
Khadines are the most dangerous and feared goblyn warriors. They lead their tribes in battle and are known for their cunning and battlefield strategy as much as their individual prowess. As Goblyn Kings are rare and Goblyn Witchdoktors are not to be trusted, Khadines often lead tribes and warbands.
Within the game, the purpose of the Khadine title is to encourage goblyns to improve their own fighting, to provide a goal for goblyn fighters to aspire to, and to ensure that the traditions of fighting goblyns within swordfighting are maintained. Those wishing to become Khadines must first be blooded as Khadars and then endure an extremely demanding series of fighting trials. Goblins must fight for the right to become a Khadar by competing with each other in the Tests of Skrybitt.
There are six trials and three ceremonies on the Khadar's journey. Three trials will be unique to each goblyn and will focus on Stealth, War, and Rage, and three trials will be shared among all Khadars. They are described below.
The Blooding: A goblyn draws the blood of a Khadine (not really, we're not crazy). The Khadine may decide to give the goblyn a chance to prove their worth, despite this grave crime. If so, the goblyn is taken into the priesthood of Skrybitt and commits to the path of the Khadar that leads to the Goblyn Crossroads and taking the bandolier of a Khadine, if they can survive.
- Khadine Kazi blooded and was blooded by Khadine Kudzu.
- Khadine Tonberry blooded and was blooded by Khadine Kazi.
- Khadine Shy blooded and was blooded by Khadine Kazi.
- Khadine Quickie blooded and was blooded by Khadine Kazi.
Naming the Skryll: A Khadine is not just a champion but a leader of goblyns in battle. In this ceremony, the Blooded Khadar declares their Skryll and selects two goblyns to be their trusted swords for the duration of their trials. This ceremony is overseen by the Khadar.
- Khadine Kazi named the Re-Unification Skryll, with Eyrtk and Ahki as his trusted swords.
- Khadine Tonberry named the Skryll of Obstinance, with Quickie and Moxie as her trusted swords.
- Khadine Shy named the Blood Moon Skryll, with Achilles and Hobbit as his trusted swords.
- Khadine Quickie named the Skryll of Crossing, with Krikit and Ink as his trusted swords.
Stealth: This trial is unique to each Khadine. The trial is designed by a designated fighter or group. Goblyns are stealthy, cunning, and ruthless and this trial shows it.
War: This trial is unique to each Khadine. The trial is designed by a designated fighter or group. A Khadine is a goblyn general and this trial is focused on war and battlefield leadership.
Rage: This trial is unique to each Khadine. The trial is designed by a designated fighter or group. A Khadine is a priest of Skribitt and can use Skribitt's gift of rage in combat.
The Reaving: The Khadar takes the field when battles begin and fights in every battle until the day is done. The Khadar counts the corpses they leave in their wake. The Khadar must make 300 kills to complete the Reaving. This trial is assisted by a second, who helps to keep track of the kills and the rate of kills over the course of the day.
- Khadine Kazi killed 379 enemies on the day of his Reaving at Armageddon 2015. (Average of 3.5 per battle)
- Khadine Tonberry killed 340 foes on the day of her Reaving at Winter War 2015. (Average of 4.5 per battle)
- Khadine Shy killed 446 warriors on the day of his Reaving at Battle for the Ring 2016. (Average of 3.6 per battle)
- Khadine Quickie killed 346 fighters on the day of his Reaving at Armageddon 2017. (Average of 3.2 per battle)
- Khadar Kalika killed 525 fighters on the day of her Reaving at Battle for the Ring 2020. (Average of 6.5 per battle)
Champion's Trial: The ten best fighters at the event who are willing to participate are gathered to face the Khadar. The Khadar faces them in a unique format. Diverse representation of units/realms/ roleplaying races preferred. This trial is overseen by any appropriate fighter.
Goblyn Crossroads: The Khadar stands at last where three trails meet. The Khadar's enemies gather from all directions, and the fighting continues until they are all slain. This trial is overseen by any appropriate monster.
Taking the Bandoleer: After the Crossroads, a Khadar is declared to be a full Khadine and seizes their Bandoleer as is their right. This ceremony is overseen by a Witchdoctor, King, Khadine, or whatever goblyn is appropriate.
Other Khadine Traditions
A goblyn Khadine wears a bandoleer as a mark of their position. A Khadar crafts a bandoleer and completes it over the course of the journey until they take it as is their right after the Crossroads.
After the Reaving, a Khadar is to make a token for each kill, and incorporate these tokens into a piece of garb or an item to wear as trophies. Typically the token is a simple red bead.
If there is a trial that is created that calls for fighting in a group, the goblyns selected as trusted swords in the naming of the Skryll should be included first if available.
Current Khadines and Khadars
Khadine Kudzu
Khadine Kazi
Khadine Tonberry
Khadine Shy
Khadine Quickie
Khadar Kalika