The Chumptionary was created by many patrons from western Belegarth, along with many from Iowa during Chaos Wars 10. It was created to encompass the many uses and versatility of the word and phrase 'chump'. It isn't meant to be taken seriously, and is mostly light hearted... Unless you are in fact, a chump.
The Chumptionary
- 0
- 4 Chumps; 4 Man Tourney
- 10 Chumps; 10 Man Tourney
- A
- Arnold Chumpenegger
- Applechump's Baby-back Chumps with Chump Sauce
- B
- Battle Chump; Battle Christ
- B.Chump Lounge; B.K. Lounge
- Big Chump; Big Bird
- Bischump; Bishop
- Black Chump; Black Cat
- Beta Chumptine
- C
- Captain Chump with Chump Berries; Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries
- Chump; N. The word which all pathetic peoples are; adj; The word by which all pathetic peoples are described.
- Chump Angels; Dark Angels
- Chump Beard; Forkbeard
- Chump Bird; Big Bird
- Chumpcon; Gencon
- Chump Chumpsford; Par Ohmsford
- Chump Squad; God Squad
- Chump’s Blood; Falcon's Blood
- Chumpa Lumpa; Oompa Loompa
- Chumpa-kai; Uruk-hai
- Chumpalupagus; Snufflapugus
- Chumpaos Guard; Chaos Guard
- Chumpazi; Kazi
- Chumpdar; Bhakdar
- Chumpdric; Cedric
- Chumper Jaw; Jabber Jaw
- Chumperhood of the Falcon; BOF
- Chumpgos; Kargos
- Chumphil, or V-Chump; V-Hil
- Chumpkis; Ikis
- Chumplestiltskin; Rumplestitskin
- Chumplock; Gorlock
- Chumpmar or Fatmat, Fagmar; Dagmar
- Chumpnemir; Latnemir
- Chump Norris; Chuck Norris
- Chumpo; Shino
- Chumpokabras; Chupokabras
- Chumpowa; Iowa
- Chump-phex; Aphex
- Chumpraham Lincoln; the 16th President of the United States
- Chumpreal; Azreal
- Chumprimar; Ralimar
- Chump Hammmer; Hell Hammer
- Chumproll; Troll
- Chumprose; Elerosse
- Chumpscar the Grouch; Oscar the Grouch
- Chumpsickle; Popsickle
- Chumptastic; (adj)
- Chumptain; Etain
- Chumptan; Itan
- Chumptaro; Shintaro
- Chumpten; Peten
- Chumpthut; Plithut
- Chumptionary; Chump Dictionary
- Chumptimus Prime; Optimus Prime
- Chumptin;
- Chump-opp; Dopp
- Chumptorious B.I.G.; Notorious B.I.G
- Chumpvester Stallone; Sylvester Stallone
- Chumpy Balboa; Rocky Balboa
- Chumpty Dumpty; Humpty Dumpty
- Chumpwraith; Elwrath
- Chumpy and the Pussy Chumps; Josey and the Pussy Cats
- Chumpylon; Babylon
- Chumpzilla; Godzilla
- Chumpzok; Rudzock
- Chump Wars; Chaos Wars
- Clyde Chumpsler; Clyde Drexler
- Count Chumpula; Count Chocula
- D
- D-chump; Dopp
- Dallas Cowchumps;
- Dark Chumps; Dark Guard
- Deceptichumps; Decepticon
- Donald Chump; Donald Trump
- Dura-chumps; Dura-kai
- Dur-chumperon; Dur-Demerion
- E
- F
- Forrest Chump; Forrest Gump
- Frankenchump with Chump Berries
- Frosted Lucky Chumps
- G
- George Chumpington; First President of the United States
- Gorchump; Gorlock
- H
- Humpty Chumpty; Humpty Dumpty
- I
- Idachump; Idaho
- J
- Johnny Chumpo; Johnny Chimpo
- Josey and the Chumpy Cats; Josey and the Pussy Cats
- K
- K-chump; Kabur
- Kermit the Chump; Kermit the Frog
- King Chumpard the III
- L
- Lachumptis; Loquitis
- Latnechumps; Latnemir
- Lord Chumpyx; Lord Onyx
- Lord of the Chumps; Lord of the Rings
- M
- Marchump; Marduk
- Megachump; Megatron
- Micheal Chumpson and the Chumpson Five; Micheal Jackson and the Jackson Five
- N
- Nan Belechumps; Nan Belegorn
- Nan Chumpergorn; Nan Belegorn
- Notorious B.I. Chump; Notorious B.I.G
- O
- Orrechump; Orren
- Oscar the Chump; Oscar the Grouch
- P
- Par Chumpsford; Par Ohmsford
- Q
- Queen Chumpabeth II
- R
- Ralichump; Ralimar
- Return of the Chump; Return of the King / Return of the Jedi
- S
- Snow Chump and the Seven Chumps; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
- Snuffelupachump; Snuffelupagus
- T
- T-chump; Troll
- Toys R' Chumps
- The Chumpinator; The Terminator
- The Chump Towers; The Two Towers
- U
- Underchumper
- Uber-Chump(er)
- V
- W
- Willy Chumpka and the Chumplate Factory
- X
- Xoochump; Xooyan
- Y
- Yachumpoo; Yaktoo
- Z
- Zachump; Zaedric