
From BelegarthWiki

In battlegames, royalty or royals are people whose death or capture is an objective for their opponents. The death of a team's royalty may, for example, count as a loss for the team. Royalty are often given special abilities to make them harder to kill, such as immunity to death by projectile.

Usually, a team stops fighting or begins to stop fighting once the royalty is killed or captured. There are many possible reasons for this. Maybe the royalty has a divine power that the team depends on to fight. Perhaps only the royalty's leadership and charisma are keeping morale up. Or the team's a bunch of mercs who don't trust they'll get paid in full for letting the royalty fall into or by the enemy's hand; better to cut their losses. Lots of paths to the same end, so choose what sounds right to you.


There are many titles given to royalty based on flavor and gender. The list of titles here is sorted alphabetically, with brief notes as sub-bullets.

  • Abbot
  • Bishop
  • Boss
    • This is especially appropriate for royalty with special abilities.
  • Captain
    • The captain is what a person who composes their own team is called. This should be the same person.
  • Cardinal
  • Chief
  • Chieftan
  • Client
    • A client may be unarmed or lightly armed.
  • Commander
  • Deity
  • Duchess
  • Duke
  • Emperor
  • Empress
  • Esteemed
  • God
  • Goddess
  • Idol
  • Kahuna
  • King
  • Lady
  • Leader
  • Lord
  • Marquis
  • Master
  • Matriarch
  • Mistress
  • Monarch
    • Used when there is only one royal on a team.
  • Oligarch
    • Used when multiple royals are on a team.
  • Patriarch
  • Pope
  • Priest
  • Priestess
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • Quarry
    • This is especially appropriate for royalty with no special offensive abilities.
  • Queen
  • Shaman
  • VIP

Common Abilities

Projectile Immunity
Losing a monarch to an arrow to the chest can be anticlimactic. Many royals are given projectile immunity, or at least immunity to death by projectile, to prevent this.
Magic Armor
An extra armor point to each target zone keeps the battle going just a bit longer. It also grants headshot and single-green immunity, unless stated otherwise.
Team Respawn
Non-royals on the team can respawn as long as their royalty live. Sometimes even the royalty can respawn, as long as one royal is alive. The royal may have to play a more active part, touching the fallen to revive them; the royal may be a healer at this point.
Peasant Immunity
Some royalty can only be damaged by other royalty. The team's non-royalty must block attacks from the opposing royalty, clear non-royalty on the other team, and possibly restrain opposing royalty so they can be killed. Sometimes a relic weapon is the only thing that can damage royalty.

Further Reading
