Sage Aire

Name: Sage Aire- Artisan, Dragon, wielder of the mighty Christmas Stick
Realm: Lands of Ameth
Weapon of Choice: The Christmas Stick, Koi Javalin, and other fantastically colored weapons
Fighting History: Recently found a calling to the field in 2006, then found the greatest friends and allies one could ever want.
Race: Dragon Shifter
Unit: Templar Dracomis Kestavara TDK
Colors Purple and Green
Sage stows away the wings and fire to join the battle. What honor is there in bringing a dragon weapons to defend against one with just a sword and shield?
From the dragon herself

I wish to tell of my beginnings in the lands of Ameth. I would also like to share with you how the presence of the TDK shaped my growth into something worthy to walk the pathway of the dragon and the unicorn. In the beginning, I was lost in an emotional war within myself. I felt a savage beast welling up in frustration against my demanding education. I was confined to unbending standards that I did not agree with, but fulfilled them with perfection even if the words did not feel like my own. My savage beast was not one of war, but one of expression and creativity. While chained and caged, it screamed for some sort of outlet. One fateful day I was released early from my rigors. I wandered onto a field of battle with bright colored sashes of status, sapphire armor of Cloral cast in a warm glow of the sunset, the swish and jangle of chain mail on a beast of a man, Ventus, who weilded a remarkable blue mace. The inspirational percussive report from sword against shield stirred a hunger to release the beast from my mundane status quo. I laid down my sack of burden and stood by the field watching in awe. A tall warrior dressed in green and black with the dragon’s mark at his side, introduced himself as Sir Elindiel Dyre of the lands of Ameth. At that moment my name was Jessica, but when I stepped onto the field for the first time with a borrowed sword in hand, my beast within me whispered its name. I gathered my souvenirs of bruises and scuffed knees and I was asked for my name a second time. With pride I boldly said “Sage” and knew that I would be back for sure.
The realm gave me my outlet for rebellion against academic struggles and the means to be creative and let my soul express the joy it had nearly forgotten. I learned to craft weapons, and with great assistance from the realm’s elders I shaped my weapon. I learned to sew and again with great assistance from Rogue-Elf refined my weapon into a final form. But the responsibility to give this new creation a name was mine. Thus, the Christmas Stick was bonded to me and my claws. As I gave shape to my garb, the beast began to take shape and form. I trained and my arms became strong like a beast’s arms, my grins of excitement were filled with the beast’s teeth, my speed was fueled by wings, and I began to understand what it meant to be marked by a dragon.
Though my time was short within the realm of Ameth, I carried confidence garnered from a group of encouraging hands and numerous moments of reinforcement of Belegarth skills. The first time I met Sir Satanaka I won't ever forget. For one, his personality is unmistakable, but I think he knew something more about my inner forces than I had in my early fighting stages. He pushed me, told me to keep fighting, be aggressive, don’t blink and stare down your enemy, never look at where you plan to strike, know it without having to look. Exhausted, hungry, barely able to lift my mace, Sir Satanaka withheld food from me until I could hit him one more time… I was hungry but he wasn’t going to stop me from a feast I deserved. Motivated thoroughly, I was relentless and stared him down until finally a strike landed true. There was also one skill took me a long time to learn, how to narrow the openings in my fighting stance. A particularly funny experience was my gaping opening of a particular rib. Sir Elindiel spent uncountable defensive drills covering stances, blocking skills, and most important rule of defense “Don’t be where the weapon swings”. Still I left myself open. Numerous quick and harsh shots from Sir Elindiel over weeks of practice left me with reminders to practice drills outside of battle. Believe me that when I began my journey alone into unfamiliar lands, I learned to keep that elbow close by to prevent that deadly strike from recurring.
Eventually I settled into my new location and I found myself a training partner named Shadowlight, or Shad to those in close company, who weaves a more Eastern type of sword style. We learned together to refine our technique and develop controlled and deliberate strikes and death blows. I was determined to better myself before the great gathering of Octfest. I was glad to see familiar faces and retell stories of our adventures. We showed off our newest garb and crafts, weapons newly acquired and forged, and new techniques and drills. I was happy to hear from my elders that I had grown well since my departure. I was also surprised by Sir Satanaka’s insistence that I speak my silent intentions and desires to be counted among the TDK, even though I was still doubtful I could be considered worthy. I found myself timid and fearful of my goals for the first time in my life. Despite my doubt, I faced my fear and asked in a voice louder and prouder than I expected, “What could I do to be able to count myself among the ranks of the Templar Draconis Kestevara?”
Although this spurt of growth was shorter than could be expected, it certainly was so much more intense. I traveled to unfamiliar camps, deep into the woods to find Black Company, amongst the bright fires of hell hammer, and faced the colossal Uruk-Hai seeking the answers to my quest. I asked key questions that actually strengthened my determination and reassurance that TDK was where I belonged, and that was worth overcoming all the fear to get there. Then came the time for me to stand before the members and present myself. I had to discuss why I felt that I would be a quality member of the TDK, but more importantly if was I willing to bear the costs of honor both on and off the battlefield.
I am glad that as the fire began to burn down, that I was accepted and expected to work on my paths of the unicorn and the dragon. At Spring War 2009 I came forth as the dragon beast that lives within me, but also true to my very soul I am a dragon that walks the path of the unicorn. I look forward to my next event where I hope to meet more members of TDK and create bonds of friendship and trust. Happy hunting oh dragons of old, may the unicorn bless you with creativity and ingenuity to solve the challenges placed before you.