List of Infamous Monster Races

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Identified by being large, mean, and warlike. their dominant arm is cover in the mark of Marjack which comes from being touch by their god only their shamans may see these marks thereforewhen they go to battle they cover their weapon arm. God: Marjack bugbear creator a war god Marjak created the bugbear to be the greatest warriors ever


Filthy, savage hyena-folk. Gnolls are extremely feral, have horrible posture, and wear a large leather collar around their neck.


Identified by being small, green, incredibly cruel and their erogenous zones are on their knees and elbows. They cover them to avoid insulting other goblins, but care less if humans see.

Night Goblyns

Night goblyns are a tribe of goblyns that millenia ago where sealed in a cave and thought dead only to immerged changed a night goblyns is brought up on a steady diet of other night goblyns and the poisonious and hallucingence fungi that live in their caves. this make them some what smaller than your usual goblyn and waaaaay more insane their gods are the gods mork and gork. And they have a strange affinity with the moon. You may identify them by the night black robes with a checkered pattern of white and black on the edges


A long time ago Magliviat made the goblyns. He made many gobbos - much times larger than the largest litter. As he made them, they all ran around his feet - playing games, drinking, and making first weapons to kill delicious pinky. There were so many gobbos that even Magliviat couldn't keep eye on them all, so one day he accidently step on female goblyn he just make - name Laki. Laki got squoshed and was made much smaller than the normal gobbos. Because she was smaller Laki was not able to have many kits in her litter so there are no many Snotling tribe today and there never will be. This be o.k. though because when Laki Snotling was squoshed her mate-teeth were broked so Snotling females can mate as much as they want and no bite off goblin dick.

Unfortunately all Snotlings are at disadvantage for survival because they so much smaller than all other races. Magliviat see this and know this after he squosh the Laki gobbo and so he give the tribe of Snotling extra-special belssings to make up for stepping on them and sqoushing them small.

Firstly he make it so Snotlings eat less than other gobbos and races and this how they survive when Broken River tribe starve all the gobbos, even though they be much smaller. Secondly he make Snotlings easy affected by drink and quick to recover from drink. So quick - Snotling gobbos can get drunk twice in one night. This way Snotlings have twice as much fun at celebrations with half of the effort. Lastly and bestly Magliviat make Snotlings have bester relations with largey gobbos and trolls so they survive better. They is not the best at fighting because they is so much smaller than all other monsters and pinkies but because they have be blessed with good relations with extra-large gobbos and trolls, they survive pretty well.

Snotlings do not live together nomore but when they did a long time ago - after they were made - they lived in a warm place near the beachies. Snotlings no live near the beachies no more but they still likes to eat the fishies and sea animals. They also gets cold very easy and fast because they is not naturally be in cold weather. It if be winter season and they be in cold place they try to hiberate all season but big gobbo and troll friends poke them until they get up because big gobbos and trolls know that Snotlings would be starve to death if they be falling asleep for months since they canno store up food because they don't eat very much.

This be how Snotling tribe came about and how they be now. They is impulsive wanderers who end up far far way from the home. They likes to fight, even if they aren't the best and they is never seen far from the big gobbo and troll friends they have. They can get picked on a lot by other races and pushed around a little extra than normal goblyn but they be able to take care of themselves, specially with troll and big gobbo friends to help. Snotlings don't mind being tossed for games and make joke of but they likes to be compensated - something the monsters do not do, Snotlings find. If you come accross Snotling gobbo they prolly be with big gobbos and trolls, mating, or jihading - sometimes more than one these a time.


See: Hobgoblynz


See: Kobold


these is lizards who is kinda like mans


Ogres be large nomadic brutes that travel in tribes. Their affinity for the nomadic lifestyle means that their weapons are often simple, replacable, or also function as tools (axes, clubs, pikes, etc.). Donning furs for travel across many lands and climates, ogres seem to mimic other large mammals that travel in herds. On the battlefield, ogres expose their arms to show strength and some even bear their bellies to flaunt their weakness to enemies. Packs of dogs intermingle with the ogre tribes, helping with the hunt and wandlust senses. Goblynz often scavage following the ogre warbands, feeding from scraps. Uganggi, God of Fire is the most Sacred and revered divinity amongst ogres. The power of fire captivates ogres and invigorates their lust to spill the blood of pinkies. Tribes include warriors, hunters, herdsmen, and shamans. Occassionaly ogres wander in seclusion because famine, disease, or battle has wiped out their tribe. Shamans may also be more reclusive and hermetic... or perhaps keeping keen eyes from quiet distances.


