Knights of Arnor
The Knights of Arnor were founded by Sir Angmarth during the founding of Arnor in 2000. With Sir Angmarth being a Knight of Numenor, many of the traditions and methods of the Knights of Numenor are reflected in the Knights of Arnor.
- Sir Carn the Redeemed, Lord of Cardolan
- Sir Daemarth the Hammer, Lord of Henneth-Annun
- Sir Fion the Righteous, Lord of Mithlond
- Sir Griffith the Fallen, Lord of Rhudaur
- Sir Kageshiro the Swift, Daimyo of Itou Koto (The Ancient City to the East)
- Sir Gareth the Humble, Lord of Avalon
- Sir Rollo the Glaive, Lord of Cherbourg
- Sir Fenris the Bull, Lord of the Shire
- Sir Skarphedinn Steði Norðrar, Dróttinn Nidoros (Anvil of the North, Lord of Nidoros)