Talk:Dragon Clan

From BelegarthWiki

Hi. Just wondering if you guys were aware that there is a group in Independence already? Or did something happen between your group and Arnor? I ask because it's oftentimes very difficult for a new group to flourish where there is already an established realm. It's usually better to just join rather than create your own. Plus you're often drawing from the same pool of potential new people, and thus both realms suffer low recruitment. Not criticizing or anything, merely stating fact. I apologize if I come off that way. Just thought I'd let you know. ~ Galya 23:31, 25 July 2012 (UTC)

FYI: you are NOT a speaking realm. Stop trying to put your name there. That position is earned. I added your other edit, just removed that one. ~ Galya 12:09, 26 July 2012 (UTC)