Urbana/Champaign IL
Membership: ~60
Typical # at Practices: 20-30
Illinois event attendance: 50
Founded: 1996
- Knights of Numenor
- Amyr
- Brotherhood of the Falcon
- Chimera
- Dark Guard of Mordor
- Dark Angels
- Elite Bloodfalcons
- Uruk-Hai
- Dunedain
- Valdemar
- Knights Council composed of the Knights of Numenor
- War Council representatives: Sir Misti and Dame Annika
- Alderperson: Sir Revelle
- Head Marshal: Squire Solaris Cyprus
- Chronicler: Squire Vater
- RSO officers: Squire Pippin, Squire Plague, Critical, Silk, Yuong
Fall, Winter, Spring:
Wednesdays 5pm - 9pm, South Quad or Stock Pavilion (used for winter and in cases of incumbent weather)
Saturdays 11am - 2pm, Japan House or Stock Pavilion
Wednesdays 5pm-9pm and Saturdays 11am-2pm, Hessel Park (no indoor practice space)
History: In Champaign, there has been some sort of foam combat in existence since the early 1980s. First came Godendag, then came Valdemar. Finally, in 1996, the Numenorian Knights Council was formed to distribute the responsibilities of running the realm to a council instead of one individual. Numenor was begun by senior fighters from Valdemar in the break between the 1995-1996 seasons.
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