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Real Name Micah Stearns

Started Fighting June 2003

Current Realm Non-Affiliated

Fighting Style Mace Variety

Unit None

Events Attended Oktoberfest 04 & 05, Spring War 05 & 06, Olympics I, WolfPack Opener 04 & 06

Mini Events Attended Khazad-Dum Opener

Name Makito

Age Beyond reckoning

Place of Origin Yauni

Race Leo'Vem de Griever Sol


Makito comes from the island of Yauni, a tropical paradise, secluded from the rest of the world.

Ruling over this land since the beginning of time he brought forth many new forms of life, experimenting with the very substance of nature.

After creating what he thought to be the perfect creatures for his home he set out to see the world as it was, untouched by his influences. He found the life outside had too been influenced, by elves, man, dwarves, orcs, goblins, vampires, demons, angels and other forms of life.

Upon returning to Yauni Makito found his home destroyed and a blaze. The spirits of creations dwindling down to nothing. His temple lain to waste and pillaged of all it's artifacts. In a rage Makito swiftly followed the tresspassers over oceans and mountains to Mordor. There he found his prey a group of orcs wearing his jewels and clothing. Slaughtering them swiftly before they reached the others Makito disposed of their bodies in a cave that smelled of death. "Shelobs Lair" it was called.

Leaving the land of death he found peace among the peoples of middle earth. Disguising himself as something like them he mimics their world, but isn't a part of it.

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