Troll (person)

From BelegarthWiki

Fighter Information

Troll at Ocktoberfest 2012. Photo by fiddlefoot foto

Name: Troll
Title: Apprentice Dragonslayer
Aliases: Malicious Metatron, Metatron the Blue, Sir Chan Destroy
Race: Hat Troll of the Bloodface tribe
Realm: Pyke
Unit: House Hellhammer
Unit: God Squad
Unit: Gelfs
Darping Affiliation: Wizard Council (founding member)
Primary Fighting Style: Sword & Board (Southpaw Squid Style)
Fighting Since: July 2001

Intresting Information

Events Attended

The below list is by no means inclusive of all of the events that Troll has attended. Being as awesome as he is, Troll does not often miss events but due to his status a veteran belrgim we are unable to catalog them all.

  • Octoberfest 2003-2012
  • Armageddon 2011
  • Spring Wars 2011, 2004-2014
  • Wolfpack Opener 2004-2014
  • Chaos Wars 2005-2012, 2014-2016

Troll Gallery