Oktoberfest 2016
Hosted by: Numenor
When: October 5th-9th, 2016
Location: Comlara County Park, Hudson, IL
Cost (at Troll):
Wednesday: $40
Thursday: $35
Friday: $35
Saturday: $25
- $10 off with pre-reg
Total Attendance: Just shy of 1000!
Possibly the busiest Okfest ever
- Squire Nénharma was knighted by Sir Ahlschwede
- Squire Argent was knighted by Sir Dameon
- Squire Briar was knighted by Sir Morbian of Dunharrow
- Apprentice Gadget completed her Vigil and became a full Witckdoktor!
- Squire Static was barreled into House Hellhammer
- Salamander, Vader, Sven, and Vengar were all awakened into Horde
- Dalany was made a Commander for Ruined Forest Horde
- Ramanas completed his initiation trials into Sons of Sylas
- Apprentice Bowser completed her Vigil and became a full Witckdoktor!
- Gladiator Pits hosted by Borric and Murdock, with full help of House Dregoth, which raised nearly $5,000 for rape victims and leukemia research!
- Blooded - Aeschere, Apteryx, Cyrano, Bones, Ghanima, Gadget, Bowser, Darvax, Kraylose, Izareth, Gorlock, Jesus, Gretchen, Galya, Salamander, Quinn, Morg, Vader, Sven, Vengar, Atman, Sqooishie, Valentine, Gekko, Grala, Guv, Dalany, Ursyne, Faeye, Rotten, Daggar, Gorgas, Rothos, Kodite, Tova, Anu, Ashera, Kudzu, Raxis, Sigurd, Rowan, Ghyll, Tonberry, Bar'tok, Sweet ... and probably more. Biggest showing ever!
- Ferals - Falkus, Maple