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Before Death
After Death
Skeleton Boi

The Short and Tragic Story of a Magic Infested Khajiit

I showed signs of being a khajiit witch from a young age, which was both terrifying and awesome for a young khajiit often. No one in my village practiced magic that could teach me how to control my power. For a while, my parents and community tried to help using the past histories of other khajiit witches from the surrounding area, but at age fourteen my powers had grown to uncontrollable and I moved to be close to a teacher.

My teacher's name was Angelina. Angelina was also a khajiit witch and lived in a small village that was near a wild and untamable woods. Khajiit witches tend to be very in touch with the wild side of nature and that made the place Angelina lived perfectly for new witches. I studied with Angelina for seven years during that time I mastered my skills. We found out that I was very adept at influencing the desire of animals; I could easily calm and communicate with animals. My biggest struggle was my magic would often spin out of control when I was angry, upset, or panicking.

One terrible terrible night Angelina and I got into a fight over one of her rules, and I ran out into the woods. My anger caused me to create a tornado and poor Angelina, who ran after me, got caught in it and was killed. I held her in my arms as she passed, too far gone for a healing spell. I buried her in her garden, packed my bags, and fled into the night.

While the village feared Angelina, they didn't fear me, and with her death, I knew the villagers would be after me. They hated our kind and with Angelina dead, they had the perfect excuse to get rid of me. So I ran and ran until I came upon an area called Villijatam hoping to find a place to rest after many weary days on the road. After weeks of traveling, I came upon a place I’d only heard about called “The Old Towns” here I found a bed and a hot meal. Unfortunately, a trader from my teacher’s village saw me and told the people in the town. They pulled me from my bed and hung me from a tree beside a bridge connected to a tall island. Then they stood there and watched. I didn’t want to die, so I poured every ounce of magic I could summon in my weary state to send a beacon out for help. As I was taking what I thought was my last breath I felt something reach out to my magic and change me.

When I woke up I was still hung up in the tree, someone had left a knife nearby and I used magic to summon it to me. I cut myself down and made my way across the bridge towards the weird energy and hopefully toward safely.

Nea's Trial of the Mieli for The Lost (Non-combat heralding trial)

On September 5th, 2020 Nea passed their Trial of the Mieli and became an Apprentice of The Lost all in one really confusing night and highly suspicious night...

When I was a Thrall of the lost, I was wandering around The Keep while my brain and body were separated. I survive the process and became a full member of The Lost. Below is my non-com trail that represents that journey in lore.

The skills below represent what a good herald needs to possess to be of value to their Realm and The Lost:

1. Herald field battles

2. Check weapons

3. Herald tournaments

4. Direct and communicate efficiently with other heralds.

5. Explain scenarios to the fighters

6. Know the rules of Belegarth

  • know specific rules to the Thrall’s home field as well

7. Effectively communicate rules to the fighters.

The three tasks a Thrall needs to prove proficiency in heralding:

1. Run weapons check

  • A Thrall can either talk to the Head Herald and run the full weapons check at the beginning of the month or run it for an event
  • This task demonstrates skills 2, 4, 6, and 7.

2. Run a tournament

  • A Thrall can either help plan and run a tournament for a practice day or an event.
  • This task demonstrates skills 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

3. Run the field

  • A Thrall can either run the practice field for the day or a scenario battle at an event.
  • This task demonstrates skills 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Events Attended

Beltaine 2019, Equinox 2019, Okfest 2019, Orc Wars 2020

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