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Son of a kender father and an elven mother, Flit Featherfinger came from an odd mix. His mother left soon after his birth, so Flit was raised only by his kender father. Because of his upbringing Flit inherited more kenderish behaviors than he would have otherwise. Since travelling meant danger Flit's father taught him the use of weapons. The training focused primarily on short, light weapons that can easily be carried and strike quickly.

Wanderlust took hold of Flit and he chose to leave his father behind. He found that being a sea captain would be one of the best ways to travel the world. But Flit also had a more deep seated reason for wanting to travel the seas. He had always wanted to meet his mother and learn why she left. His father had always told him of how he had met his mother in a port city. Flit figured that the fastest way to spread his name was to become a pirate. Hoping that his outlaw name would find his mother he made plans to start his carrier as another Scourge of the Seven Seas. During the planning stages Flit found a map of the Sea of Stygia. Seeming to be the perfect place to start, Flit began his travels to Stygia.

Eventually Flit arrived at the border to the Sea of Stygia. Seeing a great structure between two mountains he assumed it was a dam. On closer inspection he noticed it was opening. Alerting the nearby orcs that they need to shut the dam or else let all of the water out and possibly get very wet, Flit was soon captured by those very same Uruk-Hai. While the Uruk-Hai were preparing Flit as a meal a ranger snuck in and rescued Flit. When they were a safe distance away Flit asked the ranger where the Sea of Stygia had gone. The ranger replied that he had never even heard of a Sea of Stygia. After many minutes of checking his maps Flit noticed the dates at which they were produced was very ancient indeed. The sea had apparently dried up. The ranger seeing Flit's confusing predicament offered his friendship and asked if he would join his cause to protect the innocent from the wraith of the Uruk-Hai. After receiving the ranger's name (Ulryn) and recollecting the rudeness of the Uruk-Hai he was trying to help, Flit decided that until he could figure out how to get back on track he would join Ulryn's cause. After seeing Flit's prowess in battle and his devotion to their cause Ulryn made Flit second-in-command of their now growing unit. Flit then met Thiadric Thumbs, who actually was accepted into the band at relatively the same time Flit was. This meeting proved to produce a lasting friendship between Flit and the air gensai.

But Ulryn's Band was not destined to be. Soon Flit grew tired of the band, and left. Soon after Thumbs left the band as well, to join Flit in his new endeavor, the production of a pirate crew within the land of Stygia. The idea originally crossed Flit's mind when he met the odd elven mix of a woman Scarlet. With her he formed the idea that later produced the Sea Swallows. Unfortunately Scarlet played a very short role in the unit's history, seeing as she left, likely to demise. But Thumbs was there and waiting to take her place as first mate. Very near the creation of the pirate crew Flit chose to form an alliance with two other units, the Dread Gate Mercenaries (Venorik Velven) and the Shadowed Covenant. With them he formed the Dread Gate Mercenary Alliance, and they became a major power within the realm. But this would not last either, two events would cause great ripples within the history of the alliance. The first was the falling of the Shadowed Covenant. Right before this happened the Sea Swallows had gained a new ally, Jun, of whom proved to be a useful scout and a worthy partner. Fortunately one of their members chose to join the Sea Swallows rather than live a solitary existance, thus the Sea Swallows gained the assistance and membership of the assassin Thorn. The second great happening was when the Venorik Velven chose to remove its ranks from the alliance and join the Uruk-Hai. Luckily this happened after the alliance gained a new unit, the Shadow Clan, which was headed by Oroku. Now that the alliance consisted of only the Shadow Clan and the Sea Swallows and they feared more loss of members, new practices were institued. First, the alliance itself became the base unit of which the two groups were just offshoots of. The name also changed, becoming the Dread Gate Alliance 2000 Incorporated (DGMA 2000 Inc.). This new unit was headed by a high council, consisting of none other than Flit himself, his first mate Thumbs, the leader of the Shadow Clan Oroku, and his second in command Jacul.

Now it would seem Flit has found a stable group to ally himself with, and many new friends and allies of whom he could trust.

Quick Info:

Name: Flit Featherfinger

Gender: Male

Race: Half Kender / Half Elf

Location: Stygia

Occupation: Pirate Captain of the Sea Swallows

Fighting Style: Short Flourentine

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