Legion (House)

From BelegarthWiki

Legion is part house(hold), part home-guard, and part (but majority) cross-gaming unit.

History & Details

Formed in 2012 when Kanon convinced Rasheab they should start a unit ("country") for Belegarth and Dagorhir players attending the Seattle game Dargarth. Rasheab liked an excuse for Washington Bel fighters to get together, fight new/different people, and practice unit tactics while particiating in a game fairly similar to Belegarth.

Since its inception, Legion has had a wide variety of members from across the sport and from multiple units (Godsquad, Forsaken, Gelf, Valkyries, etc).

For obvious reasons, there is a lot of membership from the local Belegarth realms, Alera and Gondor.

Founded by: Kanon & Rasheab

Colours: Yellow (gold) & Green

(gold for Godsquad, green for Washington)

Symbol: Chaos Star, halved

("what is the most commonly used symbol in Belegarth & Dagorhir?")


list in non-inclusive, and in no particular order

Previous members

list in non-inclusive, and in no particular order