Fighter Information

Name: Dragoon Antoinette AEsa Halla Finnrsdottir, Master Seneschal
Actual Name: Kayla Harris
Mundane Occupation: Elementary School Teacher
Gender: Female
Current Realm: Roaming Canadian
Honorary Member of: Malkier and Thunder Guard
Realm Started In:Thunder Guard
Started In: I ín -o Belegarth 7 (2008 C.E)
Current Unit: None
- Honorary Member of the Elite Bloodfalcons as of October I ín -o Belegarth 18 (2019)
Previous Units: The Last of The Order, Clan of the Hydra, The Juggernauts
Fighting Style: Non-Combat
Army: Northern alliance
House: House Valkyries, Order of Tecmessa- She Who Judges

Apprenticed to: Master Laeta (Artificer Guild)
Guild Apprentices:
- Squire X - Seneschal Guild Apprentice
- Nakis - Chronicler Guild Apprentice & Seneschal Guild Apprentice
- Sir Berenor, Master Seneschal - Chronicler Guild Apprentice
- Squire Khnor - Chronicler Guild Apprentice
- Journeyperson Flynnt - Chronicler Guild Apprentice
- Squire Saga the Raven Witch
Other Information

- Squired to Dragoon Dopp, 9th Knight of the Highlands of Chaos since June 12th I ín -o Belegarth 14 (2016)
- Elevated to Dragoon Antoinette the Moosewitch on July 24th I ín -o Belegarth 22 (2023) by Dragoon Dopp, 9th Knight of the Highlands of Chaos at Chaos Wars 24.
- Was a Seneschal Guild Apprentice to Sir Beauregaurd Brutus Elevo, the Implacable of Rhun, Sir Hurin of Numenor, and Mekoot Gorlock, Master Seneschal
- Obtained Masterhood Status in the Seneschal Guild I ín -o Belegarth 17 (June 12th 2019)
- Masterhood Ceremony conducted by Master Mekoot Gorlock and Master Faline at Ocktoberfest 2019 I ín -o Belegarth 18
- Secretary of Belegarth- January I ín -o Belegarth 13 (2015) to December I ín -o Belegarth 14 (2016), December I ín -o Belegarth 16 (2017) - October I ín -o Belegarth 18 (2019)
- Public Relations Coordinator of Belegarth - October I ín -o Belegarth 19 (2020) - September I ín -o Belegarth 21 (2022)
- Vice President of Belegarth - September I ín -o Belegarth 21 (2022) - October I ín -o Belegarth 22 (2023)
- President of Thunder Guard I ín -o Belegarth 11 (2011)-Aug I ín -o Belegarth 13 (2014)
- Armageddon Head Event Coordinator for Armageddon XIX, Armageddon XX and Armageddon XXI
- Named "Cooking All-Star" at Snowball I ín -o Belegarth 10 (2011)
- Was presented with the Order of the Raised Goblet by Sir Par at Armageddon XI I ín -o Belegarth10(2012)
- Was presented with the Order of the Open Tome by Paksha at Chaos Wars XXI I ín -o Belegarth16(2017)
- Belted member of the Order of Tecmessa Octoberfest I ín -o Belegarth 11 (2012) by Lady Feri
- Was a member of Clan of the Hydra from October I ín -o Belegarth 10 (2011)-March I ín -o Belegarth 112013
- Was a member of The Order from April I ín -o Belegarth 11 (2013)-January I ín -o Belegarth 13 (2015) (Remained until the Gates were Sealed)
- Joined The Juggernauts as a Harbinger I ín -o Belegarth 16
- Made an Honorary Elite Bloodfalcon at Octoberfest 2019 I ín -o Belegarth 18
- Has a little brother who is a monster...also has a number of other family members who are monsters, but also some pinkies in there too!!
- Hit a Moose on the way home from Equinox XXXI
Belegarth Resources Created by Antoinette
- Service CV Presented for Masterhood
- Service Recommendations In Support of Masterhood Status for Squire Antoinette
- How to Run a DMV Style Weapons Check 1 of 2 Guides Submitted for Masterhood Consideration
- A Guide to Running Troll 2 of 2 Guides Submitted for Masterhood Consideration
- Garb 101: Basic Garb For All
- Garb 102: So You Want to be Fancy Pants, Do You?
- Moccasin Making Tutorial
- A Wiki Page Creation Guide
- Introduction to War Council Presentation
Events Attended In Person
- Giants Awakening 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- Octoberfest 2010, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019
- Snowball 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015
- Armageddon 2011, 2012, 2107, 2022(XIX), 2023(XX), 2024(XXI)
- Spring War 2014
- Chaos Wars XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII
- Bear Brawl 2015, 2016
- Khador Canada Day 2017
- Equinox XXXI(2024)
Events Attended Digitally
- Wolfpack Opener 2013
So just that people understand this is a joke between me, Lady Renell, Morgan and Wolfpack. I was video calling with Renelle for 95% of the event. I "helped" out at troll, I watched fighting, I talk to people, I called lay on. It was a goofy thing that we were all cool with. I live 100's to 1000's of miles away from most of my friend and sometimes they do goofy stuff like this to help me feel not so isolated. This was one of them. If you don't like it, suck it up buttercup.
- Chaos Wars 23.5: Couch Chaos
- Shannara Collegium I
- Chaos Wars 23.75: Are We There Yet?

Below is an excerpt from the journal of Caleidah Heldraugh, the First Son and Exemplar of Silas. I was floored to find this in the copy of his journal, which had somehow found its way into the Order Library.
“Travelers speak in hushed tones of one who wanders the frozen forests. In her hands, a silver bell and a sleigh driver's whip, a Fur mantle slung across her shoulders, all adorned with symbols of the Nordanfirar. They can speak little beyond that, and they seem to all fear this witch, but a rare few have seen her true power. As the bell rings, its peal touches not only mortal ears, but those of beings well beyond our world. Fiery and born of a furious magic, they burst through the wall between worlds to serve out her commands. Arcmoose with ranks of antlers that could cradle baby grand pianos, shoulders taller than most men, eyes of flaming pitch and hooves of rough-hewn granite. They speak of her by only one name, and refuse to seek further answers. They call her...the Moosewitch.”
I am the stuff of myth and legend and I was more than happy to keep it that way until I can figure out all the powers that come with this title.