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The DGMA, or the Dread Gate Mercenary Alliance 2000 Incorporated (DGMA 2000 Inc.), is a unit in the realm of Stygia. Originaly created by Valus Hune and Baragul. As the Dread Gate Mercenaries, they were a mercenary camp that worked closely with the orcs of the white skull. There were few notable fighters involved, the only one outside of the creators worth mentioning was Erik Icebourne (why a follower of Fraid worked with the orcs is anyones guess) After a slump in membership Hune, now the sole leader of the mercenaries joined up with other smaller units (originaly the Shadow Covenant and the Sea Swallows) to form the Alliance, a loose group of units working together for a common cause, the pursuit and acquisition of money. Valus's unit was known as the Venoric Velvin, and for awhile the Alliance was the one of the major powers of Stygia. however the assasian unit, The Shadow Covenant didn't last long, quickly falling apart, but were replaced by the Shadow Clan.

The DGMA fell on hard times when Hune and the rest of the Venoric Velvin joined the Uruk-Hai. It was feared that the unit would fall apart, but the leaders of the seperate units gathered together to create the DGMA High Council, a group to overlook the running of the unit as a whole. the council consists of the first and second in command of each sub unit, currently presiding are: the half kender Captian Flit Featherfinger, his first mate the Air Gensei Thaiadric Thumbs, of the Sea Swallows, and for Shawdow Clan the Foxtaruian Samurai Oroku Norinaga, and the Jedi Deputy Jacul Arach.

Hiring the DGMA is easy, and death can be had for any price. With wide-ranging tactics and a knack for the creative, the DGMA is a force to be reckoned with.

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