The Year That Wasn't, Year of the Plague
War Council decisions in 2020
This list includes all changes passed by War Council during the four voting periods of the year (March, June, September & December)
Officer Elections for the Next Year (2021)
- Sir Thumbs was elected Vice President
- Stormcrow of Numenor was elected Treasurer
- Squire Antoinette was elected Public Relations Coordinator
Realm Status Changes
Book of War changes in 2020
By-Laws changes in 2020
Amendment to Article 4
- 4.4.2 If a member is charged in criminal or civil court for criteria listed in and including, but not limited to, criteria such as sexual assault, rape, and repetitive or severe violent offenses, then an individual will be preemptively denied membership or have their membership revoked effective immediately upon notification to the Board of Directors.
- The BMCS President shall call for and conduct an emergency vote on extending the temporary revocation of membership in accordance with procedures set forth in 4.5.3 and 10.13.
- If the motion to extend temporary revocation of membership passes an emergency vote, then the individual(s) in question is denied membership.
- War Council may at their discretion motion and vote to lift the revocation of membership in any future voting period.
- A reinstatement of membership after a temporary revocation requires a 3/4 majority for such a vote to pass.
- The BMCS President shall call for and conduct an emergency vote on extending the temporary revocation of membership in accordance with procedures set forth in 4.5.3 and 10.13.
- Temporary suspension of 15.2.5 until February 28, 2021. After which adherence to 15.2.5 automatically reinstates, barring another vote.