Society for Creative Anachronism

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Society for Creative Anachronism

The Society for Creative Anachronism or SCA is a non-profit organization devoted to re-creating the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The primary focus of the SCA is on Western European culture, but also includes areas such as the Middle East and Japan. SCA event attendance often numbers in the thousands. Estrella, its event in Arizona, has over 6,000 attendees while its largest event, Pennsic, has well over 12,000 people attending.


Differences Between SCA and Belegarth

  • Rules of engagement are different.
    • All fighting is pretty much one on one.
  • Fighters in SCA tend to be more honorable
    • Example: Fighters don't use the sun to an advantage.
    • Absoultely no backstabbing unless the person wants to be shunned.
  • Heads are a legal target in the SCA, but anything below the knee doesn't count.
  • Way more non-combatants in the SCA
  • Nationally recongnized Knighthood.
  • Uses royalty system.
  • Lots more people at events.
    • Pensic has upwards of 10,000 people
    • Smaller events have 500 to 1000 people
  • Uses unpadded rattan weapons
  • Marshals are not referees.


The SCA is related to historical reenactment, living history, and LARP groups in sharing an interest in history. However, the SCA does not concentrate on a specific war or event nor do they have any sort of true fantasy based ideas. Members of the SCA limit them selves to only using historical facts and techniques to do the things they need to do. There are some modern things that the SCA allows its members to use and those are things like eyeglasses and safety equipment.

The SCA is not as hard core on historical accuracy as some people may think, because members are allow to use modern techniques to make garb and plastic armor to help get them started in the society. However they still like to think that they are as close as they can be to historically accurate.

People within the SCA all have inter connected. These can be things like food people helping with feast, dancers and musicians coming up with different types of entertainment. People who sew garb sometimes try to get some of the people at the events to wear their garb so others can see the work that they do.


SCA members try to create their own Persona or Alter-Ego. A persona is simply a costume and a name, an alter-ego for a weekend costume party. Some people in the SCA go all out and create a whole nother person that the can be. They will sometimes make a history for themselves as well.

At events some member will try to stay in character or persona. Limiting themselves to only talk about things from the time period they have made their persona come from. They come up with other ways to talk about mundane things, such as cars, telephones, doctors, eyeglasses.


Events are the more formal style gatherings where SCA participants come together. Events vary enormously so it is difficult to describe a typical example. Most events happen on hired sites, offer a variety of activities and are attended by garbed participants. SCA events are not typically spectator-oriented so attendees are expected to follow SCA norms including an attempt to dress in pre-17th century garb. This is one of the primary differences between SCA events and Renaissance Fairs.


Garb/ Costume

The first thing that most people notice about an people at a SCA event is that everyone is wearing at least an attempt at garb. Everyone in the SCA is required to wear some sort of garb as one of the minimum requirements. Garb in the SCA may range from a T-tunic for a newcomers to a elaborate hand made Elizabethan gown. Men wear a tunic and pants and women wear a long gown for the most part. Members will often have one set of garb to fight in and another set of garb for feast or other occasions where nice garb is required. Many SCA members make their own costumes, though some people just go out and buy it. Some have even traded stuff for costumes. people who are new to the SCA can usually borrow some garb from another member.

Armed Combat

There are two forms of armed combat that are re-created or reenacted in the SCA on a normal basis, those are Heavy Weapons Combat and Fencing Combat. Heavy Weapons is primarily full metal armor and the use of sword, shields, and spears. Fencing Combat is the use of sabers and rapiers. Fencing Combat is also sometimes reffered to as Light Weapons Combat.

There are not actual refrees in the SCA, so everyone has to be very honorable when it comes to taking their shots. The SCA does have marshals who watch to make sure fighters and by standers are kept safe.

Armoured Combat/Heavy Weapons

The armoured combat forms practiced in the SCA are thought to be as clost to the real life lines. These fighters are required to wear armor made of plastic, leather, carbon steel, stainless steel, spring steel, or any combination of.

SCA weapons are made primarily of rattan to resemble the true historical counterparts as close as they safely can. The weapons that may be use are swords, Pikes, spears, axes, however, any weapons that have chains are forbidden under any and all circumstances. This fighting is all full-contact and is found extremely interesting among other combat sports. Many groups hold fighter practices where individuals and groups practice and have some informal training form other more advanced fighters. This lets the new fighters practice and learn at their own pace which can make it easier for them to participate. Typically it takes most fighters several years of one on one training to be good enough to do well in SCA tournements.

