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Scumlord Giggles Guttermaw
Race: Gnoll
God: Cynothoglys
Realm: Tha Rugged Lands
Fake Unit?: Viking Bastards
Age: 4

Nuotable Quotes: These are some really awesome things that really awesome people have said to Giggles. Getting your name on this page is a tremendous honor. All of these really awesome people are super close allies of Giggles.

"GO TEAM WET GIGGLES!" - Lady Lyllith
"You are a special person." - Hannoske
"Giggles, you are a crazy fucking son of a bitch." - Spike
"Damn, Giggles, you're a dick." - Zane
"I hope you die today, Giggles. For real." - Dagganoth
"Paranoia says to watch that person closely." - Lykos
"You're an idiot and I hope you and all of your ignorant kind die... Fuck you, you're wrong." - Rowan
"your just pissed because I am not AWED by you Jr. High sense of humor." - Peregrine
"Do you even care or do you just think its cool to draw attention to yourself in any way you can, even if its bad?" - Ora
"What a wretch." - Daraith
"You don't have that big of a post count yourself... Hell, you're post count is barely over a hundred." - Black Cat
"... Anyone who sees Shrat for the Dreamboat he is is obviously 'pleasantly disturbed'." - Izareth
"'re an asshole." - KumathePainted
"Sadly, you are correct." - Snicker
" must not be that popular... you must really suck or something." - MaXaM



Giggles is a gnoll originally from the The Highlands of Chaos. At the age of 2 he set out on his own to walk the path of the swordsmonster. Alongside the path he noticed a patch of brightly colored mushrooms. Not being one to pass up a free meal he gobbled down the tasty fungi. In the midst of the subsequent electric shroom fever, Giggles strayed far from the path of the sword. Before him lay a new rugged path. Giggles gave up his sword and followed his heart down the road less traveled... and then he found a new sword. Sweet.

The Ballad of Wet Giggles

or The Tale of the Lost Mug of Chaos

The story is told of Giggles the Beast And the mug that he lost just after the Feast In the presence of Royalty, Goblin, and Goat The spirits were high and with loudness of throat Under gaze of the moon and stillness of tomb The plague had killed most, they all felt it's doom Of Falcon's Blood, The Gnoll does drink deep and passes Till the four still of life were quite drunk off their asses "Hey dere's a bridge!" The Gnoll exclaimed while quite drunk "They's probly alive ones." His simple mind thunk Addled by drink and by gravity's pull Crossing a moat seemed too complex for this Gnoll A Villain appeared in the form of a log The only way over this cavernous bog "Me Hat!" said the Gnoll as a gentleman would "Can't get wet!" and thus removed it fast as he could A step, then another makes his confidence rise A third step's too many, as he slips in surprise Into the water he flops like a whale Soaked to the bone from ears to the tail His hat still yet dry, a keen stroke of luck The Mug washed away, down into the muck A mournful tear for the mug lost asunder For the mug was a prize of the Gnoll's good plunder This tale's water tight, there's no room for wiggles And that's how we came upon Team Wet Giggles.

Events Attended

Chaos Wars IX, Chaos Wars XI, Chaos Wars XIII

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