Lazy Camp

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Lazy Camp is this place where people camp lazily. There'd be a picture of the banner over on the right there, but... I dunno...


Past stuff

It started at Chaos Wars XIII, when Bortas and Niobe and, like, some other people like Daraith and stuff decided to camp in this place, like, right by the fighting field, instead of at the designated quiet/family or loud camps. Diomedes was there, Senzo was there, Tasis was there... uh... other people... too...

It attracted other lazy people who weren't camped there. I mean, it was so easy to get to. Kanon and Sare just wouldn't leave the place. Sorcia and Kyrian were esteemed guests. People also dropped by to visit.


If you have to exert effort, you're not following the code. Sometimes, in order to survive, like, to eat food so you don't starve, you have to break the code. Fortunately, Bortas and Niobe are effing awesome and they give food to people.

Lazy Town

Chaos Wars XIV saw the expansion of Lazy Camp, leading some to deem the area more of a municipality than an unincorporated community. Some people started calling it Lazy Town; I forget who. Anyway, if it's a town now, I guess, we've decided that Bortas is mayor. He needs a top hat and a monocle. And a sash that says 'mayor.' Someone go get that.

We need a runner.

A list of stuff you should get for us.

  • Stretch golf cart
  • Air conditioners for tents
  • Skype
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