Alera of the Emerald Coast

Basic Information
Hometown: Tacoma, WA
Current Contact: Oblitus & Mowgli
Info: Swordfighting group that has been around in one incarnation or the other since 2008 or so.
Webpage: Facebook - Tacoma Belegarth Alera of the Emerald Coast
Location: currently TBD, Tacoma, WA.
Day/Time: Saturdays, 12/noon
Average Attendance: 5-10?
Active Members: See below.
Rising from the ashes of the land of Tacompton, Alera was reborn. Led by Puck and Mowgli the realm has expanded its national presence as well as maintained its cohesion since 2012. The surrounding realms have banded together under one banner, The Emerald Coast, to challenge The Babylon Empires supremacy over the Pacific Northwest.
For historical information, see Tacompton.
For a historical list of former members, see here
(list is non-inclusive)