See: Orc

Creation Story of the Orcs. By Rowan

In the time before time, there was only the black. It stretched from nowhere to nothing and encompassed everything. The great god Gruumsh was pleased with the blackness for he is always tired and loves to nap, it is only when there is a battle to be fought that Gruumsh awakens and lifts his weapons to slay his axe to slay enemies.

From the darkness there came a scratching sound. Unused to things disturbing his peace and quiet Gruumsh lifted his axe and lashed out at the noise, hitting a thing where once none had been. It was then that a great crack split the vast nothing and poured light into the new world. From the crack of terrible, awful, rank-smelling foulness poured all manner of things into the ever expanding and terrible light. Animals came and men and elves and as soon as they came they began to build and create. The men hammered all day long building houses and the elves sang, neither would shut up. The men were never finished building, for as soon as they had finished one house they decided they needed an inn, and no sooner would the inn be finished than it was time to start work on a church. The elves were never done singing. From the time they woke up it was time to sing to trees and rocks and birds and squirrels and all manner of stupid and inane things.

As he is wise and impulsive, Gruumsh saw that the world could never be pure and black again, so he split itinto two parts, the dark and the light. These two would struggle from then on, creating the day and the night.

This grotesque lack of respect angered Gruumsh and he knew something would have to be done about them if the world was ever to be black and pure once more.  But, like many gods he is lazy and so created a people that they might scour of the plague and creation and singing from the earth.

Taking one of the few remaining handful of blackness he spat upon it three times and then cast to the ground. The mud took form and the first orks (though they were not yet called this) crawled out into the night half of the world. They saw their creator and were greatly angered with him. One of them, Kro, first leader of the great people shouted at the god, asking why should they help him? The men and elves were his problem, not there's.

The god would have to prove himself.

Through the benevolence of Gruumsh the great people were led near to the elves. When they heard the horrible singing they were nearly as angry as Gruumsh. It was unspeakably high and light and foul. What manner of beast would make such a noise. Let us go and bite it's throat till it is dead. they said, but Gruumsh took them instead to the land of men where they could see more of those who he intended to be their enemies.

But then something happened that Gruumsh, in his impulsiveness had not foreseen. The great people of Gruumsh fell in love with the sound of striking hammers. They saw the buildings that men wrought and perceived a goodness to them. They understood then that this world was theirs to master, and if these beings could show them that, they must also be good.

Oh, what folly, the race was but a few days old, how could they know any better? Only Kro stayed back, somehow wary of the ugly, pale skinned creatures. The rest of the great people walked straight up to the human city and spoke to the men.  But the men could not understand their words and in their ignorance cast stones at those who wanted to be their friends.  Though they were strong the great people were few then and were overwhelmed.  The men cut out their eyes and sent them out into the world to die.

Gruumsh was disgusted at the ignorance of his creations and decided to go and take a nap. He pulled a mountain overhimself to keep out some of the men and elves' racket and went to sleep.

The great people would have died before ever being great and the story would end there had it not been for Kro. He called to the people, and they followed his voice. He walked in front of them, calling until he could no longer speak. When his voice was gone he took two stick and beat them together for miles and miles the people followed him and the beating of the sticks until they came back to a place of the elves.

The people, having lost their sight, hated the singing of the elves all the more.  Kro tried to hold them back, remembering the debacle of the humans, but they surged forward and began to blindly attack the elves, feasting on their flesh and stealing their eyes.  Kro saw the slaughter and could not help himself, he ran forward after those that fled, striking them down with his sticks and taking their eyes for his people.  When it was over, the great people had new elf eyes.

