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Sif during practice

One day, a Norse farmer and his wife were wandering in the forest, searching for their lost sheep. They searched for hours but could not find the animal. Just as they turned to head home, the wife heard the cry of a baby. The couple followed the cries to a large rock formation, and underneath a large overhanging boulder they found a child. The boy was wrapped in leaves, and as it saw the couple approaching, its cries stopped. The wife found love for this child in her heart, and they took him home to raise him as their son. They named the boy Sif, to honor the goddess of the earth from which he must have been a gift.

Sif grew to be a strong and smart boy. He learned stories and poems from the skals, and his father taught him how to raise animals and tan leather into armor and clothes. When he came of age, Sif joined the raids, and quickly became quite a skilled fighter. He journeyed to distant lands and met many skilled fighters and craftsmen, bringing home new knowledge and skills with every trip. His quick learning and adaptability did not go unnoticed. A veteran fighter known as Valin Phanuel saw great promise in Sif, and came to him with the proposal of carving out a new Hold for themselves. Sif saw glory in this and joined Valin. Together they gathered a band of fighters together and founded Urbem Stygias, the city-state of the Nords.

King of Menegroth
Title: The Great Grey Wolf
Fighting Since: 2009
Weapon of Choice: Club/Sword and Board

Events attended:
Oktoberfest: 2014
Celtic Highland Games of the Quad Cities: 2010-2012
June Eriador Event: 2013
Eriador Halloween Event: 2011, 2014

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