Western Wars XVII
Date: Friday, May 26th through Monday, May 29th, 2023 (Monday is Memorial day)
Location: Oregon 4H Center, Salem, Oregon
Address: 5390 4 H Rd NW, Salem, OR 97304
Hosted By: God Squad
Cost: $60.00 weekend pass, $20 day pass
Airports: PDX, in Portland Oregon and EUG in Eugene Oregon.
Facebook event page for up to date information and pre-reg info: https://www.facebook.com/events/199944886011385
Near the site
The closest town (Salemtowne) is approximately 10 minutes away with a variety of offerings, grocery stores, wineries, restaurants, etc.
There is also a convenience store nearby, called Lincoln Store.
Site Amenities
The event is split up into two sections, Horse Camp and Greider Hall, there is a short walk between camps, but there will be a lot to see and do in each area.
Horse Camp
Horse camp has a barn and horse stall covered areas, bathrooms, and a fire pit.
- Men's bathroom : 2 stalls, 2 showers
- Women's bathroom: 3 stalls, 3 showers
Greider Hall
Greider Hall will host general camping(nearby), troll, and fighting fields.
The Greider building is for general event usage. It has a large indoor area with tables, chairs and power. It also has
- Men's bathroom with 1 stall and two urinals.
- Women's bathroom with 2 stalls.