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth | Event planning can oftentimes seem like a daunting task. In the class, I will break down planning and logistics for day, multi-day, and week-long events. |
- Pronouns and Why They Matter - Instructor: Fievel
- Basics of Plastidip - Instructor: Kyrnn Wolfsbane
- Warbraids - Instructor: Dez
- Bone Cleaning - Instructor: Sparrow
- Intro to War Council - Instructors: BMCS President Nakis & BMCS Vice President Antoinette
- Understanding the Membership Specific Bylaws - Instructors: BMCS President Nakis & BMCS Vice President Antoinette
- Building Realm Bylaws and Policy that Work - Instructors: BMCS President Nakis & BMCS Vice President Antoinette
- Small Unit Tactics - Instructor: Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth
- Combat Archery - Instructor: Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth
- Introduction to Heraldry - Instructor: Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth
- Moving Past Minimum Garb - Instructor: Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth
- Event Planning and Logistics - Instructor: Sir Kyrian Hawksword, Patron Saint of Belegarth
- Javelin 101 - Instructor: Shyft
- Morning Camp Chair Yoga - Instructor: Gera
- Introduction to Tai Chi - Instructor: Mansdoerfer
- Bagua - Instructor: Cecil the Awesome
- Basic Physical & Psychological First Aid - Instructor: Sir Hubris & Cicel the Awesome
- Japanese Stab Binding - Instructor: Maestra Faline
- Basic Fighting Fabrics - Instructor: Maestra Faline
- Body Measurement Patterning - Instructor: Dame Volpin
- 2D Design Principles and Garb - Instructor: Dame Volpin
- Distressing and layering Techniques - Instructor: Mekoot Kodite
- Archery Form and Combat - Instructor: Shepherd
- Character Development 101 - Instructor: Willow Whiteheart
- Advanced First Aid & How to Build a First Aid Kit - Instructor: Squire Berenor, Senechals Guild Apprentice
- Mindfulness: How to Make Your Mind Your Ally - Instructor: Squire Berenor, Senechals Guild Apprentice
- Basic Armor Patterning - Instructor: Sir Skydd
- Beginning Sword - Instructor: Sir Kracken
- Beginning Sword & Board - Instructor: Sir Kracken
- BMCS Board of Directors Question Period - Instructors: President Apprentice Nakis, Vice President Squire Antoinette, Master Seneschal, Public Relations Sir Nenharma, Secretary Squire Hixa and Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator Sir Hubris
- All Guilds Meeting - Chair: Squire Antoinette, Master Seneschal
- Peerage Council - Chair: Squire Antoinette, Master Seneschal
Combat Tournaments
- Thursday 4:00 PM -
- New Person (2 years or less)
- Short Red (65" and Under)
- Friday 4:00 PM -
- Single Sword
- Polearm (66"+)
- 2-Man
- Saturday 4:00 PM -
- Sword & Board
- 4-Man
A&S Competition
Armageddon XX will host an Arts and Sciences Competition on Saturday of the event. Item Drop off at 1:00 PM in the Gabler Building Item Pick Up at 4:00 PM.
- Fancy Garb - Winner: Saewyn
- Monster Garb - Winner: Pants
- Leatherworking - Winner: Nexus
- Plastidip - Winner: Sir Hubris
- Fiber Art - Winner: Dame Volpin
- Accessories - Winner: Kyra
- Medieval Art - Winner: Raphael
- Judges Choice - Winner: Rexus
Max 3 entries per person, per category.
Entry Form: [1]
Event Staff
These amazing individuals have made it possible for us to run Armageddon XX. They put in much hard work in the pre-planning and set up for the event.
