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HACS, the Historic Armed Combat Society, was introduced to the Belegarth community at Oktoberfest 2006, though HACS Combat officially debuted at GenCon SoCal in 2005. According to V-Hil, HACS is a joint venture between Edhellen Armoury and TriKing Games using a simple set of rules and encouraging all the different combat and LARP organizations to compete against one another using a common rule set. The goal is to draw participants from every LARP and combat organization to test their mettle against the combatants of other groups.

Major Differences:

Team Uniforms: Shields must look similar i.e. unit symbol on them, same color, etc. Clothing/garb must look similar as well. Tabards are a good example. Excessively flowing garb makes it difficult for judging hits; therefore, it isn’t allowed. You may only wear one layer of clothing underneath your uniform.

Equipment: Only HACS Certified Equipment can be used. That is basically most Edhellen blades. Most Edhellen shields are also considered Certified. Standardization is the goal and each Edhellen sword is manufactured identically. Flails are illegal. Swords and shields will be supplied for the 1 vs. 1 Tournaments. Weapons will be supplied for the 10 vs. 10 Tournaments.

Equipment/Class Rules:

Class 1 Weapons: Deliver 1 point of damage (just like our Class 1 weapons). There are no flails.

Class 1 shields: Shields without a wooden core can be broken by 1 solid strike from a swung Class 2 weapon.

Class 2 Weapons: Deliver 2 points of damage when uses with two hands. When used with one hand, they deliver 1 point of damage. (thrusts can be delivered with one hand and inflict damage against armor - one thrust takes armor, second thrust kills).

Class 2 Shields: Shields with a wooden core can be broken by 2 strikes.

Class 3 Missiles: Missiles now go through helmets with one hit and users can’t call their shots.

Damage: When hit in the leg, your damaged leg must be drug i.e. cannot leave the ground. A second hit to the same leg will kill you. This means no more Dead Leg ambiguity.

Two-appendage defeat is still in effect.

Stabs disable appendages and count towards limb death

The Class 3 Tournaments limit grappling to weapons and shields.

The Class 4 tournaments are head legal and, thus, require helmets. Also, grappling opponents as per Belegarth is normal in Class 4

See Also

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman