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Picture of Iorek on the front page of the Medina Gazzette October 5th, 2006

Real Name: Jeremy Throener
Realm: Rausumea
Unit: Uruk-haiIron Crown
Race: human / Wo-Kyrrin

My life is one of decision a consequence, like that of any life. My decisions however have turned me down a dark and dangerous path. It all began back before I was born. My father a great warrior of the Wo-kyrr tribe had lead a small band of men to fight and slay a great demon bear that had plagued our village. His victory had earned him the honor of being the tribe champion and his bloodline should carry the name of Ursabane. I, Iorek Ursabane, was his only son. I was welcomed to the village as the promise of a bright future for the protection of the Wo-kyrr. My life had grown uneventful until I had married Furlon the chieftain’s daughter at the age of 12. Our life together had been the best years of my life, filled with love and happiness. That love grew the day I had received the news that I was to be a father. For months I had prepared and waited anxious to meet the life I had brought into the world. It was with this child my life changed. Vermis, was his name, his birth had brought a small cloud of grief over my family fore he was born disfigured. My wife and I had not let the disfigurement get in our way of raising young Vermis but the scorn and mistreatment sent upon him by other members of our tribe we could not stop. His entire life everyone had behaved towards Vermis like he was a monster, a freak that had been born amongst their people. I had tried my best to guide Vermis and teach him that the ignorance of others should not effect him, but try as I would my son grew cold to the world around him. It was the loathing from the rest of the tribe that had driven Vermis insane. Afterwards Furlon had produced two more children twin daughters who were born normal. I had shown them the same love that I had given Vermis but he could not understand why the Wo-kyrr had treated them differently. One night when the girls had reached the age of 5 years and Vermis was well into his 10th season Vermis ran away from home. It had taken me days to find him and when I did what sights I had seen there disturbed me. Vermis was trying to resurrect the great demon bear, Ursadamon that my father had slain. He cried out to me that it was justice to be brought down on Wo-kyrr that their arrogance had drove him to this madness. He explained that he was using himself as a vessel to bring Ursadamon to this plain of existence once again and his sacrifice would be the end of the Wo-kyrr. I tried to dissuade him but Vermis had already been lost to Ursadamon. His body started to grow fur across his skin and his eyes had been replaced with those of a wild animal. With a new fury he leapt at me no longer the son I once loved. I drew the short knife from my belt and defended myself. After a hard fought struggle I had stabbed Vermis and prevented Ursadamon’s return. Covered in blood and wounds I buried my son and burned all that he had used to attempt his demonic ritual. My loving Furlon had been just as unknowing as I of our son’s intentions and I decided to keep it that way. The sorrow of burying my own son was not a grief I wished to pass on to my family. I did not want the tribe learning of Vermis’ attempts and raising Ursadamon as well. In order to save my family from shame I took the burden onto myself and left Wo-kyrr, the first of many decisions that would stain my hands with blood.

It had only been months since I left the Wo-kyrr and I had been living out my life as a hermit. I was out hunting one day when I was ambushed by a small scouting party of a tribe I now know as Bloodfury. The scouting party consisted mainly of orks who wore no armor but carried swords and shields. The only weapon I had with me was a hunting blade no longer than a foot and a half. I fought wildly but in the end I only wounded a few orks and I had been taken captive. They marched me for days until I we finally ended up in Oberamaguard the Bloodfury’s capitol fief. They had ruled over lands that were very near to the Wo-kyrr’s location but this was the first either tribe had seen one or the other. I knew that because of my ancestry that a small portion of ork blood coursed through my veins but attributes were nothing like theirs. The orks had green tinted skin that seemed more leathery that my half human skin. They all had yellow colored eyes and white fangs that protruded like tusks from their lower jaws. Most of the orks grew their hair out in tall Mohawks or let it hang in dreadlock around their pointy ears. Netting hung from their bodies in various forms but mainly as tabards. The orks led me into a wooden cage where other slaves had already been placed. The wooden structure of the cage gave us plenty of room to move about since there were only a handful of us but something told me that we were not going to be the only residents inside the cage. As time passed more slaves were added to the cage and the food rations given to us on a daily basis had grown slim. Three of the slave banded together and started pushing the rest of us around. One day during feeding one of the three slaves tried to steal my food rations. I don’t know why I had not give in that day like the others but something in me snapped. I could not say if it was my desire to live or that being exposed to so many orks brought out the fierce blood that had stewed beneath the surface of my Wo-kyrrin blood. I had thrown myself upon him without warning and with a savagery known to animals and monsters I pummeled his face with my fists until the life had drained from his body and the slaves face was no longer recognizable as such. The other slaves cowered away from me as orks rushed into the wooden cage to subdue me. I did not fight the orks but one took it upon himself to strike the back of my head with a club for good measure. When I came to a wooden yoke was placed on my shoulders and my hands were bound up behind its length. I was taken to the Bloodfury Chieftain who had been monitoring the training of his troops. It was obvious why this ork had power over the others. He stood almost a foot taller than a normal man and was twice as wide. His skin was darker with more brown in its color reminding me of swamp mud. Surprisingly he addressed me in common tongue instead of orkish language. He told me that he was not an ork but and Uruk-hai a more powerful and intelligent form of ork. He was impressed with the ferocity I had shown in their “slave pit” and offered me an ultimatum to slavery. He said I was more than welcome to train as an Uruk warrior and fight alongside his men but should I show any sign of treachery or try to escape that I would be hunted down by worgs. When I asked what a worg was the Uruk-hai pointed to what looked like a stone stable filled with monstrous horse-sized wolves. The thought of my head being crushed in one of their jaws made me flinch and the Uruk-hai laughed. He called over one of his fellow Uruk-hai named Dune and told him that I was under his charge. I was to be Dune’s slave while I trained but I was not subject to the normal duties of a slave. The Uruk told me his name was Talic and that I would have to prove myself to him if I were to advance in the tribe.

