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Elsbeth, the Huntress

Name: Elsbeth

Fighting Since: June 21st, 2012

Fighting Style: Sword&Board/Archery

Realm: Blackwater/Splinter

Character: Half Elf Huntress

Lore: No one really knows where Elsbeth came from, for she doesn't talk of her past often.
She wears dresses and skirts, and she loves to wear the fur of the animals she hunts.
She wears dire wolf pelt on her wrist, and she has belt flags made of yeti pelt, tiger pelt, and mermaid scales.
She also wears the hat of a former lover whom was a pirate.
For someone who is rather into hunting, she has grown fond of Daggar, an undead gnoll. She calls him her "puppy."

Quotations about Elsbeth:
"I think she's a Pokemon or something." -Daggar
"I skinned a mermaid, BITCH!" -Elsbeth

The Real Elsbeth

Real Name: Carla

Details: Carla is a junior at San Diego State University, and she joins Bel when she finds time away from work, school, and her art.
She only fights when in Splinter, but is looking forward to being a noncombatant and photographer at future events.
Outside of Bel, she paints abstract pieces, sings formerly in a band, but now just in her car and at karaoke nights, studies, reads, plays D&D, attends theater productions, and tries to enjoy her life.

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