The great people saw things differently with their new eyes which were green and blue and brown, unlike the red of their old eyes, the red of Kro's eyes. The new eyes showed them how to bend the trees into shapes. The elves had used this to stretch the trees to the sky, but the orcs saw that they could use it to make tools. They called out to the trees, not in the light and foul song of the elves, but in the strong and masterful howl of their people. The trees bent and shook loose beams for clubs.

The people took their clubs, and with Kro at their head, returned to the human city under cover of the dark half of the world. They sprang upon the unsuspecting humans who thought them to be still blind and helpless. The men died under the clubs of the great people.

After the killing was finished, Kro saw that his people were joyous, for they had discovered something better than wood for weapons.  They took plows and tools from that the men had used to cultivate the land and made swords and spears and all manner of armnaments.  Until the coming of the great people, the world had never known war.  It did now.

The humans, though weak, were not as stupid as they first appeared. They were clever enough to copy the great people's innovations for their own defense and sought out the elves to aid them.

Kro saw that his people were to few to win against the men and so sought out allies of his own.  Goblyns came in droves of thousands to feast upon the flesh of the pink ones.  Trolls crawled from their caves and accepted the helms and hats which the orcs gave them that they might not turn to stone when the light half of the world came. Many others came to fight the pestilence of the light.

But there was no battle. The humans and elves, seeing the might of the assembled horde, were frightened. They fled, leaving noone for those assembled to fight. The horde turned on itself and it was then that many trolls were taken as slaves to the goblyns.

The great people nearly perished in the fight. Only 40 survived, but one of these was the great Kro. He cursed his bretheren as fools for fighting with the other monsters. He said that their eyes had polluted their minds and that they were now ORK, opposite of himself. He declared that he would find a cave in the mountain where Gruumsh slept and kill the god for his arrogance and abandonment which had led to the despoiling of the great people.

Kro was as good as his word and traveled the dark places under the earth until he came to the resting place of the napping god. He climbed onto the god's head and thrust his sword into Gruumsh's left-eye.

Gruumsh awoke and was angry and in pain, but he could not see what had stung him.

Kro yelled from his place at the top of the god's head that he would kill his creator for his lack of attention.

And once again the unexpected happened.  Gruumsh began to laugh.  He sprang from the mountain with Kro still riding atop his head. This sent rocks hurtling through the air and produced an earsplitting crack.  Reaching atop his head, Gruumsh lifted Kro (though Kro struck at him and nicked the god's fingers with his sword), setting him on the ground.

"You, little warrior, have earned my attention. I see that you have led my people and killed enemies. Though I will sleep again I will give you the means to call my attention." Saying this, Gruumsh took a snake and killed it, then stretched it's skin over a hollow stump which he had ripped from the ground.

"Beat upon the skin when you want my eye upon you and your people," said Gruumsh.  He then turned and cut a hole in the air to a dark and quiet place.  After stepping through the hole he turned to look at Kro.  "You are the last of your kind, but the remainder of your people are not worthless. Teach them of the drum and I may gaze on them from time to time."  With that he closed the hole and was gone.

Kro returned to his people, bringing word of Gruumsh's drum and his new favor with the god. The great people welcomed him to the city of man that they had reworked to fit them, their needs, and their ways. A new generation of Orks had been started, to which Kro added many, but never since have the red eyes of Kro been seen among the great people. They keep his teachings alive, and beat their drums and howl in the night for Gruumsh to gaze on them lest they put out his other eye.


The Skaven are an evil, sentient race of rat-like creatures bent on taking over the world. They live in a series of tunnels beneath the rest of the world, plotting for the day when they will rise up and take over the rest of the world that dwells on the surface. Humans remain mostly ignorant of the Skaven, which the ratmen take great effort to ensure continues. Those who do know of their existence tend to classify them as merely a sub-breed of Beastman rather than as a unique race. The humans most knowledgeable about the Skaven are the "Sewerjacks", city watchmen whose job it is to patrol the sewers of large cities to fight criminals. As a result, they encounter Skaven often.


There are three sub groups of trolls: the Hat Troll, the Mountain Troll, and the Chaos Troll.

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