Heater Shield

From BelegarthWiki

The following is a conclusion drawn from a thread on the Belegarth Boards, ([1]) on the subject of making a heater shield.

Common Misconceptions Addressed

Heater shields are extremely popular with knights (in Belegarth), but contrary to popular belief many non-knights used heater style shields throught the middle ages. So, it isn't "blasphemous" to own a heater shield and be "non-chivalry" (To Para-Phrase Magnus of Taurendor).

This is a direct quote from Kenneth, which may clear some things up.

"I think I may know what this is talking about. Geographically, the realm of Loderia is very near to the realm of Numenor. The Knights of Numenor all bear heater shields. I believe it is an official realm rule that non-knights may not use heater shields. We also have other shield size restrictions. That is why most, if not all of the squires of Numenor use round shields, not heater shields. Just about the only time a non-knight is allowed to use a heater is when they are near to their knighting. The heater is a status symbol of their knighting. I believe this tradition is followed in at least a few other places.

Personally, I don't find it extremely offensive for a non-Numenorean to be using a heater shield. However, I do have higher expectations of heater users, and I do make it a (small) point to try and take down heater users first. My motivation for doing so is practical. Knights(Especially in Numenor) do more damage on the field than non-knights. Kill the knights, and a team will be at a serious disadvantage. This strategy has the happy side effect of discouraging non-knight heater usage.

On another practical matter, using a round shield until knighthood teaches footwork and how to guard your legs with a smaller shield. I would say the average level of footwork in the average Numenorean is significantly higher than the average footwork in other realms simply because nearly everybody uses a round shield. When you take away the big door shield from many fighters, they become easy kills because they can no longer simultaneously defend their legs and their body.

I wouldn't necessarily say I frown on non-knight heater shield users so much as fighters who use a heater and don't have anything to back it up. I have higher expectations for those who use heater shields, and I make my disappointment felt if the user doesn't meet my expectations =P.

If you're actually in the realm of Numenor though, prepare to be a walking target."

What They Look Like

Belegarth heater style shields generally look like this:

Note: The shield held by Winfang (above) is a 28" x 36" shield.)

Real heater shields tend to look like this, with a curve and more of a slope than angles.

(Contributed by Kyrian)


Now, you're probably wondering how to build a heater shield, the standard design is something like this:

(Note: These are dimensions for the core.)

These dimensions are not set in stone. You can make your heater any size you want, as long as it passes the Book_of_War standards. But I suggest adding at least two inches of padding on the edges, which adds 4" on both the length and width of your finished shield.


Now that you have the dimensions for a heater what kind of core would be best? Most people use Tech-ply because it is stronger than regular plywood and lighter. Techply is best for shields in the 5-ply thickness, and at .25" thick it is half as thick as a normal plywood core would be. If Techply is unavailible standard plywood makes a decent shield.

Handle Placement

Handle is extremely important because it drasticaly affects the way the shield moves. Most people use the standard grip, which is parallel to the ground and low enough on the shield to cover your shoulder when your arm is at a right angle. When the handle is parrallel it keeps the tip of the shield infront of the user's body automatically protecting the user more. See Constructing_a_Strap_Shield for details on constructing the handle.

Other Useful Stuff

Links on heater shields that can be used to make realistic belegarth shields can be found here. [2] [3] (Also contributed by Kyrian)