Armageddon XIII
Armageddon XIII
Host: Tails
Cost: $35 pre-reg, $40 at Troll
Dates: June 4th - 8th 2014
Emerald Acres Campground II
3351 South Mill Grove Road
Pearl City, Illinois 61062
- Otherwise known as Gnat-aggedon or Arma-gnat-on (yeah, it was bad. BUT AT LEAST IT WASN'T MOSQUITOES!!!!)
- Friday feast was hosted by Horde, clad in awesome homemade aprons, serving Pinkie Sausage and Baby Beans!
- Saturday feast was hosted by Hydra, serving some fajita-type things
- Morg was barreled into Horde and Ursyne was made Commander.
- Sir Cidion the Savage was knighted by Sir Luthien.
- Sir Rhys was knighted by Sir Morpheus.