The following weeks after that day I slept on the floor inside of Dune’s quarters within the stone fortress of Oberamaguard. During my first Day of training I was introduced to a man named Madog who was in charge of training me. He explained to me that he was a knight and Jarl of Rausumea and that he had made a contract with Warlord V’hil to be a part of the Uruk-hai army in exchange the Uruk’s would be the first defense of Rausumea. He had trained me the basic of fighting with a sword and shield and allowed me to grow in my skills from there. It was not long before I was sparring with orks using wooden swords and shields. Although the weapons did not inflict mortal wounds they did however leave a stinging pain to remind me to stay on my guard.   

During my first summer with the Uruk-hai I learned the different ranks given to the warriors. The lowest of these ranks was sapper, which to orks was a half step about slaves and their green skinned cousins, goblins. The next rank from that is grunts the petitioning members to the Uruk-hai, those who show the desire to be equals amongst the Uruks but have yet to show their dedication. Madog had explained to me that I had achieved the rank of grunt but had a long way to go before I could move up to a ravager. The ravager gets the honor of doning green armor on the battlefield and has command over grunts and sappers. They are the base rank of the Uruk-hai and anyone with that rank weither they are true Uruks or not are treated as such. I had actually been treated to partaking in the initiation ritual given to someone who attained the rank of ravager. Voomdama was the ork’s name and he was happy to be brought before the tribe for his promotion. I was horrified to see that the ritual itself was quite brutal. Voomdama was set to fight everyone in the tribe in order from lowest ranks to the highest. The fighting was fierce and fast and before the end Voomdama was battered and bleeding. In the end Talic placed Voomdama’s green ravager armor upon him and handed him a jug of ale. The whole process at first seemed very savage to me but I soon understood that it was his test of loyalty as well as strength to prove he was worthy of being a ravager.

When I had gotten used to fighting Dune decided he would reap the benefits of having me as a slave. Many of the Uruks would gather in the summer to pit their slaves against each other’s slaves to see who’ slave was stronger. The fights consisted of using the wooden weapons that I had grown accustomed to. As an important part of the rituals of the fights was that the contesting orks would make bets against each other’s slaves. Dune had tried me against two other orks and I had triumphed, that’s when Vorn, one of Talic’s most loyal soldiers, conned Dune into allowing me to fight his slave, Nago. Vorn had told Dune the winner of the match would receive the slave that lost. Dune agreed to these terms but when he saw Nago his stomach lurched. Even in my eyes Nago was a pathetic sight in which made him nothing more than meat for the slaughter to the orks. When the horn had sounded for the match to begin I almost felt sorry for the half ork before me, because he was weak the orks treated him as the Wo-kyrr had treated my son. It was because of this comparison that caused me to remember that night and I spared no mercy on him. I lunged forward smashing Nago to the ground with my shield. I struck him numerous times with my sword until the horn had sounded telling me the match was over. Vorn laughed as Dune stepped forward to drag his prize from the fighting stage, his pride seemed more injured than Nago. It was after these fights I realized that this was my new life and that I belonged with the Uruks. My first step I decided was to fight Dune for my freedom and next I would become a ravager. Dune was not surprised when I came to challenge him for my freedom. He even approved it through Talic. I was told that I had to be victorious in a number of matches against Dune. Confident that my skills were enough for me to get my freedom I accepted these terms and soon fought Dune. He proved a more worthy adversary than I expected and was triumphant against me. Despite my defeat Dune still granted me my freedom. I was not sure wither it was because of my fighting spirit or that somehow he knew eventually one day I would beat him, what ever the reason my freedom had seemed bittersweet because of it. Deep down I wanted to earn it.

