Talk:Witherwood Company

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Forgive me, but I need some clarification here. Is Camden Rowan the realm or the unit? 'Cuz this page looks how a realm page would; with membership, location and times. Yet you put Fortriu as the realm. If you want Fortriu to be your realm name, you might want to transfer the information to that page and keep unit-only information on this page. I'll gladly do it for you, just let me know before I start making edits based on assumptions. Thanks. ~Galya

If this response is late, then I apologize, I've never thought to look at the Discussion tab until now.

Yeah we're still pretty new to running a realm/unit, even moreso when I wrote the page originally. I was under the idea that a Realm is the area (in this, we called it Fortriu), not the main ruling unit (which was Camden Rowan). I thought I would create the Fortriu realm page and link to our unit first, and if more units pop up in the area then they'd get a link on the Realm page. Was I wrong in doing that?

Also, our group just recently had a name and theme change (we're now Witherwood Company), but I don't know how to reflect that without writing a new page.

So if you or someone else would be so kind as to tell me how to make the right pages of the right format I'd appreciate it. What goes where, and whatnot.

Thanks! - Kael Glen

Nah you're not too late, often times I don't get any response at all. And yes, you were perfectly correct to assume you could link new units on your realm page, that's usually the way things are done.

Oh, it's easy. You can just use the "Move" function on the top of the page, near the discussion tab. It'll just move all the info on the page to the new title and automatically redirect Camden Rowan to Witherwood Company. I'd do it for you, but it's probably good for you to figure it out for yourself. :)

Let me know if you have any other questions. ~Galya

Thanks! moved everything to the Witherwood Company now. So what do I do with the Fortriu page? As far as I know, Witherwood Company is the only group in our area, if that knowledge helps with anything. -Kael Glen

Even with your unit's name change, the realm should still be the same. Let me make sure you understand how this works. The realm is just the name of the area where fighters come together and practice. A unit, however, is generally a group of friends who like to fight together because they have the same goals, ideas or something to connect them beyond just swinging stick. And the two are not mutually exclusive. In other words, you can be a part of a realm, but not necessarily part of the unit. So if there is someone you fight with who doesn't want to be part of Witherwood Company, they don't have to be. They're still part of Fortriu if they fight in Fresno with you. My realm has members from at least 4 or 5 different national units, but we all come out to the same field every week and fight together. There's no such thing as unit-only practices.

What realm you are from is based on location. Your unit, however, is purely choice. So I'd recommend posting all the practices times and such on the Fortriu page, because people who might want to come fight with you may not want to join your unit. And that's okay. They shouldn't have to. Does that make sense?


I think I get it, yeah. Though currently Witherwood Company is the only unit around here that we know of. I put some location and date/time info on the Fortriu page, but its still available on the Witherwood Company page too.

-Kael Glen

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