Melcaorme 2019
Melcaorme Five-0
Melcaorme is back, and this time, we're going tropical. Break out your coconuts and Hawaiian shirts (legal garb for this event only).
Date: May 16th-19th, 2019
Location: Tosanak Recreation Area, Marble Rock, Iowa
- Thursday: $35
- Friday: $30
- Saturday: $25
- Day trip: $10
- $5 discount for Pre-Registration
Estimated Attendance: 90 awesome people!
Event Coordinators
Head Coordinator: Cian
Head Troll: div
Head of Security: Rowan
Head Weapons Checker: Braizen
Head Herald: Vengar
Tournament Coordinator: Jesus
Hype Ork: Vo
- Friday Taco Feast brought to you by Falkus of Horde
- Saturday Pig Roast brought to you by Cian**
- Vegetarian/Vegan/Gluten Free Coordinator: Ribs
(**Pig Roast failed to cook due to cold ground. Pizza, roast chicken, and sides substituted.)