- Squire Antoinette - BoD Vice President & EC
- Squire Elwing - Billie Creek Village Site Manager & Vendors Coordinator
- Stormcrow - BoD Treasurer & Head of Troll
- Kalika - Arrow Check
- Squire D - Head Weapons Check
- Sir Techknowe - Head Herald
- X - Nightlife Coordinator
- Apprentice Nakis - BoD President & Head of Security (Wed-Friday)
- Squire Braizen - Head of Security (Saturday)
- Squire Trinity - Armageddon University
- Master Sabre La Baber - Arts & Sciences Competition
- Sir Galin - Tournaments Coordinator
- Duke - Crafting Area Coordinator
- Maeve Riftsong - Head Medic
- Sir Nénharma - BoD Public Relations
- Squire Hixa - BoD Secretary
- Sir Hubris - BoD Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator
- Sir Kegg - Billie Creek Village Site Owner
- Sir Orso - Billie Creek Village Facilities Manager
- Steve - Billie Creek Village Maintenance
- Luce - Billie Creek Village Cat
Squire Antoinette the Moosewitch - Thunder Guard - Elite Bloodfalcons
Squire Elwing - Numenor
Stormcrow - Numenor - Dark Guard
Kalika - Eryndor - Sengal's Finest
Squire D - Einherjar - Kyulicks
Sir Techknowe - High Spires - The Horsemen
X - Bale Turath - Greyscale
Apprentice Nakis - Pyke the Ironport
Squire Braizen - Frozen North - Maelstrom
Squire Trinity - Grond - Sons of Sylas
Master Sabre La Baber - Carthage - Clan of the Hydra
Sir Galin - Numenor - Elite Bloodfalcons
Duke - Obsidian Hallow - House Dregoth
Maeve Riftsong - Dur Demarion
Sir Nenharma - Grond - Sons of Sylas
Squire Hixa - Grond - Sons of Sylas
Sir Hubris - High Spires
Sir Kegg - Numenor - Knights of Numenor/Elite Bloodflacons
Sir Orso - Numenor - Knights of Numenor
Steve - Numenor
Luce - Numenor
Rockville, Indiana Area Information
General Locations
- Cooper's Laundromat – 904 Howard Ave, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- BP Gas Station – 600 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Casey's – 426 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States (24/7)
- Valero Gas Station – 710 E Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- CountryMark – 710 E Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- G & M Ace Hardware Inc – 1221 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- CVS – 806 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- G & M Variety – 108 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer – 218 S Virginia St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Ritz Theatre – 201 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Family Dollar – 101 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- O'Reilly Auto Parts – 203 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Dollar General – 504 E Anderson St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Royal Inn Rockville (This Hotel is Almost on the Event Site) – 1659 US-36, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Motel Forrest Rockville – 868 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States 765-569-5250
- Parke Bridge Motel – 304 E Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Old Jail Inn Parke County – 127 S Jefferson St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Covered Bridge Motel – 346 US-41, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Turkey Run Inn – 8102 Park Rd, Marshall, IN 47859, United States
- Bubble Gum Bed & Breakfast – 517 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Raccoon Lakeside Lodge – 9469 East Paw Paw Ln, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Red Brick Inn, LLC – 202 Howard Ave, Rockville, IN 47872, United States – 1-765-592-7818
- Monarch Bed & Breakfast – 404 W High St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Rockville IGA – 1250 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Jaytee's Country Market (Peachey's Bulk Foods) – 2660 So, US Hwy 41, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Sunset View Groceries – 5177 East 100 North, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Walmart Supercenter (36 mins) – 1750 Indianapolis Rd, Greencastle, IN 46135, United States
- Walmart(21 mins) – 1795 IN-163, Clinton, IN 47842, United States
