Starting a Realm

From BelegarthWiki

So, you're new to Belegarth and there's no groups near you? What do you need to do to start a realm? Here's all the information you need to know.

How do I become a realm?
Simple! Post the following information on the Belegarth Forums

Realm Name:
Year Founded:
Contact Email:
Wiki Link:
Fledgling/Speaking/Voting: new realms are fledgling

How do I make a wiki page for my realm?

Okay, I've posted my realm's information on the forums and have created a wiki page. What's next?

Go to our rules page and familiarize yourself with our rules. It helps to print out a copy to have on hand at practices as well as when making weapons, shields, and armor.

Now I know your rules, what's next?

Now it's time to make yourself some basic weapons. It's advisable to make yourself a simple blue sword. How-to can be found here: Constructing a Blue Sword. You'll also need a cover for your sword, which can be found here: Constructing a Sword Cover

After constructing a couple blue swords that are holding up well, it's time to expand your arsenal. Normally your next step would be to make a shield or two for your realm: Constructing a Strap Shield & Constructing a Shield Cover

After you have extra blue swords and shields to loan new people, you should start expanding to other weapons. Take a look at our how-to build link on the left for other ideas. Maybe make a couple maces, a few red weapons, and a spear or two. I would suggest waiting on making missile weapons (javelins and arrows) until you have become pretty proficient at foamsmithing.

After you have loaner weapons, it's time to look the part!! Time for garb. Look at that page for everything you need to know regarding garb.

Now that you look the part and have some spare weapons, it's time to start looking for a location to fight. The ideal location is somewhere that you will have a lot of foot traffic. That could be on a university quad or at a local park.


Below is some common questions and their answers. (Work in progress)

Do you have a flier to advertise my realm?
Here is a place Cib has put all of the fliers he has collected over time. Pick and choose what you want. Some are color, others are good for grey scale (for B&W printers)

Do you have a starter kit to help me get my realm going?
Here you go, it's something else Cib has put together for us!