Fencing or Rapier Combat

Combatants that are light weapons combatants are consider to only be wearing cloth clothing so as to count damage. The SCA does not use any of the rules used under normal fencing styles, however, opponents are not allowed to touch each others body on purpose, but they are allwoed to grab the blade of their opponent.

While most of the member who practice rapier combat try to reenact the fighting as close to real as possible it is sometimes found hard not to resorty to more mundane styles of combat.

Combat Archery

Combat archery allows the introduction of bows and crossbows to SCA Heavy Weapons combat. However the rule governing this fighing is extremely strict. Due to the space requirements and targeting selection, combat archery is only used in large melees.

Combat Archers in the SCA are virtually invinsible, although it may range depending on the different kingdoms. In some kingdoms the archers can be killed by being hit, some have it so that if a fighter can get withing ten feet of the archer.

Forbidden Weapons

Some weapons, while still being period, are consider illegal weapons and are banned from being used. These weapons are Staves, punching weapons, flails, and entangling weapons. Firearms are banned as well even though there may be some simulated duels by the light weapons people.

Bardic arts

There are also Bards in the SCA, who are singing muscians. There are also some awards that are special to people who participate in this activity.


The SCA has its own College of Arms to register and protect the heraldry of its members. They do this to keep from having dupicate names and symbols. There are no requirements for a person to registar their heraldry, but it does help protect them in the future.


Cooking in the SCA is also a really important part. The cooks try to refrain from making hamburgers, corndogs, or any other really mundane style food. The cooks try really hard to keep recipies and the foods as close to period as they can. There are also awards for cooks in the SCA.


People try to re-create the way that the original period people would have written posters and manuscripts. aThere are also awards in the SCA for those that make the best.


Dance style range from Renaissance, English Country Dance, Middle Eastern, such as Egyptian Cabaret, Folkloric and American Tribal Style bellydance, and Far Eastern, including Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi. These dances style are commonly done around the campfire.


The SCA is worldwide in scope. The Known World is divided into Kingdoms. As of October 2004, there are 18 SCA Kingdoms worldwide. Worldwide there are about 32,000[1] paid members. Many people participate without joining, as it is not required to join in order to participate, but it is usually required to be a paid member to hold office.


SCA Peerages are as lifetime awards to those who receive them, though the recipient may surrender the title if they wish.

Peerages are bestowed by the Crown of a Kingdom. In most cases, this is done at the request of the members of a given peerage, but there have been rare instances where the King has bestowed the honor on those not considered by the given peerage. Often this has led to a number of that peerage surrendering their rank in protest.

  • Knights
  • Pelicans
  • Laurels
  • Royal Peers

Some one else can elaborate on these.


Although there is no historical precedent for this method of selecting rulers, each SCA kingdom is "ruled" by a king and queen chosen by a Crown tournament. This is typically held as a double-elimination, one-on-one, heavy-weapon-combat tournament. The winner of the Crown Tournament and his/her Consort are styled "Crown Prince and Princess" and serve a training period under the current King and Queen prior to acceding to the throne and ruling in their turn. Most kingdoms have two reigns of about six months per year, though some have three reigns per year. The training period is typically half a reign.

As of 2005, only one Queen has been made 'by her own hand', though two other Queens have served as Sovereign when the Prince or King died before or during their reign.

While reigning crowns do have a significant influence within their individual kingdoms and the larger Society, their duties are primarily ceremonial. The day-to-day business of running the Society is performed by volunteers, and by the Society's Board of Directors. The Societys Board of Directors can stip a person of their crown.


The SCA traces its origins to a theme party held in a backyard in Berkeley, California on 1 May 1966. The event began with a parade, styled as a "protest against the 20th century", concluding with a "Grand Tournament" in which the participants wore motorcycle helmets, fencing masks, and T-shirts, and whacked away at each other with plywood swords. It was such a success that the participants went on to organize more. The name "Society for Creative Anachronism" was coined by science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley, an early participant, when the nascent group needed an official name in order to reserve a park for a tournament.

The SCA continued to be a local organization until 1968, when a tournament was held at the World Science Fiction Convention, which was held in Berkeley that year. The idea spread, and soon other local chapters began to form. By the end of 1968, the SCA had been split into two kingdoms, and by the end of 1970, there were four.

The SCA still measures dates within the society from the date of that party, calling the system Anno Societatis Latin for "Year of the Society"). For example, 1 May 2005–30 April 2006 is A.S. 40.

See also

External links

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman