Durnaur ThoronMegil

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Fighter Information

Durnaur at Geddon 2016

Name: Durnaur ThoronMegil
Titles: His Esteemed Grace Sir Durnaur "Thumper" ThoronMegil, esq. Lord of Laurelad, by the Grace of the Valar, Grand Duke and former High King of the Realm of Middle~Earth, Defender of the Crown, Master Sinister of the Children of Nidhogr, Founder of House Dolen'Anar, Scion of House Hyborea.
Actual Name: Devon
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Realm:Middle earth.
Unit: Children of Níðhöggr
Primary Fighting Style: Insults, booze, SnB, single blue.
Favorite Shot: scotch. but not in shots. barrels.
Favorite Brew: stouts and ciders
House: Dolen'Anar - first of the House
Fighting Since: 2008-ish mainly in Dag.

Other Information

Knight of Middle Earth, former guy in charge. Wears personal heraldry or grey warden griffons. Can usually be found in a rocking chair somewhere shady. Always down for a drink and a chat. Usually about something completely absurd.

Events Attended

Wolfpack Opener - 2013-2019
Spring Wars - 2017
Armageddon - 2016-2019
OKFEST - 2015-2019


Under Revision

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