Elf Style Lore

From BelegarthWiki

TL/DR: If you write your lore in the mists, you don't need to worry about stepping on people's toes.


This is a tutorial on how to create elf style lore. First, keep these in mind:

  1. This is only 'elf style'. You don't need to be an elf, or even like elves to follow this path.
  2. Don't panic! All of your delicious ideas can and will find homes. No one is going to tell you 'no'.
  3. Write, write write. If you don't write it, we can't embrace it. If you no longer like something, no one's going to hold you to what was written.

The Universe

Here's a brief overview of the meta, so you know where to situate your idea:

  1. Bel native races inhabit a world elfkin refer to as 'Prime'.
  2. Prime is connected in various ways to other worlds, containing all types of folks.
  3. Most native races are relatively unaware of this fact.

The Wiki

Elf style lore is stored in two places:

  1. Category:mists. This is where you initially put lore. If you have your lore 'in the mists' it's assumed that you are playing a character who's gotten lost in one world and ended up in another- specifically prime. As such, your lore can be exactly what you want it to be, without stepping on anyone's toes. PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON THE PAGE- otherwise, don't expect it to last.
  2. Category:races. This is where you put things once you're collaborating with peoples, and have multiple people who buy-in. Unless otherwise stated, lore on this page assumes prime is the only world, so you either need to be (mostly) compatible with the lore that's already written, or you need to detail how your group interacts with prime.

How to Start

First off- editing the wiki may sound intimitdating, but it's really not that hard. Login, then go to http://geddon.org/MyNewRaceName (replace 'MyNewRaceName with whatever name you'd like). Hit the 'Create' button, and type.

Then, once you've got things 'down on paper', consult this guide to format it all pretty. While you are doing that:

  1. Make sure you have included the author name
  2. Add the following text: [[Category:Mists]] so it'll get linked to in the right places.

As a new person, even if you are looking to collaborate on something in Prime, it's highly recommended that you write out your current ideas in the mists. It will introduce you to people and let them know what sort of lore you are interested in. If there's a mostly compatible world/race they might spot it, so that they can reach out to you to merge.

It's also perfectly acceptable to just write 'interested in my_super_cool_idea, author_name' in the mists.