Goblyn Nursery Rhyme

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Baulk see tall goblyn, mighty goblyn who rule in Reth’s name, tall goblyn with wisdom an power.
Baulk watch him, he follow him, he speak honey words to him, he wrap his arms around brave goblyn an squeeze dee struggle from him. He take tall goblyn to dark hole an consume him, flesh an bones.
Reth dee king come to find Baulk. He come into dark hole where Baulk be lurking.
“Baulk!” he say. “Has you seen my tall goblyn? He who rule goblyns in my name, he with wisdom an power?”
“No!” say Baulk. “He not mine to keep! Do not trouble me with lost goblyns.”
Baulk see quick goblyn, mighty goblyn who speak with Sifu’s menace, quick goblyn both sly and clever.
Baulk watch her, he follow her, he speak honey words to her, he wrap his arms around brave goblyn an squeeze dee struggle from her. He take quick goblyn to black water an consume her, flesh an bones.
Sifu dee queen come to find Baulk. She come into black water where Baulk be lurking.
“Baulk!” she say. “Has you seen my quick goblyn? She who speak with my menace, she both sly and clever?”
“No!” say Baulk. “She not mine to keep! Do not trouble me with lost goblyns.”
Baulk see strong goblyn, mighty goblyn who kill with Skrybitt’s rage, strong goblyn with hate an fury.
Baulk watch him, he follow him, he speak honey words to him, he wrap his arms around brave goblyn an squeeze dee struggle from him. He take strong goblyn among deep trees an consume him, flesh an bones.
Skrybitt dee warrior come to find Baulk. He come among deep trees where Baulk be lurking.
“Baulk!” he say. “Has you seen my strong goblyn? He who kill goblyns in my name, he with hate an fury?”
“No!” say Baulk. “He not mine to keep! Do not trouble me with lost goblyns.”
Baulk see war goblyn, mighty goblyn who fight with Neb’s strength, war goblyn with cunning an skill.
Baulk watch her, he follow her, he speak honey words to her, he wrap his arms around brave goblyn an squeeze dee struggle from her. He take war goblyn to the high mountains an consume her, flesh an bones.
Neb dee general come to find Baulk. He come to high mountains where Baulk be lurking.
“Baulk!” he say. “Has you seen my war goblyn? She who fight with my strength, she with cunning an skill?”
“No!” say Baulk. “She not mine to keep! Do not trouble me with lost goblyns.”
Reth dee King come upon Baulk with sword in hand. “I find my tall goblyn in your dark hole, where your teeth scrape his ribs!”
Sifu dee Queen come upon Baulk with knife in hand. “I find my quick goblyn in your black water, where your knives cut her skin!”
Skrybitt dee Warrior come upon Baulk with flail in hand. “I find my strong goblyn in your deep trees, where your hands crack his bones!”
Neb dee General come upon Baulk with spear in hand. “I find my war goblyn in your high mountains, where you fire cook her flesh!”
Great Goblyns close around their brother with death in their eyes. “Kill me!” laugh Baulk. “Kill me again an again. An again I come an again I kill, an again I eat, an again I gorge, forever! Until Melashekhaad break dee world.”
Sword cut, flail strangle, knife slash, spear pierce, an Baulk’s soul fly from his body. To hell. To the river. Then to a new litter. To be reborn.

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