
From BelegarthWiki

Realm: Loderia.
Unit: None - too stubborn to ask not good enough to be asked... yet.
Where I Got My Name: Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (recommended reading for all swordfighters) it means beloved, but one lost beyond all redemption.
Species: hobgoblynz (hopefully I'll be recognized as one soon).


  • 1. Become good enough for a unit to ask (besides the Jahova's Witnesses)
  • 2. Stay in the sport long enogh for people to know my name regardless of whether or not it's because of my fighting skills
  • 3. Get to know most of the people that participate in Belegarth.

Personal Observations:

  • You need 3 things to survive in this sport: funny, not historicaly accurate clothing; ego armor; a hobgoblin for your cuddle buddy
  • Your real friends are the ones that have your back on the field and beat you up off the field to help you succeed
  • It wasn't a good day of fighting unless you hurt the next morning.

Favorite Weapons:

  • Mace and shield as a combo
  • The Cutlass for a single blue (Mashiara does not do reds! bad idea!).