A.K.A: Ashe, and, "The one Person With the Mask",
- Mundane Name: Ashe McDaniel
- like the tree, or the particulate, just with an E thrown silently on the end
- Started fighting Feb. of 2022
Pronouns: She/Her
Realm: Carthage
Unit: Petitioner of Hydra
Primary Fighting Style: Spear
Secondary Fighting Style: Anything I find on the field (preferably spear)
About Me
- I love fighting with short spear
- I love talking to other spears
Monster Race:
Event Attendance
- Numenor Fall: 2022/2024
- Numenor Spring: 2023
- Punic Wars: 2023
- Armageddon 2023/2024
- Oktoberfest 2023/2024
House Valkyrie
Chronicler Guild
Order of the Green
Favorite Quote: "Kill them, don't die." -Almost everyone