- C & K Liquor Store – 708 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Party Pak Liquors – 381 Crawford St, Montezuma, IN 47862, United States
- Thirty Six Saloon – 108 E Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Aaron's on the Square – 123 S Jefferson St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Mario Brothers – 2-42 Summerset Dr, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Amore Pizza King – 1195 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- The Phoenix Orient Restaurant – 1236 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Wheel House Donuts – 111 E York St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Pizza Hut – 818 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Burger King – 709 W Ohio St, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Dairy Queen Grill & Chill – 600 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Subway – 774 N Lincoln Rd, Rockville, IN 47872, United States
- Union Hospital Clinton – 801 S Main St, Clinton, IN 47842, United States
- Terre Haute Regional Hospital – 3901 S 7th St, Terre Haute, IN 47802, United States
- API Walk-In Clinic – 1641 US-231, Crawfordsville, IN 47933, United States
- Indianapolis International Airport (53.9 Miles/ 1 hour 7 mins) – 7800 Col. H. Weir Cook Memorial Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46241, United States
- Crawfordsville Amtrak Platform – (31.6 miles/ 41 mins) 400 North Green Street Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Train Station – Platform with Shelter
- Mattoon Amtrak Station – (82.8 miles /1 hour 30 mins) – 1718 Broadway Ave, Mattoon, IL 61938, United States
Post Event Information
Pre-Registration Number: 412
Final Attendance Number: 725
Unit Attendance
- Amyr -
- Aoidea -
- Army of Morva -
- Azure Demons -
- Black Company -
- Blades -
- Brotherhood of the Falcon -
- Cerberus -
- Chaos Undivided -
- Children of Nidhogg -
- Clan of the Hydra -
- Court of the 8 Sins -
- Cu Sith -
- Dark Angels -
- Dark Guard-
- Dirt Dojo -
- Dragon Guard -
- Elite Bloodfalcons -
- Ebon Light -
- Empire of the Wolf -
- Engineering Corp -
- Exile -
- Fianna -
- Flumenus Lux -
- Gestiguiste -
- Great Heathen Army -
- Greyscale -
- Horde -
- Horsemen -
- House Dregoth -
- House Hellhammer -
- House Volant -
- House Warband -
- Hugginshoff -
- Imperial Guard -
- Jester's Court -
- Knights of Numenor -
- Keepers of the Obsidian Stag (KOTOS) -
- Kyulicks -
- Landsknecht -
- Legion of the Dragoons -
- Maelstrom -
- Misfit Syndicate -
- No Quarter! -
- Order of the Cardinal
- Pahmoten
- Rangers of Ithilien -
- RVNS -
- Sarta-Nosse -
- School of the Bear -
- School of the Wolf -
- Senegal's Finest -
- Shards of Nosarda -
- Sons of Sylas -
- TDK -
- The Lost -
- Tuatha De Danaan -
- Unseelie Accords
- Uruk Hai -
- Vor Volla
- Wargar -
- WashU -
- Wolfmarrow -
- Wolves of Oblivion -
- XIII -
Realm Attendance
- Abraxas
- Acheron
- Arcas (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Ancient Wharf
- Andor
- Ascholie
- Ashlands
- Avalon
- Bael Turath
- Beornve
- Carthage
- Corvalin
- Dionysia
- Dragonspire
- Dunharrow
- Dur Demarion
- Einhejar
- Empire of the Southern Star
- Ered Duath
- Eryndor
- Frozen North
- Fugl Brenna
- Galladorn
- Grim’s Keep
- Grond
- Hallowed Marshes
- High Spires
- Hyboria
- Jericho
- Kaer Morhen
- Kenos
- Khador
- Kingdom of the Northlands
- Lake's Edge
- Menegroth
- Minas Ithil
- Mittelmarch
- Morva
- Muxlovia
- Nan Belegorn
- Numenor
- Oblivion
- Obsidian Hollow
- Pyke the Ironport
- Rhovanion
- Rhun
- Sanctorium
- Sand Plains
- Shiverfell
- Skyreach
- Slums of Shaolin
- Southern Eyrie
- The Northern Steppes
- Thorondor
- Thunder Guard
- Tir Asleen
- Uberwald
- Valley of Ashes
- Vinland
- Viridian Hills
- Vor Volla
- Wolfpack of the High Plains
- Wolves of Moria
Tournament Outcomes
Arts & Sciences
- Fancy Garb
- Monster Garb
- Plastidip
- Leatherworking
- Fiber Arts
- Accessories
- Medieval Arts
- New Person (2 years or less)
- Short Red (65" and Under)
- Single Sword
- Polearm (66"+)
- 2-Man
- Sword & Board
- 4-Man
- Tavern
- Silly/Comedy
- Sea Shanty
- Audience Choice