
From BelegarthWiki

Pyke's current logo, created by Hawke
Pyke's original logo, retired in 2023
Artwork made by Benoit in 2022 to celebrate Pyke's Year of Growth
Raffle Winners from a Battle of Pyke in 2023. These adorable hand-crocheted squids were made by Squire Morrigan.
Members of Pyke fighting at a weekly practice
Members of Pyke hosting beach spars at Sauvie Island, an homage to dank fights and hangouts.
A member of Pyke describing what it is they even do here.

Portland, OR (Capital of the Babylon Empire, uncontested owner of the Mantle of the Empire since 2015.)
Total Members: ~30, average 15-20 per practice
Age Requirement: 16
Garb Requirement: None
Equipment Requirement: All weapons must be checked against the Belegarth Book of War standards. The realm has a decent amount of loaner gear available for newer fighters, and opportunities to learn how to build your own.

Practice Location:
Main practice occurs weekly on Saturdays during the On Season, which is loosely designated from 3/20 to the last of the warm days in November. Fighter practice also happens on Tuesdays. Location and time are announced on Pyke's Facebook page or their Discord. All members of Pyke are empowered to host an official practice, or gather for sparring on any other day, in any other local park within Portland. We welcome cross-gamers.

Current Realm Leaders & War Council Reps | Squire Morrigan and Daggar

Past Realm Leadership:
2023 thru 2024 - Squire Morrigan & Ser Eui the Faun
2019 thru 2023 - BEAЯ
2018 thru 2019 - Dyre & Squire Veithryn
Prior 2018 - Dyre

Units Represented in Pyke:
God Squad
Gelfan Empire

Peerage in Pyke:


Dragoon Shino
Dragoon Sare
Dragoon Slate
Dragoon Aphex
Ser Eui the Faun


Veithryn - Squired under Dragoon Sare
Squire Morrigan - Squired under Dragoon Shino
Pheo - Squired under Dragoon Shino

Realm History

In 2010, Pyke rose from the ashes of Portland's previous realm, Cronus, which had fallen victim to brunch and partying and long since fallen silent. A beacon of hope for cross-gamers, Pyke accepts into its ranks all who wish to hit fellow nerds with foam swords. Pyke got off of its collective ass and gained War Council Speaking Rights in October 2014, and then Elder Voting Realm status in July 2015

Known for its high concentration of veteran sword fighters, Pyke is a realm associated with combat prowess, experience, and dankness. Despite jokes about Pyke being a Graveyard for Vets, in recent years the realm has grown and seen an influx of new fighters, who have in turn inspired many veterans to return to the field and the game as a whole. Though the realm has upwards of 30+ unique swordfighters who claim it as their home, practices are often 10-15 people on a weekly average.

In 2022-2023, Pyke worked together to draft and enact a new charter of rules, driven out of a recent desire to revitalize the dying flame of the realm. The pandemic and the growing age of veterans in the park (old people burnout) had almost silenced Pyke like its predecessor realm. Pyke is in a new period of growth at this time and really is thriving. This is a new chapter for them.

Pyke holds an infamous day event called Battle of Pyke several times each season, often striving for a monthly to every-other month schedule, which sees many travelers from neighboring states and realms. These day events are often announced and advertised on the group's Facebook page at least 1 month prior to each Battle. On average, these day events gather approx. ~30 fighters, including those from other battle games, most notably Amtgard. Battle of Pykes tend to have themed battles (Pyke versus, Unit fights, etc.) and a handful of simple tournaments.

The name of the realm was taken from George R. R. Martin's The Song of Ice and Fire series, and the sigil of the kraken was adopted from the same source. In 2023, after feeling like the old designs were not currently representative of its people, Pyke voted to retire the old realm symbol. They opened a competition for realm members to design a new logo, moving away from the kraken and instead claiming a squid as their representative animal. Many realm members created all different types of squids, but in the end, the overwhelming victor was Hawke.

Run on a democracy-focused platform, Pyke is a realm that strives for equality and inclusivity in all aspects. The only elected positions in Pyke are the two realm leaders chosen every season. They are also the realm's War Council Representatives. This decision is based on a mix of local community discontent with traditionally hierarchal realm structures, a desire to strive to avoid burnout, and an intent to keep sensitive War Council information restricted to an appropriate audience. Pyke boasts a very diverse cultural collective of swordfighters and a fondness for General Human Rights. There are many creatives in the realm, and a general sense of comradery. Anyone is welcome to join.

These days, Pyke hosts building classes, garb swaps, and other community fundraisers to help further the realm. There are no dues in Pyke, and all funds earned from realm activities and donations are immediately repurposed back in to the realm.


Realm Cloak - CW 18
Mantle of the Empire - 2nd Annual Western Wars XI