The Lost

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Sigil of the Lost.jpeg

Realm: Dur-Demarion

Established: Dead of Winter, 2016

The Undead Legion

The Elder Dead

Thralls of The Lost

Allies and Wanderers of The Lost:

The Lore of The Lost

We are the warriors of Armageddon. When all has fallen and the final hour has struck, we will rise and stand to face the Void. We are the revenant, the blood-drinkers and the flesh-eaters, those spat from the jaws of inferno and denied paradise. When the time comes for the world-eating serpent to raise its head and call for all things to end, we will stand ready and fight. We are watching, waiting for that final battle, fixed in time as the World-Eater is confined to his prison by the blade of our forebears, unliving but unable to die. We, who have been denied existence within the cycle of birth and death, fall only to rise again, eternally fettered by the chains of our duty. We are the Last Judgment. We are the undead, the forsaken, the unbowed, the eternal, The Lost.

The Lost Beltane 2017.jpeg
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