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Reverend has been fighting since 2006. He used to make fun of the guys at the park when he'd drive past. Than he moved to wyoming or somewhere he could fuck sheep and get away with it. While there he started a anything goes armor optional group that would show up on wednsdays. It was not uncommon for them to have 2 broken bones a night and the city required them to have EMT's on hand. In 2006 he came back to Utah saw a co worker making armor and ended up coming to practice. After a very short time he brown nosed his way into the Forsaken and caused certain fighters to either quit the game or leave the state. It is said that the fighter who moved out of the state used to practice in Andor upon learning that Rev was moving to SoCal he stopped fighting and moved back. Reverend on annual attends many practices a week and consistently travels upwards of 400 miles every week/month for practices alone. Truly earning himself the name of the Wandering Reverend.

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