It was not until that following fall did I finally prove my worth as an Uruk. I was even granted the privelege of having my promotion ritual with not only Bloodfury but the rest of the Uruk-hai. Talic was unable to attend my promotion rituals but Madog was more than happy to fill in for him and was even proud to bring me before the Uruk-hai. He spoke of the dedication I had shown to the tribe and all the hard work I had put into furthering my own fighting and armor making skills for I had made my own ravager armor and Uruk-hai helm. The battles I had fought were even more fierce than the ones I had witnessed back home. I was even submitted to a grappling contest with a strong Uruk named Physic, he would have sure beat me had I not read his move to hip throw me and I countered by planting my foot in the ground to shove my shoulder into his chest. We both fell to the ground but since I landed on top I won. The following fights were not so victorious for me because I drained most of my energies during the grappling. In the end though I was still a ravager and I had gained a new respect for those who had also attained the ravager rank.

Origins of the Ursabane Name

I have not been witness to these events fore they had transpired before my birth. My father before marrying an outsider and creating an abomination, before becoming a village hero, he was an ordinary citizen of the Wo-Kyrrin. My father Ivoryn Krempach as he was called back then was your average nomad of Wo-Kyrr. He would hunt and farm like everyone else and when it called for it he would fight to protect Wo-Kyrr. One day a large bear, much larger than any bear the Wo-Kyrrin had ever seen, attacked the village of Wo-Kyrr. This was the first of many attacks by the bear that left many people injured and huts shattered. Ursadamon or “demon bear” as the Wo-Kyrrin came to call him attacked at random always doing massive damage during his rampages. Ivoryn growing sick of the bears constant assault on the tribe rallied together some of Wo-Kyrr’s best warriors and devised a plan to slay the gargantuan beast. He armed himself with a dagger and a war hammer and led the men out of the village in the direction that Ursadamon normally came from for his attacks. It wasn’t long before the bear happened upon the small group of warriors and caught the men off guard. The bear’s massive paws immediately crushed two of the warriors and the other warriors panicked. Flailing their swords and spears at the bear the warriors quickly forgotten the plan that Ivoryn had set out for them. No matter how loud he yelled to his fellow warriors none of them listened. It was not long before Ursadamon overcame them and Ivoryn was all that was left. Ivoryn realizing that his odds had quickly decreased grabbed a nearby spear and threw it at Ursadamon. In a rage the bear chase Iorek on his horse that led the bear to a nearby gorge. This small gorge was where Ivoryn originally planned to lure the bear to and with the help of the other warriors slay the demonic bear. After abandoning his horse Ivoryn climbed down the rocky ledge into the gorge knowing that Ursadamon was not far behind. Once Ivoryn reached the bottom Ursadamon cleared the top slope of the gorge and barreled down the ledge his bloodthirsty heart set on killing Ivoryn. Prepared to stand and fight Ivoryn began swing his hammer in large arches trying to keep the distance between his and the bear. As is to crush Ivoryn’s hopes Ursadamon caught the haft of the hammer in his jaws and shattered it like a small tree. With his hammer gone Ivoryn sprinted to the far ledge behind him and drew his dagger. When the bear charged him Ivoryn threw the dagger into the goliath bear’s left leg. Tumbling from this sudden strike Ursadamon collided into the side of the ledge. Ivoryn seeing his chance to escape ran back to the ledge he climbed down from, but he was not quick enough. Ursadamon recovered from his fall then furiously charged forward towards Ivoryn. Seeing that the bear would reach him before he got to the ledge Ivoryn changed directions and dove for his broken hammer. Gripping what was left of the haft with both hands Ivoryn hurled the hammer at the on coming Ursadamon. With the combined speed of the bear’s charge and the hammerhead, spinning through the air, the hammer shattered Ursadamon’s skull killing the bear mid charge. The now limp body’s momentum carried it forward pinning Ivoryn against a nearby rock face. When the rest of the Wo-Kyrrin had finally found Ivoryn and freed him from Ursadamon’s dead body they praised him as a hero. He was no longer known as Ivoryn Kempach he became known as the champion, Ivoryn Ursabane.

See Also

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