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Cloral Orcanis

Race: Half Mer, Half Elf

Weapons: Shield - Grimmerie; Sword - Lancaeron

Affiliations: Disciples of Ameth, friend of the Templar Draconis Kestevaras.

Home City: Mermiome

Human name: Kyle

Current Location: Illinois

History of Cloral Orcanis

Part I: Beginnings Years ago in the Undying Lands dwelled a High Even mage of incredible power and knowledge. His name was Psei Orcanis, a tribute to his people, and the foremost scholar in the study of elemental water magic. He was a well respected professor at the Academy in Valinor, and many young elves learned from him the subtleties of magic. It was at the academy Orcanis was instructed in the ways of the magi and he was proud to serve as an elder and teacher to future generations. Alas, politics at the Academy were intense as always, a result of well known elvish pride. Elves are immortal and as such, can bicker all the longer and more vehemently. Thus in a shocking move, Orcanis left the Academy in Valinor to pursue research far away from the political discontent of his people. He relocated to the shoreline of Valinor and used his accumulated wealth to build a tower there that would serve as his laboratory. Both home and place of work, Orcanis engineered the tower of Hydron. Psei Orcanis, ever interested in the power and capabilities of water, began researching it as the base component of life. Orcanis hypothesized that by mastering this element he could influence the life that so deeply depended upon it. Understanding the subtleties of water and life he felt he might be able to alter the inherent elvish flaw of pride and thought this could bring an end to the corruption that had infected his homeland. Research as his sole occupation, Orcanis delighted in his discoveries and was soon able to alter the currents within the nearby ocean. As his excitement grew, his anxiety escalated as well, for the knowledge he was discovering could be put to terrible uses. By changing the currents, Orcanis could toy with the weather and climate of entire ecosystems and bring great destruction. Other discoveries he had made were equally potent. Fearing the discovery of his research, he sealed what he had learned inside a single book, a journal that he enchanted. The magical tome could only be opened by those of his bloodline. Since his mother and father had died long ago in Middle-Earth, it was only Orcanis who could open the text. Confident that his secrets were safe he continued his research with even greater vigor. One beautiful morning, while working aboard his sailboat in the vast waters around the continent of Valinor, he noticed something unusual swimming with tremendous speed through the water. Putting down his stylus, Orcanis ventured to the starboards side of the vessel to get a better look. Beneath the waves, with his keen Elvish eyes, he beheld a mermaid of incredible beauty. As he watched her reel about in the ocean he became slightly fearful, for the song of such a siren had been known amongst his people for ages to be incredibly powerful and manipulative. But it was not his mind that this beautiful maiden captured, but his heart. The pale blue-skinned maiden energized his heart as never before and he hailed her in excitement. The mermaid, taken with the hansom elf, wanted to spare Orcanis from her powerful song and did not acknowledge him. Instead she headed toward her homeland in the east. It had been told for ages in the legends of the elvish people that a great Mer-kingdom existed in an unknown region of the ocean to the east of Valinor. Knowing this, Orcanis was determined to find her and set his course for the east, in search of the fabled kingdom, knowing that it was there she must dwell.<p>

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